Full Attributes Martial Arts - Chapter 1276

Chapter 1276

In the second restricted area, no light converges.

I saw in that mountain range, a terrifying explosion almost penetrated the sky and the earth, thunder was overflowing, the aftermath of the force swept in all directions, sweeping everything.


The roar continued from the center of the explosion, and a pair of big hands broke free from it, seeming to want to tear the thunderstorm apart.

The terrifying force of suction erupted from the center of the storm, and no matter how hard the huge body of the Thunder Giant struggled, it was unable to escape the thunderstorm.

The power of the thunder and the power of the wind joked in the storm, and the resulting explosion acted on the thunder monster, and blood shot out.

In the thunderstorm that Wang Teng cast this time, he blessed the power of the two domains of the domain of thunder and the domain of wind, and the power was by no means comparable to the previous one.

To deal with the existence of the upper emperor, he can only use the power of the domain!

It now appears that he was right.

"Hiss!" Seeing this scene, many people couldn't help but breathe in air-conditioning.

"So strong!"

"This storm attack is too terrifying!"

"Is that really just a clone? It's too strong, right?"


"Have you noticed that this storm is simply stronger than the Thunder Realm that Ling Yangxu used just now."

"It turns out that Wang Teng's strength is really so strong, I thought he would only use some opportunistic methods."

"Too strong, Wang Teng refreshed my understanding of him. This is a real arrogance."

"Who would dare to say that Wang Teng only knows how to do things in a small way? People are disdain to use all their strength. If it is true, Ling Yangxu may not be able to stop him."

"Road to fans! Road to fans!"

"Love! Love! Love! I want to give Wang Teng a monkey."

"You are everywhere in the mud horse, bitch."

"Bi Chi, Wang Teng belongs to my sisters, you **** gangster, get out of here."

On the virtual universe communication platform, all the spectators finally recovered from their stunnedness, and suddenly burst into a shocking uproar.

The thunderstorm that Wang Teng cast suddenly made everyone feel incredible.

This trick is too strong, completely beyond the scope of the constant star warrior.

If it weren't for the knowledge that the genius battle can only be participated by the constant-star martial artist, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with it, they might mistake Wang Teng for a strong person above the constant-star!

At the same time, many people's views on Wang Teng have undergone a huge change!

At first, many people thought that Wang Teng would only use opportunistic means to gain points. At this time, seeing this scene, they knew how strong his strength was.

Many people speculate that he didn't want to do it before, but simply wanted to cheat others.

Now that the pit is over, it's natural time to do it.

The No.1, No.2 and No.3 of the Parax family are also watching the game in the waiting area at this time.

They pay particular attention to Wang Teng.

Later, I finally learned that it was only a clone of Wang Teng who pitted them out of the game.

This discovery made their complexion even more ugly. They were actually pitted out of the game by a clone, which is simply a shame!

A stain that will last a lifetime!

The three wanted to find Wang Teng in a duel and find their place back.

In their opinion, Wang Teng used that shameless way to cheat them, but he did not dare to fight them head-on, and his strength would definitely not be too different from them.

So if they are fighting head-on, they are not afraid at all.

Until this time, they saw Wang Teng's big move in the second penalty zone.

The three hard-pressed people looked at each other, the expressions on their faces stiffened, and the hatred in their eyes was transformed into terror at an extremely fast speed.

If this trick is put on them...

The consequences are hard to imagine.

Suddenly, they felt that they should not meet Wang Teng in the next round. Oh, yes, if they can still participate in the next round.

On the spaceship of the Da Qian Academy, Pei Tianzhou deeply looked at Wang Teng in the broadcast screen, and exclaimed: "The power of the domain is another kind of power of the domain!"

"Domain!" Baldwin's eyes widened slightly, and he saw something, only shock was left in his eyes.

Originally thought that Ling Yangxu was already very genius in mastering the domain, but he did not expect that Wang Teng also mastered the power of the domain, and there was more than one kind.

Adding to the realm that was previously understood in the first restricted zone, that is two realms!

And at this moment, the domain in the thunder storm should be stronger than the domain of thunder controlled by Ling Yangxu, at least reaching the third level.

"No, that's not right, there should be two kinds of power in this attack!" Pei Tianzhou's eyes flashed and murmured.

