Heath's Modern Language Series: Spanish Short Stories - Part 111

Part 111

=o,= or, either; =o sea,= or (may be); =-- ... --,= whether ... or, either ... or.

=obedecer,= to obey.

=obediencia,= obedience.

=objeto,= object, purpose, thing; =con el --,= for the purpose.

=oblicuo,= slanting; =mirada oblicua,= side glance.

=obligado,= bound, unavoidable, necessary.

=obligar,= to oblige, compel, enjoin.

=obra,= work, task.

=obrar,= to work, act; =obra bien,= do what is right.

=obrero,= workman.

=obscenidad,= _f._, obscenity, lewdness.

=obscurecer,= to darken.

=obscuridad,= _f._, darkness, obscurity.

=obscuro,= dark.

=obsequiar,= to serve, favor, treat kindly.

=obsequio,= obsequiousness, civility, treat; =hacer un --,= to show (a) courtesy, do a favor.

=observacion,= _f._, observation.

=observar,= to observe, notice, see.

=observatorio,= observatory.

=obstaculo,= obstacle.

=obstante; no --,= nevertheless.

=obstinacion,= _f._, persistency, obduracy.

=obtencion,= _f._, obtaining, attainment.

=obtener,= to obtain.

=ocasion,= _f._, occasion.

=ocasionar,= to cause, excite; =ocasionado a,= conducive to.

=occidente,= _m._, west.

=ociosidad,= _f._, idleness, leisure.

=ocioso,= idle.

=ocultar,= to hide.

=oculto,= concealed, secret.

=ocupacion,= _f._, occupation.

=ocupado,= occupied, full, busy.

=ocupar,= to occupy; =--se,= to busy oneself; =en lo que me ocupes,= in whatever you give me to do.

=ocurrencia,= sally, flash of wit, sudden idea.

=ocurrir(se),= to occur; =lo ocurrido,= that which happened.

=ocho,= eight.

=odiar,= to hate.

=ofender,= to offend, give offense; =--se,= to be offended.

=oficial,= _m._, officer.

=oficina,= office.

=oficio,= office, trade, calling, service; _pl._, offices, services; =de --,= by trade.

=ofrecer,= to offer, propose, present; =--se,= to present itself, appear; =que se te ofrece?= what do you wish?

=oido,= hearing, ear; =al --,= in a whisper; =aplicar el --,= to listen attentively; =dar --s,= to listen.

=oiga,= _pr. subj. of_ =oir=.

=oir,= to hear; =--se,= to be heard; =hasta que se oia llamar,= until she heard some one call her.

=ojal,= _m._, b.u.t.ton-hole.

=ojeroso,= with dark rings under the eyes; =que -- esta usted!= what dark rings you have under your eyes!

=ojiva,= ogive, Gothic (_or_ pointed) window.

=ojival,= Gothic.