Heath's Modern Language Series: Spanish Short Stories - Part 86

Part 86

=forrar,= to line, upholster.

=fortaleza,= fortress.

=fortuna,= fortune, success.

=fosforo,= match.

=foso,= ditch, moat.

=frac,= _m._, dress-coat, evening coat.

=fracaso,= defeat, failure.

=fragata,= frigate.

=fragil,= frail.

=fragilidad,= _f._, frailty.

=fragmento,= fragment, piece.

=fraile,= _m._, friar, brother.

=francamente,= frankly, innocently.

=frances, -esa,= French.

=Francisca,= Frances.

=franco,= frank, open.

=frangollar,= to do a thing carelessly.

=franqueza,= freedom, frankness.

=fraques,= _pl. of_ =frac=.

=frase,= _f._, phrase, sentence.

=frecuente,= frequent.

=fregar (ie),= to wash (_as dishes_).

=freir,= to fry; =-- a uno la sangre,= to make one's blood boil.

=freno,= bridle, bit; restraint.

=frente,= _f._, forehead, brow; =-- a,= opposite, across the street, facing; =de --= (_as a sail_)=,= full.

=fresca,= rudeness, news.

=fresco,= fresh, new, cool.

=frescura,= coolness.

=friamente,= coldly.

=frio,= cold; =tener --,= to be cold.

=frito= (_p. p. of_ =freir=)=,= fried.

=frondoso,= leafy.

=frotar,= to rub.

=fruncir; -- las cejas= _or_ =los ojos,= to knit one's brows, frown.

=fruta,= fruit.

=fruto,= fruit; result, effect.

=fuego,= fire; =-- graneado,= incessant firing; =alto el --,= cease firing; =-- fatuo= (_ignis fatuus_)=,= will-o-the-wisp; =-- de Dios!= Bless me! Goodness!

=Fuencarral,= _prop. noun_ (_a street leading to the_ =Puerta del --,= _on the north side of Madrid_).

=fuente,= _f._, fountain, spring.

=fuer; a -- de soldado,= since you were a soldier.

=fuera, fuese,= _imp. subjs. of_ =ser= _and_ =ir=.

=fuera,= out, outside, away; =-- de= =si,= beside oneself; =--!= clear the way! begone!

=fuerte,= _m._, stronghold, fort; _adj._, strong, stout.

=fuertemente,= strongly, violently.

=fuerza,= strength, force; =a la --, por --,= by force; =a -- de,= by dint of, through; =en -- de,= on account of.

=fuga,= flight.

=fuga.r.s.e,= to escape.

=fui, fuiste, fue,= _etc._, _pret. of_ =ser= _and_ =ir=.

=fulgente,= refulgent, brilliant.

=fulmineo,= with thunder and lightning; flashing.