Heath's Modern Language Series: Spanish Short Stories - Part 106

Part 106

=Mesias,= _m._, Messiah.

=mesita= (_dim. of_ =mesa=)=,= little table.

=mesmo= = =mismo=.

=metal,= _m._, metal, bra.s.s.

=metalico,= metallic.

=meter,= to put, place; =--se en,= to go into, interfere in; =--se de patas (en),= to walk _or_ wade (through); =-- en cintura,= to keep in a state of subjection; =--los a frailes,= to make friars out of them; =-- manos a alguien,= to get hold of someone; =--se por,= to enter through; =metiditas en su casa,= nicely tucked away in their house.

=metralla,= grape-shot.

=mezcla,= mixture.

=mezclar,= to mix; =mezclado a,= mingled with.

=mi,= (_pl._) =mis,= my.

=mi,= me, myself; =de --,= for my part.

=miedo,= fear; =tener --,= to be frightened, afraid.

=miel,= _f._, honey.

=miembro,= member, limb.

=mientras,= while; =-- que,= as long as; =-- tanto,= meanwhile.

=miga,= crumb, soft part of bread; substance.

=Miguel,= Michael.

=miguelete,= _m._, mountain soldier.

=mil,= (a, one) thousand.

=milagro,= miracle; =vida y --s,= life and customs.

=milagrosamente,= miraculously.

=milagroso,= miraculous.

=milicia,= military force.

=militar,= _m._, officer (_in the army_); _adj._, military, martial.

=millar,= _m._, thousand.

=millon (de),= _m._, million.

=mimar,= to spoil.

=mimoso,= affected, tender.

=miniatura; en --,= in diminutive.

=minimo; en lo mas --,= in the least.

=ministerio,= ministry, office.

=ministro,= minister.

=minuciosamente,= minutely.

=minucioso,= scrupulous, exact.

=minuto,= minute.

=mio, -a (el, la),= my, mine.

=mirada,= look, glance.

=mirar,= to look (at).

=misa,= ma.s.s; =-- mayor,= high ma.s.s.

=miserable,= wretched.

=miseria,= misery, suffering.

=misericordia,= mercy.

=mismisimo= (_from_ =mismo=)=,= very same.

=mismito= (_dim._)=; lo -- que,= just like.

=mismo,= same, very, self; =un --,= one and the same; =por lo --,= therefore; =lo -- que,= the same as, as well as; =lo -- da,= it is just as well, it is all the same.

=misterio,= mystery, secret.

=misterioso,= mysterious.

=misticismo,= mysticism, belief in miracles.

=mistico,= mystic, spiritual.

=mitad,= _f._, half.