Heath's Modern Language Series: Spanish Short Stories - Part 54

Part 54

=candoroso,= simple, honest.

=canela,= cinnamon.

=canino,= canine, of a dog.

=canjilon,= _m._, jar.

=cano,= gray-haired, gray.

=canoa,= chest (_made of wood; formerly used for keeping provisions_).

=canonico; horas --as,= canonical hours (_offices of prayer and devotion that are given at certain fixed hours_).

=canonigo,= canon, prebendary.

=canonizar,= to canonize, consecrate.

=cansado,= tired, weary.

=cansancio,= weariness, fatigue.

=cansa.r.s.e,= to grow tired.

=Cantabria,= _prop. noun_ (_the region lying along the northern coast of Spain_); =mar de --,= Bay of Biscay.

=cantador, -a,= singer.

=cantante,= singing; =llevar la voz --,= to sing the leading part, take the lead in the conversation.

=cantar,= _m._, song.

=cantar,= to sing, give (_of an opera_); confess.

=cante; dar el --,= to inform against.

=cantera,= quarry.

=cantidad,= _f._, quant.i.ty, amount, number; =--es iguales,= the same thing.

=canto,= song, air.

=canto,= stone; =da.r.s.e con el -- en los pechos,= to be happy.

=cantor, -a,= singer.

=canturriar,= to hum.

=cana,= reed, cane, sugar-cane; (= =aguardiente de --=) rum.

=cano,= pipe; stream, spout.

=canon,= _m._, cannon, gun, tube; =--de chimenea,= funnel, flue (_of a chimney_).

=canonazo,= cannon-shot.

=canonero,= gun-boat.

=caoba,= mahogany.

=capa,= cloak, mantle; =con --,= under the cloak.

=capataz,= _m._, overseer, foreman.

=capaz,= capable, able.

=capilla,= chapel; =-- mayor,= main chapel (_where the high altar is_).

=capital,= _m._, capital, money; _f._, capital city.

=capitan,= _m._, captain; =-- general,= captain general (_the commanding military officer of a district, an army or a fleet_); =el gran --= = Gonzalo Fernandez de Cordoba [1453-1515] (_Spanish general who won fame in wars against Italy and the Moors_).

=capitania; -- general,= captaincy general _or_ headquarters of the captain general.

=capitular,= to surrender (_as a fortress_).

=capitulo,= chapter; =celebrar --,= to hold a meeting of the prelates of a religious order.

=capon,= _m._, capon.

=capote,= _m._, cloak, great-coat.

=capoton,= _m._ (_aug. of_ =capote=), large cloak.

=capricho,= whim, caprice.

=cara,= face, courage; =-- a --,= face to face; =mala -- tenia,= there was an evil look on his face; =poner --,= to make a face.

=carabina,= carbine, short rifle; =la -- de Ambrosio,= a useless thing, a good-for-nothing.

=carabinero,= customs-guard, coast-guard.

=caracter,= _m._, character, determination.

=caracteristico,= characteristic, distinctive.

=caracterizar,= to characterize.

=caramba con,= bother.