His Secondhand Wife - His Secondhand Wife Part 21

His Secondhand Wife Part 21

Kate recognized the suffering he'd endured, understood his self-consciousness and knew why he hid himself. She'd fully anticipated being repulsed at actually seeing the marks on his body, but she felt only sorrow for the boy he'd been and regret for the way he'd turned away from people.

Her perusal moved to his face. He'd let her see him more and more of late, but she'd never been this close when his hair wasn't falling forward. He was fortunate he hadn't lost his eye, she thought. She observed the way his beard grew and the glint of red in it from the sun. Looking closely, she could see there was an area near his mouth where the hair wasn't filled in as thick, and he had a small scar at the corner of his bottom lip.

She had the strongest urge to kiss it.

Warmth pooled inside her at the thought of kissing him. She'd liked it before, and he'd been so very gentle and tender.

Following her impulse, she leaned forward and pressed a kiss against his mouth.

Noah's eyelids opened.

Feeling foolish, she met his gaze. His attention shot to the window, then back to her face. She realized too late that she'd violated his protective guard by looking at him while he was unaware. Because she knew how strongly he felt about her seeing him, it had been unfair.

"I guess we both slept," she said, sitting up and facing the window. Her clothing was damp and rumpled.

Behind her, she felt the bed move as he got up. A drawer opened and sounds indicated he was dressing.

"Thank you for coming home."

He didn't answer, so she looked over her shoulder.

He was buttoning his shirt and he met her eyes.

"Thank you, Noah."

He nodded in response, knelt to the pair of denims on the floor and pulled his pocket watch from a pocket. After flipping open the cover, he said, "Near time for dinner."

"I'll change in my room and be down in a little bit."

They ate together in companionable silence that evening. Sometimes Kate thought things between them were changing, but then at the next moment it was proved that nothing had. She was just foolish enough to let herself imagine things, and she'd like to think that Noah was growing to care for her?for Kate. If his concern over her well-being was only for the child she carried, she didn't want to face it.

She must have slept too much that afternoon, because she felt restless that evening. Her back hurt, and she had a hard time sitting still or focusing her attention on her sewing. She went through a stack of recipes Vera Renlow had given her, baked a spice cake and iced it. Knowing Fergie would be in the work kitchen preparing for the next day, she cut an enormous slice and carried it out to him.

By the time she returned and did up the dishes, she had to lie down. About a half hour later, Noah knocked on her door. "You sleeping?" "No. Come in." "Had cake and coffee," he said from just inside the door. "Best cake I ever had." "Really?" "Wouldn't say it if it wasn't so." She attempted a smile. "No, you wouldn't."

"Are you feeling poorly?"

"My back hurts something fierce." Tears welled in her eyes before she could stop them. "I'm just not myself."

"Anything I can do?" He walked farther into the room, concern etching his features.

"Not unless you have a magic lamp."

"I can rub your back."

"That would be nice. I don't think I can sit up."

He came to her bed and seated himself behind her. "Don't have to sit."

He used the heels of his hands to massage and was careful not to press too hard or to stay in any one

place overlong. He worked from her neck down her spine before giving his attention to both shoulders.

Kate closed her eyes and lost herself in the comforting, relaxing sensations. "You're hands are magic.I've never felt anything equal," she told him on a sigh. After nearly half an hour he said, "I could make you tea." "It doesn't feel right having you do for me," she answered. "I'm supposed to be making myself useful." "You're supposed to be taking care of yourself and the baby," he argued.

"Very well. I'd love a cup of tea."

He brought it to her several minutes later. "Sleep well."

"Good night, Noah."

After she'd sipped half the tea, she got up and changed into her nightdress and climbed wearily into bed.

She had slept for only a couple of hours when her aching back woke her again. She used the bedpan rather than make the trip out of doors and walked the floor, now at the brink of how much pain she could endure. She hadn't imagined anything like this when she'd thought about the baby coming. She thought of waking Noah, but this could take a long time and it was foolish to bother him simply because she didn't want to be alone. He worked hard and had to get up early. She would wait until it was time to send for the doctor.

She was still pacing when she felt a warm gush of fluid run down her legs. The pain in her back intensified and wrapped to the front, gripping her abdomen. Kate saw stars for a moment. Terrified and in shock, she gasped, held her breath until the pain subsided and then awkwardly changed her nightgown. Pain gripped her again and she doubled over, then, after it passed, made her way to the doorway. "Noah! Noah!"

