Heath's Modern Language Series: Spanish Short Stories - Part 42

Part 42

=ansiedad,= _f._, anxiety.

=ansiosamente,= anxiously.

=ansioso,= anxious, eager.

=ante,= before, in the presence of.

=antecedente,= _m._, antecedent; _pl._, previous conduct.

=antemano; de --,= beforehand.

=antena,= yard(arm).

=antepecho; puerta de --,= window (_opening on hinges like a door, but not coming down to the floor_).

=anterior,= former, preceding.

=anteriormente,=, previously, before.

=antes,= formerly, before, but rather; =-- de,= before, rather than.

=antifona,= anthem.

=antiguamente,= in olden times, formerly.

=antiguo,= old, antique; former.

=antipatia,= aversion, hatred.

=antipatico,= disagreeable, unfeeling.

=antojar(se)= (_used only in the third person_)=,= to desire, fancy; =que se me antojaran,= that I might desire.

=antojo,= strong desire, longing, pleasure, whim.

=Antonio,= Anthony _or_ Antony; =San -- de Padua,= Saint Antony of Padua (_b. at Lisbon, 1195; d. at Padua, 1231; the patron saint of animals_).

=antorcha,= torch.

=anudar,= to knot, tie together, fasten.

=anunciar,= to announce.

=anzuelo,= (fish-) hook.

=anadir,= to add.

=anagaza,= allurement.

=anejo,= old (_said of wine_).

=anil,=, _m._, indigo.

=ano,= year; =por los --s,= about the year; =cuantos --s tiene usted?= how old are you?

=apagar,= to extinguish, drown (_the voice_); =--se,= to die away.

=apandar,= to steal, rob, pilfer, "swipe."

=aparato; con --,= with indication.

=aparecer,= to appear.

=aparejado (a),= ready (for).

=aparejar,= to rig (_a boat_).

=aparejo,= tackle; rigging; =-- de pescar,= fishing-tackle.

=aparentar,= to feign, appear.

=aparente,= feigned, not real.

=aparicion,= _f._, apparition.

=apartar(se),= to leave, turn away, separate.

=aparte,= apart, separate.

=apea.r.s.e,= to dismount.

=apedrear,= to stone.

=apelmazado,= hard, soggy (_as bread_).

=apellido,= family name.

=apenas (si),= hardly, scarcely; as soon as.

=apercibirse (de),= to perceive.

=apesadumbrado,= sad; =que la tenia --a,= that made her sad.

=apestar,= to smell.

=apilar,= to pile up.

=apinado,= crowded together, dense (_as a crowd_).