Heath's Modern Language Series: Spanish Short Stories - Part 56

Part 56

=casta,= race, family; =de mala --,= from too bad a family; =eso es de --,= it is in your blood.

=castanera,= chestnut woman.

=castano,= chestnut; _adj._ (chestnut) brown.

=Castelar; Emilio --= (_1832-99; a Spanish republican leader and famous orator_).

=castellano,= Castilian; =-- viejo,= old-fashioned Castilian.

=castidad,= _f._, chast.i.ty.

=castigado,= culprit.

=castigar,= to punish, chastise.

=castigo,= punishment.

=Castilla,= Castile (_a former kingdom of north-central Spain, now known as Old Castile [=Castilla la Vieja=], immediately to the south lies New Castile [=Castilla la Nueva=], which was conquered from the Moors in 1085 by Alfonso the Valiant, king of Castile and Leon. Both Toledo and Madrid are in New Castile_); =de --,= Castilian.

=castillo,= castle, fort.

=casto,= chaste.

=casualidad,= _f._, chance; =daba la -- de que,= chance ordained it that.

=casuca,= hovel.

=casucho= (_depr._), miserable dwelling.

=cataclismo,= deluge, upheaval.

=Catanilla= (_dim. of_ =Catana=), little Catana.

=catar,= to observe; =cate Vd. ahi,= lo and behold.

=catastrofe,= _f._, catastrophe.

=catedra,= professorial chair, department.

=catedral,= _f._, cathedral.

=categoria,= category, cla.s.s.

=caterva,= crowd, swarm.

=catolico,= catholic.

=catorce,= fourteen.

=cauce,= _m._, channel.

=caudal,= _m._, property, wealth.

=caudaloso,= rich; carrying much water (_as a river_).

=caudillo,= chief, commander.

=causa,= cause, reason; =a -- de,= on account of.

=causante= (_from_ =causar=), one who _or_ that which causes.

=causar,= to cause, produce.

=cautela,= caution.

=cavar,= to dig.

=cavilacion,= _f._, brooding, persistent thought, fault finding.

=cavilar,= to ponder (deeply), find excuses.

=cayendo,= _pr. p. of_ =caer=.

=cayo,= _pret. of_ =caer=.

=cazar,= to hunt, chase.

=ceder,= to resign, yield, submit.

=cedro,= cedar.

=cedula,= identification card (_describing the person, telling his occupation, residence, etc. Every Spaniard must have a_ =cedula de vecindad=).

=ceguedad,= _f._, blindness.

=ceja,= eyebrow.

=celaje,= _m._, (light, swiftly moving) cloud.

=celda,= cell.

=celdita= (_dim._), small cell.

=celebrar,= to celebrate, be glad of; applaud.

=celebre,= famous, celebrated.

=celeste,= celestial, heavenly.