Green Stockings - Part 6

Part 6

FARADAY. Smith--huh-- (_Genially_) Well, of course the dear fellow isn't to be held responsible for that. Eh, Admiral? (_Joins_ AUNT IDA _and_ GRICE _up_ C.)

GRICE. (_To_ FARADAY. _Coming down_ R.C.) Miss Faraday _engaged?_ You might knock me down with a feather. My dear, I congratulate yo--_him_, my dear, _him_.

CELIA. (_Smiling and shaking hands with_ GRICE) Thank you, Admiral, thank you.

RALEIGH. (_Up_ L.C. _to_ STEELE) Engaged!

STEELE. By George! (_They contemplate_ CELIA _from a new point of view_.)

FARADAY. (_Up_ R.C. _with_ AUNT IDA. _Smiling broadly and rubbing his hands together_) Good--old--_John_--_Smith!_

EVELYN. (_Patronizingly_) Well, Father, he _may_ be one of the _good_ Smiths, you know.

MADGE. (_From chair_ R.) If Celia would only stop being such a clam, and tell us.

CELIA. But, Madge dear, I have told you.

FARADAY. (_Comes down stage to_ R. _of_ CELIA) Well, Celia, I suppose he will be coming to _see_ us soon?

CELIA. Oh, yes--father--after the war. (_Leaning back on chair_ R. _of table_ L.)

PHYLLIS. (_Quickly_) The war?

(_All show surprise and interest_.)

CELIA. Yes, you see he sailed this morning on board a troop ship, for Somaliland. It was just within an hour of his leaving that he--spoke to me.

FARADAY. But during that hour he might have told you something about himself.

PHYLLIS. Oh, Father! How absurd! On occasions of that kind, an hour very quickly, (_Turns to_ TARVER _and smiles_.)

(_All laugh_.)

FARADAY. Well, I remember that when I proposed to your mother, I told her my life history _three times over_ in the first hour. (_Goes up stage_.)

EVELYN. (_Deprecatingly_) Oh, Father! (_To_ CELIA) What's his regiment?

CELIA. Oh, it is a very good one, Evelyn dear. It's one of the West African ones, you know. It has green thing-a-majigs all down the front.

(EVELYN _goes up_ L. _and crosses_ R.)

TARVER. It sounds like a garden party.

MADGE. Well, but--Celia-- (_Rises, comes to_ CELIA _and offers hand and pa.s.ses_ CELIA _in front of her to chair_ L. _of table_ R.)

PHYLLIS. Oh, yes, do tell us.

CELIA. (_Sitting_ L. _of table_ R. _Eagerly, to get rid of the questions_) But there is very little to tell.

(RALEIGH _and_ STEELE _drop down_ R.C. EVELYN _joins them_. AUNT IDA _is back of_ CELIA. GRICE _is_ C. MADGE L. _of_ CELIA. FARADAY _drops down behind_ CELIA'S _chair to_ R. _of_ AUNT IDA. _They are new all grouped about_ CELIA'S _chair, except_ TARVER, _who is in chair below fender. They all show smiling interest_.)

CELIA. Well, you see, we had been together in the house all the week--and--er--this morning I was in the garden--alone--and--and he joined me. (_Pause_.) And--er--it was then. (_Covers her--face in mock confusion_.)

(_All laugh sympathetically_.)

PHYLLIS. (_From sofa_) What did he say?

CELIA. (_Looks at_ TARVER _and_ PHYLLIS _and waving toward_ TARVER) Oh, you know.

(_All laugh_.)

PHYLLIS. And--are you _happy?_

CELIA. (_Looking at group bending over her_) Well, I really believe that this change will make a very great difference in my life.

FARADAY. (_Patting_ CELIA _on shoulder_) Well, I hope so, my dear child, I hope so. Now, let's go back and finish our rubber.

(_There is a general bright buzz of conversation, such as "By jove!"

"I'll bet it does," "Why, yes, Celia," "Well, I should think it would," "Indeed it will," etc_. FARADAY _goes up to card room with_ EVELYN, GRICE _and_ AUNT IDA. _They resume their bridge game in former positions_. MADGE _catches_ TARVER'S _eye and they join each other up_ R., _evidently talking about_ CELIA'S _engagement_. PHYLLIS _stops on sofa, talking across to_ CELIA, _as_ CELIA _glances over the remaining envelopes and slips them into the large blue envelope, in view of audience_.)

RALEIGH. (_To_ STEELE, L.C.) It's obvious that Smith didn't find it difficult.

STEELE. (_Who is_ R. _of_ RALEIGH. _Looking thoughtfully at_ CELIA) No, he didn't. Perhaps, we have all been mistaken. You know she isn't so bad looking--if you look long enough. (STEELE _starts to cross to_ CELIA. RALEIGH _stops him and goes over himself_. STEELE _comes back of chair_ L.)

RALEIGH. Miss Faraday, _I_ haven't congratulated you yet. I hope you won't go off to Southampton soon again. We all missed you _dreadfully_ when you were away.

(STEELE _shows impatience at_ RALEIGH'S _talking to_ CELIA.)

CELIA. I'm sure you did. My coming back as I've done seems to have made a _very great difference_.

RALEIGH. Oh, _great_. Believe me, _great_. Well, you've every good wish of mine. (_Gushingly extending his hand, which_ CELIA _takes amusedly_.)

CELIA. (_Warmly_) I am sure I have, Mr. Raleigh.