"The power of the two fields??" Baldwin's eyes were very small, but at this time they were at least twice as wide as they were before. His face was incredible. He couldn't help swallowing his saliva and asked: "Dean, you didn't follow Am I kidding?"

Qi Yunxia and others also looked at Pei Tianzhou one after another, and the horror in their eyes could not be concealed anyway.

"There is not only a thunder-type domain within this thunderstorm, but also a wind-type domain. Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible to exert that kind of suction to such a strong point." Pei Tianzhou was also shocked in his heart, and he took a deep breath. Suppressing the horror in his heart, said.

"This..." Baldwin, Qi Yunxia and others have completely lost their words, not knowing how to describe their feelings at the moment.

A constant star warrior, mastered the power of three domains?

Three kinds!

That is the power of the domain, not the power of the profound meaning.

An ordinary constant-star warrior who can master the power of profound meaning is considered extremely genius, much stronger than the average constant-star warrior.

If it is to master the field, it is a genius among geniuses.

And Wang Teng alone masters the power of the three domains, what is this?

evildoer! !

Absolute evildoer!

As the domain master-level warriors, they suddenly felt that they seemed to be ashamed of the domain master-level warriors.

After all, even they do not have the power to master the three fields.

"Mastered the three domains, and more importantly, the perfect integration of the two domains, to have such a terrifying move, this Wang Teng is really amazing and beautiful." Pei Tianzhou's eyes shone with excitement and wonder. Tao.

"The two realms merged. Did he create that trick?" Baldwin asked in disbelief.

"Who knows, but I have never seen this trick before." Pei Tianzhou said.

Baldwin, Qi Yunxia and others looked at each other. Although the dean said that he didn't know, his words confirmed Baldwin's guess to a large extent.

Even Pei Tianzhou, who is the dean of the Dagan Academy, has never seen it. The trick just now is not an ancient inheritance, but it was created by Wang Teng.

The former is even rarer, and the latter is not tolerable.

Either way, it is not something that an ordinary constant star warrior can possess or do.

Inside the giant fortress of the military, the three immortal powerhouses Fu Xinglan, Habakak and Tang Wuwei were also attracted by the movement made by Wang Teng.

The powerhouses at their level, ordinary things can't make them feel turbulent at all, and they don't even pay too much attention to it.

To be honest, this battle of geniuses can make them pay more attention to it. I am afraid that only the emperor and Wang Teng, who is the "light of hope" of the military department, will be the only ones to pay attention to.

If so, they don't pay attention to it all the time. It's not bad to take the time to take a look occasionally.

But now, the three of them all gave up their cultivation, opened their eyes, and all looked at Wang Teng in the second restricted area.

"It's the power of the domain!" General Fu Xinglan glanced, then said lightly.

"The power of the two fields merged to form this trick." Habakkak nodded.

What Pei Tianzhou needs to observe carefully to discover, General Fu Xinglan and others only need to scan it, and they will have an instant insight.

"I remember that on the 29th defensive star battle, he seemed to have performed a similar combat technique, but that move contained the power of space!" Habakk said.

"Yeah, that move can hit even the existence of the upper Demon Sovereign level." General Fu Xinglan's tone at this time also contained a hint of amazement.

"In this way, there is still a big gap between this move and that one." Habakak looked at the scene in the broadcast screen in amazement and said.

"This should be his own creation of combat skills, there is a faint tendency to form a system, but the power contained in it is different, the power will naturally be different." General Fu Xinglan looked at the thunderstorm and analyzed.

"At a young age, only a constant star has created such a terrifying combat skills. This kid's talent is really amazing." General Habakak said.

"This kind of talent, even if compared with the evildoers in the Seven Star Academy, is enough to stand on your heels." General Fu Xinglan flashed his eyes and said.

"So, there is hope that one of our great empires will appear..." Habakak stopped suddenly when he said, but his eyes were looking upwards, and there was a trace of yearning in his eyes.

It is self-evident that he can show such a look on an immortal powerhouse.

"It's too early to say this." General Fu Xinglan shook his head and said nothing more.

Although General Tang Wuwei had not spoken, his eyes were exactly the same as those of Fu Xinglan, and both showed a hint of appreciation and admiration for Wang Teng.

On the Parax family spacecraft, the Lord of the Flames, Walter Gu and the others looked extremely ugly, their eyes fixed on the live broadcast, and their eyes kept shining with cold light.

