Hacker: Hard Limit - Hacker: Hard Limit Part 4

Hacker: Hard Limit Part 4

"Yeah. Oh, Alex called for you, but I told him you were out and traveling this weekend. He said he would be in town next week so I put him in your calendar for Monday. I hope that's okay."


"Are you excited about Chicago?"

Was I? "I think so. It'll be a little strange. I haven't been back in a while, but I'm looking forward to getting away for a bit."

She went to the counter to pour herself a glass of wine. "I bet Blake has big plans for your birthday. It's your first birthday together!" She smiled broadly and clinked glasses with me.

I laughed and took another sip. I hadn't given the occasion much thought. Between the wedding and the daily flurry of things to do and people to deal with, celebrating was a far away thought.

Alli and I chatted about work and settling into her new apartment with Heath. Things were going well with them-her eyes and the carefree smile that crept over her lips spoke volumes. I was grateful for what they had. They needed each other, I imagined, much the same way Blake and I had grown to rely on each other.

Heath and Blake came through the door several minutes later. Alli went to Heath, and he pulled her into a sweet embrace, kissing her lips gently. My focus went to Blake, who was making casual strides in my direction.

"Hello, beautiful."

I tipped my chin up to meet his chaste kiss. His gaze was warm, but concern lined his eyes.

"How was your day?"

Before I could answer him, Catherine, Greg, and Fiona came through the door, arms full of wine and desserts. They piled into the kitchen, talking over each other and pulling everyone else into hugs. I smiled inwardly, loving all their energy and the lightness they brought into our lives.

"How are my lovebirds?" Catherine asked as she reached up to kiss Blake on the cheek.

He smirked. "We're good, Mom."

She replied with a loving pat on his cheek before turning to me. "Let me help you, sweetheart. Look at this spread. You'll put Greg out of a job."

I laughed. "I doubt it. Greg's lasagna is pretty incredible."

A proud smile lifted Greg's lips. "Why, thank you!"

"Oh!" Fiona's eyes lit up. "I have some things I have to run by you." She winked in Alli's direction.

"Okay." Alli pointed to Blake, Heath, and Greg who were all lingering by the island. "Boys in the living room. The girls need to conference."

Heath rolled his eyes. "Uh-oh."

Alli hushed him and pushed him off with the others.

As the guys got comfortable in the living room, Alli leaned in and spoke quietly. "So, now that Fiona's here, we need to plan your bachelorette party. I just need to know if you want us to surprise you or if you have any specific requests."

"Um, no surprises, I guess. You should invite Simone though."

"Definitely. She's on the list. Do you have anything specific you want to do?"

I shrugged. "Not really."

"Okay, Fiona and I will handle the props." She started typing some notes into her phone.


"Penis straws, blinking tiaras, that type of stuff."

I laughed and refilled my wine glass. "You guys are going to send me off in style, aren't you?"

"Oh, yeah. We're going all out. This will not be a classy affair, I'm afraid," Alli said.

I lifted my eyebrows, almost wishing I had opted for the surprise. "Oh God. I hope there aren't any male strippers. Blake would have a coronary."

Fiona chuckled. "Whatever. We don't need his permission."

"I heard that! And the answer is no fucking way." Blake called in from the living room.

"Blake! Language!" Catherine shot back before putting oven mitts on her hands and pulling the lasagna out of the oven.

Fiona shook her head and leaned over Alli's shoulder to see what she was typing. "We'll figure out a date tonight, and leave the planning-and props-to us. You only get to do this once."

"Okay, just remember I'd like to still be engaged by the end of it," I said. Heaven knew I didn't need Blake barging in on us, having a royal fit about whatever drunken debauchery we were going to get ourselves into.

Catherine rested her hand on my shoulder. "I wouldn't worry about that. I'm not sure anything could shake that man's commitment to marry you. I'm shocked he hasn't whisked you off to Las Vegas yet. You know how he is when he gets a thing in his mind."

"Yes, I do," I mumbled under my breath.

She shot me a knowing look and grabbed up some side dishes from the island. "Dinner's ready!"

We spent the rest of the evening talking about everything-from Heath's work with some new ventures at Blake's office to the details of the impending wedding. By the end of the evening, I was stuffed, and all I could think about was what a crazy future I had in store for me with these wonderful loving people.

After they all left, I retreated to the bedroom to start organizing a few outfits to pack for the trip. Blake came in and gave me a hug from behind.

"Alone at last. I thought they'd never leave."

"I think dinner night here went well. We should do it more often. I had fun." The wine had dulled some of the upset from my day. I was still tired, but more settled than I had been.

"We'll need more space soon."

Our eyes met in the reflection of the mirror.

"We will?"

Blake kissed my cheek. "Eventually Fiona will have someone around and the family will grow. We'll need a better place to host."

I let that thought settle over me for a minute. "Oh," I said softly. Suddenly my body felt too warm.

He released me from his embrace and sat back on the bed. "Have you ever thought about moving?"

"Not really. This place is great. It's certainly nicer than any place I ever expected to have in the city." A part of me had wondered what it might be like to have a place that was ours, not just Blake's, but our lives moved too fast to contemplate it much further. He'd given me so much already. I was in no position to ask for more, especially considering the financial inequity between us.

"Maybe we can start looking for places outside the city."

I turned to look at him, confused by this topic coming up so suddenly. "But we both work here. Why would we move?"

He shrugged. "Things change. We might want a change of scenery eventually. We love the Vineyard, but obviously it's too far away for our jobs."

