Heath's Modern Language Series: The Spanish American Reader - Part 106

Part 106

=imprimir=, to print, to stamp.

=improviso, de ----=, unexpectedly, suddenly.

=impuesto=, _m._, tax, impost, duty.

=impuesto, -a=, imposed, informed.

=Inca=, _m._, _a race of Indians dominant in Peru in the 15th and 16th centuries_.

=incolume=, unharmed, safe, sound.

=incomodo, -a=, uncomfortable.

=inconfundible=, unmistakable.

=incorporar=, to embody.

=indagar=, to investigate, to ascertain the facts.

=indeciso, -a=, irresolute, hesitating.

=indiano, -a=, native or resident of the Spanish West Indies.

=indicio=, _m._, mark, sign, token, indication.

=indomito, -a=, untamed, ungovernable, wild.

=indumentaria=, _f._, relating to wearing apparel in general.

=ineludible=, unavoidable, inevitable.

=infamar=, to defame, to besmirch.

=ingenio=, _m._, genius, mental power; =---- de azucar=, sugar-mill.

=ingenioso, -a=, endowed with genius; clever, inventive.

=ingenitamente=, instinctively.

=ingente=, large, huge, numerous.

=ingrato, -a=, unpleasant, ungrateful; ingrate.

=ingresar=, to enter.

=inhabilitar=, to render unfit, to disqualify.

=iniciador, -a=, initiator, founder, original.

=innegable=, undeniable, indisputable.

=inofensivo, -a=, inoffensive, harmless.

=inolvidable=, unforgetable.

=insolito, -a=, unusual, unaccustomed.

=inspirar=, to inspire, to arouse; =---- confianza=, to inspire confidence.

=inspiratriz=, _f._, one who inspires.

=insulso, -a=, insipid, tasteless; dull.

=intachable=, spotless, blameless.

=inteligente=, _m._, talented, skillful, intelligent, clever.

=intemperie=, _f._, rough weather; =a la ----=, open air.

=intentar=, to try, to attempt, to endeavor.

=intento=, _m._, purpose; =de ----=, on purpose.

=intercambio=, _m._, foreign commerce; exchange.

=intermedio=, _m._, interval; intervention, good offices of, through; =por ---- de=, through.

=interponerse=, _refl._, to go between, to interpose one's self.

=intimidad=, _f._, intimacy; familiarity or close connection.

=intimo, -a=, intimate, familiar, near.

=intrepido, -a=, brave, intrepid, daring.

=intruso=, =-a=, intrusive; pushing, intruder.

=inundacion=, _f._, flood, inundation.

=inusitado=, =-a=, unusual.

=invendible=, unsalable.

=inversa=, inverse; =a la ----=, on the contrary, conversely.

=investir=, to invest, to lay out money.

=invierno=, _m._, winter; (_Sp. A._) rainy season (_really the summer_).