Forge of Destiny - Chapter 200-Tournament 10

Chapter 200-Tournament 10

Chapter 200-Tournament 10

As they left Cai Shenhua and the highest ranking guests behind, Ling Qi allowed herself a tiny sigh of relief as the weight on her shoulders lessened. Just standing there in their presence had been stressful. Being ignored completely by her best friend hadn’t felt good either.

“Do you require a moment?” Cai Renxiang asked, pausing to look at Ling Qi.

“No, I am fine,” Ling Qi reassured her. “Please do not delay on my account.” The last thing she wanted was for the other girl to give her mother a reason for complaint.

Cai Renxiang replied with a tiny nod, turning her gaze forward once more, resuming her path back toward the more crowded parts of the pavilion. The next few hours passed in a blur of names and faces as Cai Renxiang made her way through the guest list, trading pleasantries and small talk.

Ling Qi found occasion to speak much less than her liege, but all the same, maintaining the mask of stiff politeness and subservience was exhausting. It was like studying law all over again. She was sure that she was going to forget half of the people she had met tonight, if only due to the blandness of the rote exchanges which passed between them and Cai Renxiang.

How was it that so many people, who she could feel were all unique, their auras a riot of color and imagery, could turn into the same faceless crowds?

Sixiang commented casually as Ling Qi headed for the refreshments. Cai Renxiang had noticed her wandering attention and set her to the task of retrieving drinks for the both of them. She was grateful for the break.

Ling Qi thought glumly as she looked over the array of tea blends, ciders, and watered wines available.

Sixiang admitted.

Ling Qi placed her order with the attendant. Cai Renxiang could have her tea; Ling Qi preferred something cold. Briefly, she wondered if she had developed that from her association with Zeqing. It was a grudging thought.

Sixiang mused in response to her mood.

Sixiang’s musing faded into her thoughts as Ling Qi headed back toward the beacon that was Cai Renxiang’s aura, two cups in her hands. Weaving through the crowd was second nature. The verbal acknowledgement of the people she was slipping around was less so, but she was growing used to it.

However, as she approached her liege, she paused as she saw the company Cai Renxiang was now with. She was no longer speaking to the viscount functionaries she had left her with, but rather with one of the Xuan admirals, indistinguishable from his brother. Ling Qi held back a grimace. Hopefully, she could avoid a situation in which it became clear that she couldn’t tell the two of them apart. Unless Sixiang…?

Sixiang replied to her unspoken query.

Not unexpected, Ling Qi thought glumly, resuming her stride toward the two. It wouldn’t do to stand here gawking; she would just end up looking rude that way. So, fixing her expression into one of pleasant subservience, Ling Qi returned to her liege’s side.

“My apologies for my interruption, Lady Cai, Admiral Xuan,” she said demurely as they turned at her approach, lowering her head in a bow. “Your request, my lady,” she added, holding out the drink Cai had sent her to retrieve.

“Thank you, Ling Qi,” the shorter girl said politely, accepting the cup of steaming tea. “Admiral Xuan Ce, please continue.” Ling Qi fell in appropriately a step behind her liege as the other girl’s attention turned back to the high-ranking guest.

“Enough words have I spoken of the avaricious Jin already,” the man replied, briefly glancing at Ling Qi. “My brother and I trust that the withered channels tying the great wood seas to the harbors of the north shall see their blockages crumble.”

“I will do all in my power to ensure it, should Mother choose to trust me with such responsibility,” Cai Renxiang replied evenly. “And I will speak with the Bao on the matter in any case.”

“We are thankful,” the heavily cloaked man said, his hat tilting slightly at his nod. “Treacherous is the sea of imperium when sailing alone.”

“As you say, Admiral Xuan,” Cai Renxiang said. “My honored Mother understands the value of strong ties in times of trouble, and I have personally witnessed the steadiness of your house.”

“The hatchling,” the older man chuckled, his laughter little more than a rasp. “Yes, my grand nephew has exceeded the measure laid for him by elder eyes.” There was a twinkle of amusement in his storm-grey eyes. “It is this old one’s hope that the young miss will offer him support in turn.”

“Xuan Shi is a valued ally,” Cai Renxiang agreed. “It would be my pleasure to do so.”

Ling Qi kept herself from fidgeting through an effort of will as the two of them spoke, keeping herself alert by surreptitiously noting the faces of the guests passing nearby. She could not match names to most of them, but she figured that it would be good practice regardless. She was careful not to let her attention wander too far, and she was glad for that when Admiral Xuan’s gaze turned to her.

“And what of thou, little Baroness?” the man asked. “I would hear thy thoughts on the young one.”

Ling Qi’s eyes widened marginally. Why was he asking her? She was acquainted with Xuan Shi, but they hardly knew one another well. “Sir Xuan is a dedicated and hard working young man,” she said with only a slight pause. “While we have not had many opportunities to speak, he has provided me with helpful advice on the matter of caring for Zhengui. He is a good ally and a credit to your house.”

Cai gave her a faint look of approval out of the corner of her eye, so she hadn’t screwed that up too badly. Still, she couldn’t help but feel that the elder Xuan looked faintly disappointed, which was alarming. There was no sign of it in his voice when he spoke next though.

“Yes, the precious one,” he chuckled instead, making Ling Qi flush. “Perhaps thy wings should carry the two of you north in the future. It would do the child good to meet his kin.”

“I would have no objection,” Cai Renxiang interjected smoothly. “I would need to request that you not borrow my retainer for too long, Admiral Xuan.”

“I am no thief,” the older man huffed, glancing at her again. “… Yet I must express disappointment in my grand nephew’s lack of rigor in some matters,” the man said with a sigh.

“Your words are too kind. I would be pleased to visit your lands alongside Zhengui in the future,” Ling Qi said politely. “I am undeserving of such attention.”

“Hmph. This suthron dance can be tiring,” Xuan Ce grunted, showing a bit of irritation for the first time. “Perhaps to those without Sight, thy words might be true. Portents swirl about this place, forming the seeds of a hurricane, and yet I see thee clearly amidst the gathering winds. The Star Child and Moon Wraith both will know no simple future.”

Ling Qi swallowed thickly at the ominous words, sharing an uncertain glance with Cai Renxiang, who responded carefully. “My retainer and I both thank you for sharing your Sight, Admiral Xuan.”

He waved a hand, very slightly shaking his head. “Nay, I will take no thanks for such a prediction,” he said , turning his attention back to Cai Renxiang in full. “Allow me to commend the sharpness of thine eyes one last time, young lady Cai. However, this one must attend to other business.”

“I will take your kind words to heart, Admiral Xuan. Please enjoy the rest of the evening,” Cai Renxiang said, bowing at the waist as the older man took his leave.

Ling Qi let out a breath as he vanished into the crowd, glancing down at the cup of cider she held, now growing warm in her hands. “Should I be worried?”

Cai Renxiang frowned, pausing to finally take a sip from her cup. “Divinations regarding the distant future are hardly reliable,” she said quietly. “