Wang Teng's talent really refreshed their cognition once again.

Although they have been following Wang Teng all the time, they did not expect Wang Teng to grow to such a degree in a short period of time.

Last time, a realm master-level powerhouse was asked to chase Wang Teng, but the other party's whereabouts were unknown. They also thought that something happened in the middle, or that another powerhouse took action for Wang Teng and ended the pursuit.

They always thought that Wang Teng was able to escape smoothly by relying on external forces.

Even if Wang Teng made great achievements on the 29th defensive star, they were shocked and shocked, at most they only regarded him as a genius with great potential, and did not regard him as a strong person worthy of attention.

How powerful is the Parax family, how can they be afraid of a mere constant star warrior.

But at this time, when they saw Wang Teng's extremely powerful blow, their hearts were a little bit cold.

With the realm of constant star level, he can make such a powerful blow, so what about when he reaches the universe level, the domain master level?

Can the domain master-level and world master-level martial artist of the Parax family stop him?

On the Karandish family spacecraft, Olia had a strange brilliance in her eyes, and she couldn't help but let out an exclamation: "Big Brother Wang Teng is amazing!"

"To shake the upper emperor-level Thunder monster with the strength of a constant star warrior, Wang Teng is really going to go against the sky." Di Qi said in amazement.

Even Du Bois, the veteran master-level powerhouse of the Kalandish family, couldn't help taking a breath, and said: "I believe you now, this Wang Teng can't speculate based on common sense at all! I feel that he is already comparable to that emperor!"

"Compared with the emperor!" Everyone was shocked.

"The emperor's halo is too strong to be comparable to him, I'm afraid it will only be known when the two really fight against each other." Boragu said.

Everyone believed that the emperor was so famous, relatively speaking, Wang Teng could only be regarded as a rising star.

Now that he can be compared with the emperor, someone has to believe it.

"Girl!" Letizia suddenly grabbed Olia's hand and said earnestly: "If you really feel for him, I won't stop you."

"Mother!" Olia suddenly made a big blush.

"This dead girl, who is usually very carefree, now she is twisted." Letizia poked her forehead like iron and steel, and said: "Since you have a heart for him, naturally you have to boldly express your heart. Otherwise, wait for him to go to the Seven Star Academy, where do you still have a chance, as for the objects arranged by the family, I will push for you."

"Huh?" Olia was still a little dazed, she was shocked by her mother's heroism.

"Ah what, come here, I'll teach you a few tricks to make sure that the king will be caught." Letizia pulled Olia and said.

It seemed that she was even more anxious than Olia.

"Hahaha..." Boragu and others looked at Letizia with weird faces, and finally couldn't help laughing.

However, they did not oppose Letizia's approach, because with Wang Teng's current performance, they are worthy of such a win.

Of course, if Olia doesn't like it, then they won't force it.

But since Olia has this mind, why not do it.

And these are just a microcosm.

The other six royal clans of the eight great royal clans, and even the ancestors of the royal family, the powerhouses of various forces, etc., have also undergone earth-shaking changes in their views of Wang Teng at this time.

Many people are already thinking about how to win over Wang Teng when the game is over.

Such an enchanting level Tianjiao, if he can become friends before he has fully grown up, they will definitely get huge benefits in the future.

In the second restricted zone, the thunderstorm finally slowly dissipated, exhausting all energy.

All eyes came together again.

Wang Teng was suspended in mid-air, and UU read www.uukanshu.com and looked at it intently.

I saw a tall figure slowly emerging in front of everyone, looming in the thunder light, but soon became clear as the thunder light completely dissipated, it was the thunder monster.

At this time, it has no longer been violent and ferocious, but is covered with wounds and blood dripping, its breath has become extremely weak, its body swayed, and finally fell towards the rear...crash!


There was a loud noise, and the earth was trembling, and even the hard land of super-large stars like Battle Star trembled violently when it fell to the ground, and the weight of the Thunder Giant was unimaginable.

At this time, a ray of light fell from the sky and shone on the Thunder Giant.

Its huge body suddenly disappeared.

"Participant Wang Teng, get an extra 50,000 points!" A flat voice echoed from heaven and earth.

Wang Teng's points in the second penalty area soared instantly, making him rank first, and he was far ahead of second-placed Ling Yangxu by more than 40,000 points.