Heath's Modern Language Series: Spanish Short Stories - Part 70

Part 70

=desinteresado,= disinterested, unselfish.

=desistir,= to desist.

=deslenguado,= impudent, insolent.

=desliar,= to untie.

=deslizar=, to slip; =--se,= to guide along, slide, make a slip.

=desmantelado,= dismantled.

=desmayado,= in a swoon, unconscious.

=desmayar,= to faint.

=desmayo,= fainting fit.

=desmedidamente,= disproportionately, excessively.

=desmentir (ie),= to give the lie (to).

=desmontar,= to cut down; =--se,= to dismount.

=desnuda.r.s.e,= to undress.

=desnudo,= bare, naked, ill-clothed.

=desocupar,= to empty; =--se,= to be empty.

=desollador, -a,= flayer, cheat, shameless person.

=desorden,= _m._, disorder.

=desordenado,= irregular, confused.

=desorganizacion,= _f._, disorganization; =-- humana,= disorganization of the body.

=des.p.a.cio,= slowly, deliberately.

=des.p.a.char,= to send off, despatch.

=des.p.a.cho,= office.

=desparpajo,= boldness, unembarra.s.sed manner.

=despedida,= leave-taking, farewell.

=despedir (i),= to send off (forth, away), dart; =--se,= to take leave.

=despegar,= to detach, not be in keeping (with).

=despejado,= clever, quick.

=despensero,= butler, steward.

=desperdicio,= _see_ =ropa=.

=despertar (ie),= to awake, arouse; =--se,= to awake.

=despierto,= (wide-) awake, clever.

=desplegar (ie),= to unfold, spread out.

=desplomado; caer --,= to fall in a heap.

=desploma.r.s.e,= to lose one's balance.

=despoblacion,= _f._, depopulation.

=despojar,= to despoil, strip; =--se,= to undress, take off.

=despojo,= plunder, spoils.

=desportilado,= broken, chipped.

=desposorios,= _pl._, mutual promise to contract marriage; marriage.

=despreciar,= to despise, show contempt for; neglect.

=desprecio,= contempt, scorn, slight.

=desprender(se),= to free, loose, detach (oneself).

=desprendimiento,= disinterestedness, unselfishness.

=desprestigiar,= to take away the prestige of a person _or_ thing.

=despues,= after; afterwards; =-- de= _or_ =que,= after.

=despuntar,= to begin to dawn; see =alba=.

=destaca.r.s.e (en, sobre),= to stand out (against, from).

=destapar,= to open, uncork, uncover.

=destartalado,= ill-kept, neglected.

=destemplado,= harsh, brusque.