Heath's Modern Language Series: The Spanish American Reader - Part 124

Part 124

=rosca=, _f._, anything shaped like a screw; =---- de maiz=, a round twisted corn-cake.

=roseta=, _f._, anything shaped like a rose; (_Sp. A._) pop-corn ball.

=rosicler=, _m._, a bright rose-color.

=rosqueta=, _f._, _see_ =rosca=.

=roto, -a=, broken, shattered, torn; _m._, a ragged man; "=roto chileno=," a term applied to a man of the laboring cla.s.s in Chile in memory of the ragged Chilian troops who were victorious in the war with Peru.

=rozar=, to brush against, to touch.

=roznar=, to grind hard things with the teeth (_said of animals_); to bray.

=rueda=, _f._, the pit in the Buenos Aires Stock Exchange.

=rugiente=, roaring.

=rumbear= (_Sp. A._), to head for, to steer for.

=rumbo=, _m._, direction, route, way.

=ruso, -a=, Russian.

=ruta=, _f._, route, itinerary.

=saber=, to know; =a ----=, _viz._, to wit, that is, namely.

=sabido, -a=, known, learned.

=sable=, _m._, sabre, cutla.s.s.

=sacaritecnia=, _f._, the scientific study of sugar production.

=sacerdocio=, _m._, priesthood, ministry.

=saco=, _m._ (_Sp. A._), coat.

=sacudida=, _f._, shaking; the act of shaking off.

=sainete=, _m._, a farce, a short dramatic composition.

=saladero=, _m._ (_Sp. A._), a meat-packing house.

=salchichoneria=, _f._, shop where sausages are sold or made.

=saldo=, _m._, balance.

=salida=, _f._, departure; expenditure, outlay; =genero de mucha ----=, merchandise which sells well.

=salpicado, -a=, bespattered.

=salpicar=, to bespatter, to daub.

=salsifi=, _m._, oyster plant.

=salto=, _m._, leap, bound; =---- de agua=, waterfall.

=salvar=, to cover distance, to reach; to save.

=sanear=, to drain, to make sanitary; to heal.

=sangrar=, to tap (_a tree_), to bleed.

=sangre=, _f._, blood; tapping, bleeding.

=sangriento, -a=, b.l.o.o.d.y, cruel.

=sanidad=, _f._, health, hygiene; =oficina de la ----=, Board of Health.

=sanitario=, sanitary; =departamento ----=, the place where bath-room and sanitary fixtures are sold.

=sano, -a=, healthy, wholesome.

=santiaguino, -a=, native _or_ resident of Santiago de Chile; relating to Santiago.

=santiamen, en un ----=, very quickly, in a jiffy.

=santo, dia del ----= (_Sp. A._), birthday or Saint's day.

=sanudo, -a=, furious, enraged.

=sartal=, _m._, a string of flowers, beads _or_ other decorative object.

=satisfacer=, to pay in full.

=sauce=, _m._, willow-tree.

=secretaria=, _f._, secretary's office.

=seda=, _f._, silk.

=sedentario, -a=, native, indigenous (_Zool._).

=segadora=, _f._, a reaper _or_ harvesting-machine.

=seguir=, to follow, to pursue.

=segun=, according to, as.