Handy Dictionary Of Poetical Quotations - Handy Dictionary of Poetical Quotations Part 133

Handy Dictionary of Poetical Quotations Part 133

is nature's treasure, 1136.

is the only good, 1123.

let those, who never loved before, 1125.

looks not with the eyes, 447.

man's, is a thing apart, 1133.

mutual, brings delight, 1124.

no partnership allows, 1126.

O last, O first, 9.

purple light of, 193.

rules the court, 1134.

seldom haunts the breast where, 1995.

she never told her, 374.

taught him shame, 337.

this spring of, 1118.

took up the harp of Life, 319.

tunes the shepherd's reed, 1134.

what, can do, 1122.

when he draws his bow, 423.

Loved and lost, better to have, 1128.

so kindly, had we never, 1129.

Loveliness needs not ornament, 36.

when unadorned, adorned the most, 36.

Lover rooted stays, 191.

Loving are the daring, 476.

no pleasure like the pain of, 1132.

Luxury, cursed by heaven, 1137.

it was a, to be, 1138.

Mad, I am not, 1139.

Madding crowd's ignoble strife, 443.

Madmen, the worst of, 1558.

Madness, moody, laughing wild, 1141.

must not unwatched go, 1140.

Madrigals, birds sing, 1518.

Mahomet, moon of, 442.

Maid, be good, sweet, 823.

Maker, our, bids increase, 284.

Malice, nor set down aught in, 96.

Man, what, dare, I dare, 414.

dare do all that may become a, 415.

dwells apart, 1760.

foremost, of this world, 237.

good, never dies, 282.

groan, hear a good, 370.

Man 's a man for a' that, 1147.

is a summer's day, 1148.

is one world, 1145.

is the nobler growth, 1717.

let each, do his best, 5.

made the town, 412.

O good old, 91.

O that a mighty, 425.

proper study of mankind is, 1146.

take him for all in all, 1143.

that lays his hand upon a woman, 427.

the eternal epic of the, 1149.

this was a, 1144.

to all the country dear, 340.

what is, 1150.

what may, within him hide, 1142.

while, is growing, 179.

Manhood, when verging into age, 53.

Mankind, he who surpasses or subdues, 612.

Manna, his tongue dropt, 610.

Manners ne'er were preached, 1151.

with fortunes, 1152.

Mansions, build thee more stately, 1307.

Marble, in water writ, but this in, 1154.

of her snowy breast, 230.

sleep in dull cold, 1153.

March is come at last, 1155.

we know thou art kind-hearted, 1156.

Marlowe's mighty line, 1102.

Marriage is a matter of more worth, 1158.

is the life-long miracle, 1161.