Hidden Marriage: A Heaven-sent Billionaire Husband - Chapter 2159 - 2159 Twins

Chapter 2159 - 2159 Twins

Chapter 2159 - 2159 Twins

2159 Twins

In the past, she always dressed in an old-fas.h.i.+oned manner. Now, she looked so good.

Only now did Lin Heng realize that she was actually much better-looking than Qiao Jierou. However, her coldness and unapproachableness made him inexplicably feel distant.

Weiyang, today is a good day for Jierou. Since youre back, Ill take it that youre here to congratulate your sister. Our family can have a peaceful meal together. If youre here to do something else Old Madam Qiao glanced at Qiao Weiyang, then at Li Liangting. Then youd better leave as soon as possible.

Qiao Weiyang said calmly, Im here to talk about something else.

Then send the guests off! Old Madam Qiao said angrily.

Are you really going to chase me away? Arent you afraid youll regret it? Qiao Weiyang turned around and was really about to leave.

Ever since Qiao Weiyang appeared, Qiao Jierous heart had been beating like a drum. She had a bad feeling, but she didnt know why.

Seeing that Qiao Weiyang was really leaving, she felt a little guilty and stopped her. Sister, if you have anything to say, just tell us. Grandma, Sister is a guest. No matter what she wants to say, let her finish. If its really meaningless, we wont listen.

She really wanted to know what Qiao Weiyang was up to.

Only by knowing Qiao Weiyangs thoughts could she have a strategy to deal with it.

Seeing that she was reasonable and did not mind Qiao Weiyangs arrival at all, Old Madam Qiao liked Qiao Jierou even more.

It would be great if every child in this family was as sensible as Qiao Jierou.

Since your sister has put in a good word for you, Weiyang, tell me why youre here today. Old Madam Qiao gave Qiao Jierou some face before giving Qiao Weiyang a good att.i.tude.

Qiao Weiyang turned around and said calmly, I heard that the fabric used to make the clothes youre releasing today was patented by Li Liangting. I came today to ask you for the patent fee.

Old Madam Qiao was so angry that she laughed. Hahaha, I was wondering what it was about. Weiyang, do you know what youre talking about? Does the patent belong to Li Liangting? She has resigned. What patent does she have?

Qiao Jierou couldnt help but say, Sister, youre mistaken. Our fabric patent belongs to Xu Changfeng. It has nothing to do with Li Liangting. You cant force her to stand up for you just because you have a good relations.h.i.+p with Li Liangting, right?

Okay, since you said that the patent is Xu Changfengs, what about your patent application? Qiao Weiyang asked.

Weiyang! Lin Heng felt that she was too aggressive. She actually came to cause trouble for her family for a former colleague.

You have no right to talk to me here! Qiao Weiyang didnt even look at Lin Heng.

Lin Hengs face was flushed. Im Jierous fianc, so I naturally have the right to speak up. Youre really going too far by being so aggressive. Its only because Jierou has a good temper that she doesnt hold these things against you. But you cant push your luck because of this!

Qiao Weiyang still did not look at him. Instead, she stared at Qiao Jierou. So, wheres your patent?

Lin Heng said a lot of things but was completely ignored. It was as if he had gathered his strength only to punch the air in the end. He was vexed and angry.

Sure enough, Qiao Weiyang did not know how to respect others!

Qiao Jierou became even gentler, appearing more pitiful. Sister, were already in the process of applying for the patent. President Xu will get the patent certificate today.

In other words, youre using this fabric to make clothes before your patent is issued?

Why not? After all, we have President Xus personal authorization. You know as well that it takes time to apply for a patent. Its impossible to wait for the application to be completed before producing the clothes. Its fine as long as we get the patent in the end. As for the timeline, theres no need to worry, Qiao Jierou explained gently.

Old Madam Qiao and Huang Shumin kept nodding. They were at ease with Qiao Jierous work.

Nonsense! It clearly belongs to me! Li Liangting reprimanded loudly. I gave it to you, but you didnt pay for it and took it for yourself. Now, youre even saying that it belongs to you. Youre shamelessly boasting!

Qiao Jierou said gently, a.s.sistant Li, your words are very meaningless. Of course, it belongs to whoever patented the technology. How can you say empty words like that?

Alright, lets not talk about it anymore. Weiyang, leave! Today is a good day, and I dont want to be angry! On account of Jierou, I wont blame you! But this isnt a place for you to stay, Old Madam Qiao said.

Someone was about to ask Qiao Weiyang and Li Liangting to leave.

At this moment, Xu Changfeng rushed in.

When he saw Qiao Weiyang, there was obvious surprise and astonishment in his eyes.

Seeing him walk over, Qiao Jierou smiled and said, President Xu, youre here. Show Sister the patent certificate you got today, or she wont give up.

Li Liangting glared at Xu Changfeng with hatred.

Xu Changfeng said to Qiao Jierou in a low voice, President Qiao, the patent wasnt approved.

What? Was it delayed? Qiao Jierou was a little surprised, but she did not panic at all.

It was normal for things to be delayed, and it was not a big problem.

No Someone applied for this patent two years ago, and its already on file. Our patent has been revoked.

After Xu Changfeng finished speaking, Qiao Jierou was dumbfounded and looked at him. What do you mean?

This fabric has long been filed for a patent. Ours has been revoked. Li Liangting was the one who prepared the information Xu Changfeng used to apply.

He also had inside connections, and they promised to do a good job for him.

However, he did not expect that the patent had already been filed two years ago.

Old Madam Qiao also heard his words. Nonsense. When did this happen?

Two years ago, Xu Changfeng had no choice but to say.

Two years ago, the fabric wasnt even developed successfully. How could anyone apply for a patent? Old Madam Qiao didnt believe it.

However, Qiao Jierous expression had already changed visibly.

She looked up at Qiao Weiyang.

There was a faint smile on Qiao Weiyangs lips as she glanced at her.

With this glance, Qiao Jierous heart was wrapped in coldness. The bad feeling in her heart gradually grew stronger.

This fabric was developed by Li Liangting two years ago. But I didnt think I needed it for the time being, so I didnt use it. However, I took her information to apply for a patent under her own name.