Heath's Modern Language Series: Spanish Short Stories - Part 94

Part 94

=impuesto= (_p. p. of_ =imponer=)=,= well informed, acquainted.

=impulsar,= to impel, give impulse.

=impulso,= impulse; =a -- de,= under the influence of; =dan --s de,= one is tempted (to).

=inanimado,= inanimate.

=incansable,= indefatigable.

=incapaz,= incapable.

_incesante,_ incessant, ceaseless.

_incesantemente,_ incessantly.

=incitar,= to incite.

=incivilizado,= uncivilized, barbarous.

=inclinacion,= _f._, inclination, act of inclining; bow; =hacer --,= to tip (_as a dish_); =-- de las espaldas,= stooping.

=inclinado,= inclined; =-- sobre el,= leaning _or_ bending over him.

=inclinar,= to incline, hold _or_ turn down (_to anything_); =--se,= to bow, stoop; =se inclinaban junto a ella,= bent over her.

=incluso,= including.

=incognito,= incognito, lack of name.

=incomodar,= to inconvenience, annoy; =--se,= to be annoyed, disturbed.

=incomodo,= inconvenient, uncomfortable.

=incomparable,= matchless.

=incomprensible,= incomprehensible.

=inconsiderado,= inconsiderate, thoughtless, illogical.

=inconstante,= fickle, changeable.

=inconveniente,= _m._, objection, difficulty, inconvenience; annoyance; _adj._, unbecoming, improper.

=incorpora.r.s.e,= to straighten up, rise, sit up.

=increado,= increate, self-existent.

=incredulo,= unbeliever, sceptic; _adj._, incredulous.

=incultivable,= incapable of cultivation.

=incurrir,= to incur.

=indecision,= _f._, irresolution.

=indeciso,= uncertain.

=indefectiblemente,= unfailingly; =en que -- paseaba,= in which he never failed to take a walk.

=indefenso,= defenceless, helpless.

=indeleble,= indelible.

=independiente,= independent(ly); =--s entre si,= independent of one another.

=indescriptible,= indescribable.

=indiano,= one who has resided in =las Indias,= the Indies; Nabob (_returning from India or America_).

=Indias; las --,= the Indies (_East or West_).

=indiferencia,= indifference; =con --,= indifferently, in a careless manner.

=indiferente,= indifferent.

=indignado,= indignant.

=indignar,= to irritate, anger, tease.

=indigno,= unworthy, wicked.

=indio,= Indian.

=indispuesto,= ill, indisposed.

=indito= (_dim._)=,= little Indian.

=individuo,= individual, person, man, member, fellow.

=indole,= _f._, nature, characteristic.

=indomable,= unwieldy.

=indomito,= wild.

=indudable,= certain, doubtless.

=indudablemente,= doubtless.