Heroes of Marvel - Chapter 357 - FIGHT ON THE BRIDGE 5

Chapter 357 - FIGHT ON THE BRIDGE 5


Brush brush!

In the direction where Quicksilver was looking at, a dozen black dots were quickly rushing towards this side. Looking at the white airflow dragging behind those dots, it was obvious how fast they were flying. Needless to say, this is the arrival of Tonys Iron Man Brigade.

And just now Quicksilver had said that they only need to deal with Iron Man, and they do not need to attack others. But now, there are fifteen Iron Man coming at once, and there should be more Iron Man coming later. Even though Quicksilver and Scarlet Witchs powers are already top-notch in Mutants, they wont be able to stop the coming Iron Man Army.

Pietro? Scarlet Witch also saw the little black dots approaching and shouted at Quicksilver with some worry.


It seems that we can only attack, I hope nothing will happen! Wanda, when you fight, pay more attention to my position. Although Pietro doesnt want to fight with so many Iron Man troops but there is no other way.

I Know! Its not the first time Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver have teamed up as siblings.

While Quicksilvers speed does surpass anyone on the planet with special abilities, it takes some medium, a drop point, to get his speed going. But theres only so much room on the Golden Gate Bridge, and when it comes to fighting, the battlefield will continue to shrink and Pietros abilities will be severely limited and the help of the Scarlet Witch will be needed.

Scarlet Witch is a Level 5 Mutant like Iceman, her abilities are far more than those she had shown before. If Scarlet Witch completely used her full powers, it would be possible for her to destroy New York City in an instant. By asking the Scarlet Witch to pay attention to his location, Quicksilver lets the Scarlet Witch mentally create its own drop points to compensate for Quicksilvers weakness in the environment.


The next moment, Quicksilver had disappeared into place with his arm around the Scarlet Witch.

Howls whew!!

Sir, we are about to enter the space anomaly. JARVISs voice reminds Tony as he drives Iron Man Armor towards the Golden Gate Bridge.

Havent you figured it out yet? Tony asked, frowning without slowing down.

No, the signal transmission in that area is blocked but it does not affect the Iron Man Armors systems itself, JARVIS replied lightly.

Then dont worry about it! Since it doesnt affect the Iron Man Armor, Tony will have no worries.


The next second, Tony and the fifteen Iron Man Armors rushed into the abnormal area of space.

Buzz ~

When Tony rushed towards the Golden Gate Bridge with fifteen Iron Man Armor, a Space Gate suddenly appeared on the shore about 500 meters away from the Golden Gate Bridge. Then, Blink, Iceman, and Shadowcat came out from inside the Space Gate. After glancing at their nearby situation, Iceman knew at a glance that the fight was happening on the Golden Gate Bridge.

Blink, why didnt you send us there directly? Although the three of them were close to the Golden Gate Bridge, Blink was fully capable of sending them directly to the Golden Gate Bridge, so Iceman turned back and asked Blink.

When Iceman looked at Blink, Blink already had a serious expression on her face, it seems that Blink had wanted to appear at the site of fighting and not here.

Whats wrong, Blink? Shadowcat asked quickly after seeing Blinks expression.

My original destination was there, but the space in that area was affected by something and the space gate could not connect to it. Thats why I opened the space door here, which is the closest position that is not affected by the area. Frowning, Blink quickly explained. Blink doesnt have as much high-tech as J.A.R.V.I.S to detect the changes in the space ahead, but her own mutants give her a strong sense of space.

Is the space affected? Probably Hydra did it. But now is not the time to think about this. Blink, you should pay attention to the situation on the outside. Kitty and I will support Mirage Knight! If something happens, contact Professor Charles. Although he knew that this situation is very weird, Iceman also knows that the situation on Mirage Knights side must be worse now, so he said directly to Blink.

Ok, I will take care of that. Blink nodded and answered seriously.


Then, Iceman hugged Kitty and turned into ice crystals as they directly rushed towards the Golden Gate in front. After being held by Iceman, Shadowcat directly used her ability to melt into Icemans body, completely integrating the two as one.

Si Si!

As Iceman stormed into the Golden Gate Bridge, an ice line quickly spread from the Icemans position toward the Golden Gate Bridges central position on the surface of the Golden Gate Strait. From a high altitude, it looks like a white trace appearing in a painting, which is still spreading.

Brush brush!

Rumble ~

While Iceman rushed toward the Golden Gate Bridge from the surface of the Golden Gate Strait, Tonys Iron Man Brigade in the air had already rushed ahead. Behind Iron Man Brigade and Iceman, SHIELDs Quinjet was also flying fast.

Although Lin Rui did not take the initiative to contact SHIELD to rescue his parents, this was obviously Hydras action and SHIELD would not sit idly by. In SHIELDs Quinjet, which is rushing towards the battlefield, Captain Rogers and Daredevil stood together. Captain Rogers now knows about Hydras action against Mirage Knight but he still doesnt know why Hydra is so focused on Mirage Knight.

In the other direction of the Golden Gate Bridge, Spiderman, Deadpool, Jack, and Harry are all rushing towards the Golden Gate Bridge on their Hoverboard. Knowing that it was Lin Ruis parents who were attacked, Peter and Harry were particularly worried, and their worries also led to Deadpool and Jack to go fast. With the exception of Skys Eye, the entire League of Defenders has been dispatched.

In order to rescue his parents, Lin Rui took all the power he could with him. If Thor wasnt just a mortal now, Lin Rui would have really wanted Thor to come over with his Hammer and electrocute those Hydra bastards who dared to move against his family.

However, even without Thor, the people and strength Lin Lin had brought this time are enough to make any organization in the world tremble. No matter what the purpose of Red Skulls action is, it was a wrong decision to target Mirage Knights parents. Lin Rui will let Hydra know how it feels to be completly crushed by absolute power!