Heath's Modern Language Series: Spanish Short Stories - Part 126

Part 126

=reconocido,= acknowledged, grateful, appreciative.

=reconocimiento,= survey, reconnoitering.

=reconvencion,= _f._, accusation, reproach.

=recordar (ue),= to recall, remind of, remember; mark.

=recorrer,= to run through, walk through _or_ up and down, travel through.

=recrea.r.s.e,= to divert oneself.

=rectificacion,= _f._, correction.

=recto,= straight.

=rector,= _m._, rector (_superior officer of a convent_).

=recuento,= inventory.

=recuerdo,= souvenir, memory, remembrance.

=recurrir,= to have recourse to.

=recurso,= source.

=rechazar,= to repulse.

=rechinar,= to creak, grate.

=red,= _f._, net (_for fishing_).

=redactar,= to edit, compose.

=redoblar,= to redouble.

=redoma,= phial, gla.s.s-bowl.

=redonda; a la --,= round about.

=redondo,= round(ly), plump, clear, openly.

=reducir,= to reduce; =--se a, estar reducido a,= to consist of.

=reducto,= redoubt.

=reedificar,= to rebuild, reconstruct.

=reemplazar,= to replace.

=refajo,= short petticoat.

=refectorio,= refectory (_dining-hall in convents or monasteries_).

=referente a,= referring to, in regard to.

=referir (ie),= to refer, relate, tell.

=refinamiento,= delight, refinement.

=reflexion,= _f._, meditation, consideration, reflection, thought.

=reflexionar (en),= to reflect, think (of).

=reforma,= reform, dismissal from office.

=reformador,= _m._, reformer.

=reforzar (ue),= to strengthen, fortify.

=refran,= _m._, proverb, saying.

=refrescar,= to cool, refresh.

=refugia.r.s.e,= to take refuge.

=refunfunar,= to growl, grumble, snarl.

=regalar,= to make a present; =--se,= to regale oneself, live sumptuously.

=regalito= (_dim._)=,= little present.

=regalo,= present.

=regalon, -ona,= epicurean.

=regar (ie),= to water, irrigate.

=regata,= boat-race.

=regato,= small rivulet, brook.

=regaton,= _m._, rod.

=regir (i),= to rule, drive (_as a plough_).

=registrador,= _m._, recorder.

=regla,= rule.