Heath's Modern Language Series: Spanish Short Stories - Part 115

Part 115

=pasaporte,= _m._, pa.s.sport.

=pasar,= to pa.s.s, spend, undergo, take place, happen, be going on; =-- de los cincuenta anos,= to be more than fifty years old; =antes de -- mas adelante,= before proceeding any farther; =pasado de punto,= overdone; =que te pasa?= what is the matter with you?

=pascua,= (solemn) church festival; =-- de la Resurreccion,= Easter; =-- de Navidad,= Christmas; =cara de --,= cheerful, sweet face; =mas contentos que unas --s,= merrier than crickets.

=pasear(se),= to walk, ride, drive, take a walk, walk up and down; =se ve paseado,= he is carried.

=paseo,= promenade, walk; =salir de --,= to go out for a walk.

=pasion,= _f._, pa.s.sion; =con --,= pa.s.sionately, ardently.

=pasmoso,= marvelous.

=paso,= step, pace, pa.s.sing; =dejar --,= _see_ =dejar=; =a -- largo,= with long strides; =de -- que,= so that; =al -- que,= while; =-- a --,= step by step, slowly; =salir de mal --,= to get out of a difficulty; =dar --s,= to take steps.

=pastel,= _m._, pie, pastry, tart.

=pastelear,= to satisfy both parties.

=pastelero,= pastry-cook; compromiser.

=pasto,= pasture; =a todo --,= exclusively, all the time.

=pastor,= _m._, shepherd.

=pastorcillo= (_dim._)=,= little shepherd.

=pata,= foot and leg of animals; =rompales una --,= break their bones.

=patata,= potato.

=patente,= evident.

=paternal,= fatherly.

=paternalmente,= like a father.

=patilla,= whiskers.

=patio,= yard, inside court (_in Spanish houses_).

=patrana,= boastful story, falsehood.

=patria,= fatherland, native country, birth-place.

=patriarcal,= venerable.

=patron,= _m._, master (_of a ship_), owner; guardian saint (_of a country or place_).

=patrona,= hostess, lady, patron saint.

=patrono,= patron, patron saint; =santo --,= guardian saint (_of a town or country_).

=pausa,= pause.

=pavana,= a dance; =salidas de --,= capers, nonsense.

=pavero,= turkey-seller.

=pavimento,= pavement, floor.

=pavo, -a,= turkey, turkey-hen.

=pavor,= _m._, fear, dread.

=pavoroso,= awful.

=paz,= _f._, peace.

=pecadillo,= slight fault.

=pecado,= sin.

=pecador, -a,= sinner; =cante el yo --,= I had to confess the truth.

=pecaminoso,= sinful.

=pecho,= breast, chest, heart.

=pedacito= (_dim._)=,= little piece, bit.

=pedazo,= piece; =hacer --s,= to break to pieces, smash; =--s de burros,= dullards, fools.

=pedernal,= _m._, flintstone.

=pedir (i),= to ask for, beg; ask for the hand (=a,= of).

=pedrea,= stoning.

=pedreria,= precious stones, jewels.

=pedrique,= _m._, stone, jewel.

=Pedro,= Peter; =San --,= St. Peter; =por San --,= by St. Peter.

=pegar,= to beat, strike, join, fasten (together); close; =-- fuego,= to set fire (to); =-- espuelas,= to give the spurs.

=pegue,= _pret. of_ =pegar=.