She heard something fall, then his door opened and he hurried toward her, his hair mussed, his chest bare. "What's wrong?" She went back to her bed and lay down as he hurried in. "What is it?" "The baby's coming." Noah lit a lamp. Pain gripped her then. He took her hand and she squeezed it for a moment. "I'll send Newt for the doctor," he said gruffly.

She nodded.

He ran from the room and returned minutes later, wearing his shirt. He used towels to wipe up the fluid on the floor, then pulled the chair up close and seated himself. "I sent Jump for Marjorie, too."


"It's going to be all right."

"Yes. I didn't know it was going to hurt this bad."

His eyes darkened with sympathy. "I'm sorry."

"Maybe I'm foolish, but I never knew. I don't know anything about this or what to do or how to take care of a baby. I'm not ready for this, Noah." "You don't have a choice. The baby will come whether you're ready or not. It's going to be all right." "Is it?"

"You'll learn how to take care of him. We'll both learn. Don't upset yourself thinking about that now." Marjorie arrived first and Noah had never been so glad to see anyone. She gathered sheets and towels and boiled water, then instructed Noah to help her slide additional padding underneath Katherine.

He sat with his wife and encouraged her until the doctor came and told him to wait downstairs.

Tipper had come with Marjorie and he'd made coffee while he'd waited. "You may as well sleep, boss.

It's liable to be a iong night."

"1 can't sleep."

"My rifle needs cleanin'?how about yours?"

They took apart rifles and then their .45s and cleaned and oiled them. Noah went for his shotgun next.

By daybreak they'd gone into the bunkhouse, brought out every hand's shooter and replaced it clean.

Noah scrubbed the oil from his hands at the pump, then returned to the kitchen.

Marjorie had come down and was preparing a tray of food.

Noah glanced at the fixings. "Is that for Katherine?"

"No, it's for Doc Martin. He's missin' his breakfast."

"How is she?"

"She's tired, but she's doing fine."

"Is everything all right?"

"She's fine. Doc says a first baby just takes a while, is all."

"Should I come see her?"

"I'll come get you when the time comes or if she asks for you."

Noah followed her to the foot of the stairs and listened. All he heard was the click of a door and low

voices talking.

Tipper put on his hat. "I'm gonna see to chores, boss."

"Thanks for stayin'."

"Sure." Tipper headed out the door.

Noah was torn between keeping busy with chores and remaining close by. He went out and forked hay down from the loft, then returned. The hands had all gathered next door for breakfast, but he didn't feel like eating.

A sound caught his attention and he ran to the foot of the stairs. Katherine was in obvious pain and distress, her cries echoing down the hallway. Noah's scalp prickled. Bile ruse in his stomach. Me sat on a stair, elbows on knees, head forward, and gripped his hair in both fists. He wanted to escape, but he couldn't bear to leave her.

Chapter Twelve.

An eternity passed while his heart pounded and sweat gathered and pooled down his sides and back.

The sudden silence was louder than the cries that had come before. What was going on? Why hadn't he heard anything for minutes? Was something wrong? He got up and stood on the bottom stair.

Finally a door opened and footsteps sounded in the hallway. Marjorie appeared, looking hot and weary. "You can come up now."

"Is something wrong?"

"Everything's fine. The baby's just perfect."

"Katherine's all right?"

"Come see for yourself."

He bounded up and followed her to Katherine's room. Just inside the door on the floor was a ball of sheets, which Marjorie quickly picked up and carried away.

Doc sat in the chair beside Katherine's bed.

Katherine lay propped against her pillows, her hair damp and wild, her face flushed, but smiling. In her arms she held a blanket-wrapped bundle. "Come see her."

Her? His nephew was a girl? He took a few awkward steps forward.

"Isn't she beautiful? She has so much hair and a pretty little mouth."

Noah studied the wrinkled infant. Her eyes were scrunched shut and her head seemed odd-shaped. He would never have used the word beautiful to describe her, but he didn't place much store by looks. She was tiny but appeared healthy enough.

Katherine looked tired and the skin around her eyes was mottled with red.

"She's okay?" he said to the doctor.

"Baby's fit as a fiddle," he replied. "Both of 'em need some rest now."

He'd been inquiring about Katherine, but was distracted by the baby opening her mouth and making a