Handy Dictionary Of Poetical Quotations - Handy Dictionary of Poetical Quotations Part 140

Handy Dictionary of Poetical Quotations Part 140

Reader reads no more, 1440.

Reading, such, as was never read, 1441.

Realms, these are our, 1442.

Reason, a woman's, 1443.

feast of, 219.

guides our deeds, 990.

I would make, my guide, 1445.

raise o'er instinct, 1444.

sanctity of, 1447.

the confidence of, give, 1446.

war with rhyme, 1508.

Rebellion began to grow slack, 1449.

froze them up, 1448.

Rebuff, then welcome each, 1450.

Rebukes, a lady so tender of, 1451.

Rechabite poor Will must live, 69.

Reckoning, no, made, 17.

when the banquet's o'er, 1452.

Reconcilement, never can, grow, 1454.

Records that defy the tooth of time, 1455.

Recreation, none so free as fishing, 1457.

sweet, barred, 1456.

Reflection, remembrance and, 1459.

Reformation, plotting some new, 1460.

Regret can die, 1461.

wild with all, 1462.

Reign, to, is worth ambition, 576.

Relief, for this, much thanks, 353.

Religion crowns the statesman, 1465.

has so seldom found, 1466.

in, what error, 1463.

is a spring, 1464.

stands on tiptoe, 1467.

veils her sacred fires, 1218.

Remedies oft in ourselves do lie, 1468.

Remember the fir trees dark and high, 1472.

what the Lord hath done, 1370.

Remembered, I 've been so long, 1471.

Remembrance, makes the, dear, 1470.

writ in, 1469.

Remorse is as the heart, 1473.

Renown, deathless my, 1474.

Repartee, a man renowned for, 1475.

Repentance is long, 1477.

is the weight, 1478.

rears her snaky crest, 1479.

who by, is not satisfied, 1476.

Repose, best of men have loved, 1480.

in statue-like, 1481.

Reproaches, slanderous, 1719.

Reproof on her lips, 1483.

those can bear, 1482.

Reputation, at every word a, dies, 544.

seeking the bubble, 1754.

the purest treasure, 1484.

Resignation gently slopes away, 1487.

Resolution, the native hue of, 386.

Respect upon the world, 1489.

Respects himself, he that, 1633.

Rest is sweet after strife, 1491.

too much, becomes a pain, 1492.

Retirement, O blest, 1495.

Retiring from the popular noise, 1494.