Heath's Modern Language Series: Spanish Short Stories - Part 35

Part 35

=ablandar,= to soften.

=abnegacion,= _f._, abnegation, self-denial.

=abogado,= advocate, lawyer.

=abordar,= to board, attack.

=aborrecedor, -a,= detester.

=aborrecible,= hateful, detestable.

=abrasar,= to burn; =abrasando,= burning hot; =abrasado,= burning.

=abrazar,= to embrace; =--se,= to cling to; =abrazado con,= locked in an embrace with.

=abrazo,= embrace.

=abreviar,= to abridge, shorten.

=abril,= _m._, April.

=abrir,= to open; =en un -- y cerrar de ojos,= in a twinkling; =-- en ca.n.a.l,= to cut open, punish severely.

=abrumar,= to oppress, overwhelm.

=absolutamente,= absolutely.

=absolver (ue),= to absolve, acquit.

=absorber,= to absorb.

=absorto= (_irr. p. p. of_ =absorber=)=,= absorbed.

=abstinencia,= abstinence.

=abuelita= (_dim. of_ =abuela=)=,= beloved grandmother.

=abuelo, -a,= grandfather, grandmother; ancestor; old man, old woman.

=abundancia,= abundance.

=abundante,= abundant, copious.

=aburrir,= to weary, bore.

=abuso,= abuse.

=aca,= here; =desde entonces --,= since then; =por --,= here, this way; =-- abajo,= down here.

=acabar,= to end, finish; =-- de,= to have finished, have just; =--se,= to grow feeble, be near the end; =y esto se acabo,= and this settles it; =acabaramos de una vez!= is that all!; =algo que no acaba de llegar,= something that does not come.

=acaecer,= to happen; =lo acaecido,= what had happened.

=acaecimiento,= event.

=acalorar,= to overheat, inflame.

=acampar,= to camp.

=acariciar,= to caress.

=acaso,= perhaps, perchance.

=acceder,= to accede, yield.

=accesible,= accessible.

=acceso,= access.

=accion,= _f._, action, power (_of motion_).

=acusacion,= _f._, accusation.

=acebuche,= _m._, wild olive tree.

=acefalo,= acephalous, without a head.

=aceite,= _m._, oil.

=aceituna,= olive, olive-crop.

=acelerado,= quickened.

=acento,= accent, voice.

=aceptar,= to accept.

=acerca= (_in La Leva_) = =cerca=; =-- de,= about.

=acercar,= to bring near; =--se,= to approach.

=acero,= steel.

=acertado,= proper, fit.

=acertar (ie),= to happen (_unexpectedly_), hit the mark, succeed, say anything opportunely, guess; =sin -- con las excusas,=, unable to utter an apology.

=acicala.r.s.e,= to dress (in style).