Heath's Modern Language Series: Spanish Short Stories - Part 59

Part 59

=cogote,= _m._, occiput, back of the head.

=cojear,= to limp.

=cola,= tail, train; =ahi esta la --del lagarto,= there's the rub.

=cola.r.s.e,= to slip in.

=colector, -a,= gatherer.

=colega,= _m._, colleague.

=colegio,= school or "college" (_of secondary instruction, usually under Church control, where students may be received at the age of eight or nine years, and prepared for the degree of_ =bachiller= _by the age of eighteen_); =-- de artilleria,= military academy for artillery.

=colegir (i),= to gather, infer.

=colera,= _f._, anger, fury.

=colerico,= enraged, choleric; =cuando se ponia o lo ponian --,= when he was bilious or angry.

=colgar (ue),= to hang; =colgado,= hanging.

=colico,= colic, cramp.

=colmena,= bee-hive.

=colmo,= summit, limit; =para --= =de afliccion,= to complete her sorrow.

=colocacion,= _f._, place, position.

=colocar,= to place.

=coloquio,= colloquy, conversation.

=color,= _m._, color; =de --,= colored; =-- de rosa,= pink.

=colorado,= red, florid.

=colorear,= to redden, color, dye.

=colorido,= coloring, color.

=columna,= column; =-- volante,= flying column.

=columnilla; -- salomonica,= small twisted column.

=columpio,= swing.

=collado,= bill.

=comadrear,= to gossip.

=comandante,= _m._, major.

=comarca,= region, district.

=combate,= _m._, combat, fight.

=combatir,= to attack.

=comedia,= comedy, play.

=comentario,= commentary.

=comenzar (ie),= to begin.

=comer,= to eat, dine, bite; =--se las palabras,= to slur _or_ omit syllables; =-- del negocio,= to be supported by the business.

=cometer,= to commit.

=comico,= comedian, actor; _adj._, comical, funny.

=comida,= meal, dinner, food.

=comision,= f., commision, committee, errand.

=como,= as, as if, if, as for being; =-- que,= as if; =-- quiera que,= in view of the fact that; =--para,= as if to, in order to.

=como? como!= how? why? what!

=comodamente,= comfortably.

=comodidad,= _f._, comfort; =estar con --,= to be comfortable; _pl._, comfortable circ.u.mstances, wealth.

=compacto,= compact.

=compadecer,= to pity.

=compadre,= G.o.dfather, friend, comrade; (_in direct address and familiarly_) old man, my dear fellow.

=companero, -a,= companion, wife, consort, friend, comrade; =--de cuarto,= room-mate.

=compania,= company; =en -- de,= accompanied by; =hacer --,= to stay with, keep company.

=comparar,= to compare.

=compartir,= to share.

=compas,= measure, time in music; =al -- de,= in time with, amidst.