Heath's Modern Language Series: Spanish Short Stories - Part 120

Part 120

=poniente,= setting; _noun_, =el --,= the west.

=ponton,= _m._, pontoon, hull (_of a ship_).

=popa,= stern; =ir de --,= to run before the wind.

=por,= for, by, through, to, in, for the sake of, on account of (being); =-- poco,= almost, nearly; =-- entre,= through, in between; =-- ...

que,= however ... ; =por si,= lest; =-- mas que,= however much, although, whatever; =--lo que,= for which reason; =--el mismo orden,= of the same kind.

=porcion,= _f._, portion, number.

=porfia; a --,= emulously, vieing with one another.

=pormenor,= _m._, detail.

=porque,= because, so that, in order that; =porque= _or_ =por que,= why; =no tienes --,= there is no cause for it.

=porrazo,= blow.

=portal,= _m._, entry, doorway, gateway, piazza.

=portalon,= _m._ (_aug. of_ =portal=)=,= doorway.

=portante,= _m._, quick pace of a horse; =tomo el --,= I shall run away.

=porta.r.s.e,= to behave, act; =que se ha portado,= he has acted badly.

=porte,= _m._, bearing.

=portero,= porter, janitor.

=portezuela= (_dim._)=,= little door.

=portico,= portico, porch.

=portugues, -esa,= Portuguese.

=pos; en -- de,= behind, after.

=pos= = =pues=.

=posada,= inn.

=posar,= _tr._, to set down; =--se,= to light (_of winged insects_), perch.

=poseedor, -a,= possessor, owner.

=poseer,= to possess, own.

=posesion,= _f._, possession, land, property.

=posible,= possible; =en lo --,= as far as possible.

=posicion,= _f._, position, situation.

=postigo,= small door.

=postre; a la --,= at last, finally.

=postura,= position, posture.

=potaje,= _m._, pottage, mess.

=potencioso,= potent, strong.

=potro,= colt, young horse; rack, torture.

=pozo,= well.

=practica,= practice, exercise.

=practico,= practical.

=pradera,= meadow.

=prado,= field, meadow, walk.

=preceder,= to precede.

=preciar(se),= to boast.

=precioso,= precious, valuable, delightful, pretty.

=precipitadamente,= hastily.

=precipitar,= to precipitate, hasten.

=precisamente,= precisely, exactly.

=precision,= _f._, necessity.

=preciso,= necessary; =lo --,= the required amount; =es -- (que),= must; =era -- salvar,= must be saved.

=precoz,= precocious, forward.

=predicador,= _m._, preacher; =padre --,= preacher.

=predicar,= to preach.

=predileccion,= _f._, preference.