Handy Dictionary Of Poetical Quotations - Handy Dictionary of Poetical Quotations Part 135

Handy Dictionary of Poetical Quotations Part 135

Modesty, grace and blush of, 1204.

looks replete with, 1203.

Monarch, a morsel for a, 1205.

Monarchs, fate of mighty, 1206.

Money, get, no matter by what means, 1210.

if thou wilt lend this, 1072.

rolled in, like pigs, 1208.

the only power, 1209.

Monuments of princes, 1212.

Mood, a sunny, 304.

fantastic as a woman's, 1214.

Moon is an arrant thief, 1521.

had climbed the highest hill, 1217.

how like a queen, 1216.

is carried off in purple fire, 1222.

of Mahomet, 442.

unveiled her peerless light, 1215.

when the, shone, 367.

where sighs are deposited, 1686.

Moonlight, meet me by, 1856.

Moor, a naked, 183.

Morality, unawares, expires, 1218.

Morn, sweet is the breath of, 1220.

Morning, in the, thou shalt hear, 1223.

opes her golden gates, 1219.

steals upon night, 482.

Morning-star of memory, 748.

Mortality's strong hand, 1225.

Mother is a mother still, 1227.

Mother's heart is weak, 1226.

Motions, a third interprets, 544.

Mount, I know a, 1228.

I, toward the sky, 1230.

Mountain tops, he who ascends to, 612.

Mountains, circling the, 346.

high, are a feeling, 1229.

Mountebanks, cheating, 1411.

Mourner, the only constant, 460.

Mouth that spits forth death, 197.

Murder may pass unpunished, 1234.

most foul, 1233.

one, made a villain, 438.

Music has charms to soothe, 1237.

heavenly maid, 1239.

in them, die with all their, 1241.

man that hath no, 1235.

slumbers in the shell, 1240.

sweet compulsion in, 373.

the fiercest grief can charm, 1238.

Music's golden tongue, 1236.

Nails, come near your beauty with my, 362.

Naked, the, every day he clad, 345.

Name, take not his, 1842.

the magic of a, 1243.

what's in a, 1242.

Nation, one, evermore, 1314.

Nations, fierce contending, 556.

Nature, accuse not, 18.

Art is the child of, 110.

ever yields reward, 1244.

gave signs of woe, 597.

how fair is thy face, 1245.

is but art, 289.

made a pause, 434.

made us men, 335.

speaks a various language, 1246.

Nature's heart beats strong, 890.