Heath's Modern Language Series: The Spanish American Reader - Part 96

Part 96

=devotisimo, -a=, from =devoto=, said of a saint inspiring devotion.

=dia=, _m._, day; =en el ----=, _see_ =hoy=; =---- de moda=, "society night" or performance.

=dictado=, _m._, t.i.tle of honor; dictation.

=dictamo=, _m._, dittany (_a plant_).

=dicterio=, _m._, keen reproach, insult.

=dicho=, _m._, saying, expression, sentence.

=diestro, -a=, right (_as opposed to left_).

=diezmado, -a=, decimated.

=diezmar=, to decimate.

=difundir=, to divulge, to publish, to spread.

=digno, -a=, dignified.

=dilatado, -a=, large, s.p.a.cious, extensive, vast.

=dilecto, -a=, loved, beloved.

=diligencia=, _f._, stagecoach; affair, business, obligation.

=diluvio=, _m._, deluge.

=dique=, _m._, dike, dam, dock; =---- de carena=, dry-dock.

=discurrir=, to wander about.

=discutido, -a=, argued, debated.

=discutir=, to discuss.

=disecado, -a=, stuffed, dissected.

=disecar=, to dissect; to stuff dead animals.

=disfrutar=, to enjoy.

=disimular=, to conceal one's real intentions, to hide, to color, to misrepresent.

=dislocamiento=, _m._, the act of taking things apart.

=disolver=, to dissolve, to dismember.

=disparar=, to shoot; (_Sp. A._) to run away.

=disputar=, to contend, to contest.

=divan=, _m._, low cushioned sofa.

=dolencia=, _f._, disease, affliction, pain.

=domicilia.r.s.e=, _refl._, to establish one's self in a residence.

=domicilio=, _m._, residence; =a ----=, to the house.

=dominar=, to control.

=dominico=, _m._, friar of the order of St. Dominic; a South American bird.

=doncel=, _m._. (_Poet._), young man.

=doncella=, _f._, maid, virgin.

=donde=, where, in which; =en ----=, where, in which; =a ----=, to where; =por ----?= by what way? by what reason? by which reason?

=dorado=, _m._, a fish.

=dormilon, -a=, one who sleeps much; a South American bird.

=dosel=, _m._, canopy.

=dotado, -a=, dowered, portioned; =---- de=, endowed with.

=dotar=, to endow, to give.

=draga=, _f._, dredge, dredger.

=dragar=, to dredge, to deepen a channel.

=drama de tesis=, a "problem play."

=duelo=, _m._, sorrow; duel.

=durazno=, _m._, peach.

=ebanista=, _m._, cabinetmaker.

=ebano=, _m._, ebony.

=edible=, eatable, edible.

=edilicio, -a=, pertaining to a munic.i.p.al officer.