I stared at him, trying to decide if it was something I really wanted. So much was in flux with my life lately. As soon as one part started to seem sure, somehow everything got turned upside down again.

"It's just something I've been thinking about. We don't have to talk about it right now though."

He pulled off his T-shirt and jeans and slipped under the covers. The sight of his beautiful shirtless body effectively deleted any other thoughts from my mind.

"How was your day? You've been quiet." He leaned on his elbow, and the look of concern from earlier softened his expression.

I dropped some clothes into my suitcase on the floor and let my mind return to the less than pleasant run-in with Marie. "I met with Marie for lunch."

"How did that go?"

"She admitted that she let it slip about Daniel to Richard, but she doesn't believe he is the one who leaked the information."

"That's bullshit."

"I know. I'm pretty sure she's in love with him and can't fathom that he'd do this to her." I sighed. "I walked out on our lunch. I feel terrible about it, but I couldn't listen to her defending him anymore."

I ran the conversation over in my mind, no less frustrated by her defense of Richard. I changed into a tank top and joined Blake in bed, switching the lamp off beside me. He drew me up against him.

"I'm sorry you had to deal with that. But at least now you know."

I nodded and rested my head against his chest, skimming my hands down the smooth ridges of his body. "Hopefully she'll come around and realize he's not the man she thinks he is."

I was upset with Marie, but I felt for her too. I knew what it was like to fall hopelessly in love with a man and have that cloud nearly everything else. Without a second thought, I'd defended Blake against every person who'd hurled accusations against his character. Men from his past-Max, Trevor, and even Isaac-had warned me about Blake, trying in vain to sully my vision of the only man I'd ever truly loved. But in the end, no one could shake my belief that he was a good man.

Troubled, maybe, and certainly not always innocent. His history as a hacker wasn't yet safely in the past, and I wasn't sure it ever would be. The man had a way of securing information by any means necessary, a talent I'd never quite been able to wrap my head around.

I searched for his eyes in the near darkness, my heart twisting with the knowledge that so much more lay beyond his words and the experiences we'd shared together. I hadn't mustered up the courage to ask him about the club again, and I wasn't sure I wanted to. Maybe he was right. Maybe I should let it go, but a little voice in my head simply wouldn't.

His brow wrinkled. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing. I'm just a little worried about the business," I said quickly, avoiding what was troubling me more. "I'm worried for Daniel a little bit too I guess. When all this goes public, it's going to affect his campaign. A reporter called me this morning, fishing for information."

He brushed a strand of hair off my forehead. "We knew it would get out eventually."

"I know. I just wish all this was behind us. As long as this investigation is open about Mark's death, I have to live with this lie. I'm scared to death that the police will find out the truth."

"You should have told them the truth when you had the chance, Erica."

I closed my eyes, sensing where this was going. "You know why I couldn't."

"You want to believe that he's someone he's not. That somehow this one act, even though he did it to save his own campaign, redeems him for everything he didn't do for you, all the things he never gave you."

A wave of emotion rushed over me, sending tears prickling behind my eyes. Refusing to give in to the feelings I didn't want to face, I pushed away and tried to face the wall. He turned me back to him quickly.

I opened my mouth to protest but he slanted his lips over mine, silencing me with a slow, commanding kiss. He cupped my cheek while his arm circled me tighter.

I struggled for a breath when he broke the kiss, his eyes dark and intent on me. He traced my lower lip with his thumb. "I'm sorry. I'm not sure that I'll ever be able to forgive Daniel for threatening you and breaking us apart. He and I might always be at odds."

I relented. His resentment sourced from his love for me. "I understand you have your reasons."

"For what it's worth, I hope he doesn't disappoint you again." He caressed my cheek and he lowered, pressing another less demanding kiss to my lips. "I love you, Erica. I only want the best for you."

I closed my eyes. "I know."

"Enough about Daniel."

I nodded with a sigh.

"Don't you want to know what I've cooked up for your birthday?" He cocked an eyebrow.

A small smile curved my lips. "Maybe."

His hands went to my sides, his fingertips wiggling against me. I started laughing, pushing him away to escape.

"You don't seem that excited," he teased.

"I am. Stop!" I couldn't stop laughing as he continued to tickle me. I squirmed until, realizing he was too strong to get away from, I resorted to pinching him.

"Hey!" He flipped me over, caught my hands behind my back, and slapped my ass hard.

I yelped but didn't try to move again now that the tickling torment had stopped. I lay there, letting the burn settle into my skin under his palm. I bit my lip, well aware of how my giddiness was transforming into desire.

"You haven't even asked about your presents," he murmured huskily, sliding his body over mine. Releasing my hands, he caressed up my sides, his erection pressed against my behind.

"You never asked me what I wanted," I replied with equally dark meaning lacing the words.

He exhaled, slipping his hands into the front of my panties. I lifted my hips up to give him space to touch me.

"I know what you want, Erica. I always know, sometimes better than you do."

God, did he ever. I fisted my hands into the pillow above my head, wanting to be taken away by my desire. I wanted to disappear into this darkness, the here and now between us. To hell with the world. I gasped when his fingers slid through the damp folds of my pussy, rubbing gently against my swollen clit.

"How about I give you one of your presents early? Would you like that?"

I nodded, unable to speak without moaning loudly.

"I can't hear you. Say the words."

His fingers slid into me, reminding me of where I wanted him the most. He withdrew, leaving me empty and wanting. I whimpered, lifting my hips back up against him.

"Erica," he sang, a dark taunt ringing in my ear.