Heath's Modern Language Series: The Spanish American Reader - Part 115

Part 115

=paraiso=, _m._, paradise; (_Sp. A._) the topmost gallery in the theater.

=paramo=, _m._, an extremely cold, desolate place; barren land.

=parapeto=, _m._, parapet, breastwork.

=parar=, to stop, to halt.

=pardejon=, _m._ (_Sp. A._), brownish skinned.

=pardo, -a=, dark-skinned.

=parecer=, to seem, to appear; =al ----=, seemingly; _refl._, to be like.

=pareja=, _f._, pair, couple, matched team of horses.

=parir=, to give birth to.

=particular=, odd, queer.

=partida=, _f._, departure; item in an account.

=partido=, _m._, game, match.

=partir=, to part, to divide, to share; to depart.

=parva=, _f._, stack of hay or wheat.

=parroquia=, _f._, clientele, patronage; parish; (_Sp. A._) the church itself.

=parroquiano, -a=, customer, client.

=pasa=, _f._, raisin.

=pasadizo=, _m._, a narrow pa.s.sage or covered way; corridor.

=pasador=, _m._, bolt of a lock; leather strap or thong.

=pasaje=, _m._, ticket, fare; pa.s.sage, voyage.

=pascua=, _f._, Easter.

=pasear=, to take a walk, to promenade; =---- la mirada=, to glance about.

=paseo=, _m._, walk, promenade.

=paso=, _m._, step; =---- a paso=, step by step; =a ese ----=, at that rate; =al ---- que=, while; =de ----=, in pa.s.sing, by the way, lightly, briefly.

=pastel=, _m._, pie, pastry; =al ----=, a crayon drawing.

=pastilla=, _f._, pastille, tablet.

=pasto=, _m._, pasture; gra.s.s, fodder; food.

=pastoreo=, _m._, pasturing, grazing.

=patagua=, _m._, a Chilean tree.

=pataleo=, _m._, frantic kicking.

=patear=, to kick.

=patente=, manifest, evident, unmistakable.

=patin=, _m._, skate.

=pato, -a=, drake, duck.

=patriota=, _m. and f._ (_Sp. A._), native soldier who took part in the War of Independence.

=patriotero, -a=, a militarist, a jingo.

=patron=, _m._, master of a trading vessel; (_Sp. A._) boss.

=patrono=, _m._, patron saint of a church or city.

=pauji=, _m._ (_Sp. A._), a species of wild turkey.

=pavo, -a=, turkey; =---- real=, peac.o.c.k.

=pecari=, _m._, peccary.

=pechada=, _f._, good "collar work" on the part of a horse.

=pechera=, _f._, shirt-front.

=pedicuro=, _m._, chiropodist.

=pedido=, _m._, order (_Com._); request.

=pedrada=, _f._, the act of throwing stones; stoning.

=pedregoso, -a=, stony.

=pedreria=, _f._, a collection of precious stones; _pl._, jewels.

=pedrero=, _m._, stonecutter; a South American bird.

=peinador, -a=, hairdresser.