Heath's Modern Language Series: Spanish Short Stories - Part 72

Part 72

=dificil,= difficult, hard, improbable.

=dificultad,= _f._, difficulty.

=dificultoso,= ugly, deformed (_as to face_).

=difundir,= to diffuse, spread through.

=difunto,= deceased; dead person.

=diga,= _pr. subj. of_ =decir=.

=dignamente,= in a worthy manner.

=digna.r.s.e,= to deign, condescend.

=dignidad,= _f._, dignity.

=digno,= worthy, fit.

=digo, dices, dice,= _etc._, _pr. ind. of_ =decir=.

=digresion,= _f._, digression.

=dije, --iste, --o,= _etc._, _pret. of_ =decir=.

=dijera, dijese,= _imp. subjs. of_ =decir=.

=dilacion,= _f._, delay.

=dilatado,= long, broad, dilated.

=dilatar(se),= to dilate, spread (out).

=diligencia,= diligence, haste, stage-coach; =-- del fresco,= stage-coach that brings fresh fish (_from the coast; in use before the days of railroads and artificial ice_).

=diluvio,= deluge.

=diminuto,= small, tiny.

=dineral,= _m._, large amount of money, fortune.

=dinero,= money.

=Dios,= _m._, G.o.d; =-- mio!= dear me! =de --,= blessed; =por --,= for goodness' sake; =como -- manda,= as should be done.

=diputar,= to commission.

=dique,= _m._, dike; dry-dock.

=direccion,= _f._, direction; =en -- a,= in the direction of.

=directamente,= directly.

=director,= _m._, director, manager.

=diria,= _cond. of_ =decir=.

=dirigir,= to direct; =--se,= to turn, address.

=disciplinado,= disciplined.

=disciplinazo,= disciplinary blow, chastis.e.m.e.nt.

=discipulo,= pupil, disciple.

=disco,= disk.

=discolo,= wayward, stubborn.

=discorde,= discordant.

=discordia,= discord.

=discreteo,= wit, flash of wit.

=disculpa,= excuse, pleading, vindication.

=discurrir,= to roam, discuss, reason, ponder (over).

=discurso,= speech; =dejandome con el -- en el cuerpo,= leaving me with my speech unsaid.

=discutible,= disputable, controvertible.

=discutir,= to discuss, examine.

=diseminar(se),= to scatter.

=disforme,= misshapen.

=disfrutar (de),= to enjoy.

=disgustar,= to offend, displease.

=disgusto,= displeasure, trouble, sorrow, quarrel; =a --,= with vexation, disgust; =dar un --,= to cause trouble.

=disimuladamente,= stealthily, as if without thinking.

=disimular,= to dissemble, conceal, overlook, excuse.