Fires Of Solstice - Part 27

Part 27

Spinning around, Meredythe stared into the night. A wave of dizziness washed over her and her vision blurred. The full moon bathed the lawn, driveway and encircling forest with a pure, luminescent glow. A sudden movement drew her eyes to the edge of the lawn. A single triumphant howl echoed around the clearing as a large, black wolf leaped from between the trees and loped up the driveway. Gray and black mist swirled and another form materialized. Her shivering no longer caused by the cold, Meredythe trembled uncontrollably as a naked Bleddyn stalked toward her.

Slowly, deliberately, he trod toward the porch, the moon clearly illuminating his features. Thick, black tangles cascaded about his broad shoulders and down his back. Muscular arms relaxed at his sides as his long stride carried him toward her. Dark splotches of blood marred his shoulder, chest and chin.

When he reached the steps, she stepped back, then stepped back again and again until she was pressed against the wall. Her heart palpitating with fear, she still raised her chin defiantly as his gaze raked her shivering body.

Climbing the steps to the porch, he loomed over her.

She refused to lower her eyes. Trembling, she said, "That's blood."

His hand swept across his chest. His grin was feral. "Yes."

Only the brick wall behind her kept her shuddering body from collapsing. "You're not human."

"I'm as human as you are, with just a little extra added."

"What?" She tried to blink her tears away. "What do you want?"


Grabbing her around the waist, he threw her over his shoulder. Screaming, legs flailing wildly, she tried to wiggle out of his grasp. She pounded his naked back with her fists. She even grabbed a handful of hair and yanked it. He never broke stride. His left arm tightened around her thighs and the other smacked her right b.u.t.tock. Once inside the front door, he kicked it shut and carried her up the stairs, Keri trotting silently behind them.

"Put me down!"

Her foot slammed into his stomach and she cursed at the pain that shot through her foot.

Then she yanked his hair so hard his head snapped back.

He snarled and slapped her behind again.

She shrieked as she pounded his back with her fists. "You son of a b.i.t.c.h! Put me down."

Keri growled.

Tail fluffed and claws extended, Methuselah careened out of Meredythe's bedroom and launched himself at Bleddyn.

Keri darted between them and Methuselah bounced off her with a yowl of anger.

No, Methuselah. The time has come.

Methuselah hissed and spat. Not for rape.

Ignoring both animals, Bleddyn kicked open the door to his bedroom, stalked in and kicked it shut behind him.

Stretching out in front of Bleddyn's door, Keri growled low in her throat. He won't hurt her.

Still hissing, Methuselah settled onto his haunches and flexed his paw. Long, sharp claws appeared. If he does, I'll castrate him.

"d.a.m.n it, you a.s.shole, put me down!" Meredythe's open hand connected with Bleddyn's bare b.u.t.tock. The crack echoed around the room.

Bleddyn heaved her off his shoulder. She landed flat on her back on his bed. He fell on her, pinning her beneath his body.

Fists swinging, she tried to wiggle out from underneath him. "Get off me,!"

Bleddyn tensed. Then he settled his hips on hers and stilled her flailing legs between his thighs. Capturing her pounding fists, he stretched them above her head and clamped his left hand around both her wrists.

His voice was harsh. "That didn't seem to bother you earlier."

"You weren't acting like an animal then," she hissed through clenched teeth. "Now let me go!" She heaved her hips, hoping to dislodge him.

He answered her hip thrust with one of his own. Her eyes widened when she realized the slip she wore was bunched at her hips. His c.o.c.k b.u.mped the inside of her bare thigh. He bared his teeth and ground his hips against hers again.

Meredythe stopped struggling. Bleddyn was staring down at her, his pupils dilated. Dark shadows danced across his face. Flecks of dried blood dotted his chin. Using his free hand, he grabbed the neck of her slip and ripped it from neckline to hem. He pawed her breast with his free hand. Burying his face in the side of her neck, he nipped her. His voice was low and hoa.r.s.e.

"Mine. My mate. Now!"

Trembling, Meredythe tried to blink the tears from her eyes as his knees forced her thighs farther apart.

"Bleddyn, please."

He ignored both her struggles and her pleas. Another nudge from his knees spread her legs wider. The hard tip of his erection poked the inside of her thigh. Settling his hips on hers, he centered himself. Another nip, this time on her shoulder.

Heart fluttering, Meredythe gritted her teeth and turned her face away from his. She flexed her fingers, trying to free her hands, but his viselike grip remained locked around her wrists.

"Stop it, Bleddyn," she gasped, "now."

He growled at her.

Growled? What was she, an animal? Anger conquered the fear paralyzing her. She would not be raped! Her hands and feet were useless as weapons. There was only one thing left she could do. Opening her mouth wide, she bit Bleddyn on the fleshy part of his shoulder as hard as she could, hard enough to draw blood. Its coppery taste slid onto her tongue and she swallowed involuntarily. Her own blood seemed to boil.

Pain ripped through Bleddyn's shoulder and he jerked his face from Meredythe's neck. The dark ent.i.ty that warred for control of his soul retreated. It had never been able to tolerate pain. He looked down into Meredythe's face, her anger, fear and revulsion registering in his mind. Cursing, he released her hands and rolled off her. What was he doing?

He lifted his head but made no attempt to stop her when she bolted from the bed and threw open the door. A snarling Keri met her. Slamming the door shut, she turned and braced herself against it. The fear and disgust on her face pierced Bleddyn's heart. What had he done?

Flopping back on the bed, he stared through the gla.s.s ceiling into the night sky. Light from the moon embraced him, calmed his turbulent thoughts, soothed his spirit. With a sigh, he pushed himself up, grimacing at the sudden pain in his shoulder.

He glanced down at it and froze. Blood seeped sluggishly from a matched set of teeth marks. He looked back to Meredythe.

"You bit me!"

Teeth bared, Meredythe snarled at him.

Bleddyn touched the wound then stared at the blood on his fingers. "You...bit me," he repeated. He looked back at Meredythe. Then he collapsed on the bed, laughing.

Grimacing at the coppery taste in her mouth, Meredythe licked the blood from her lips and glared at Bleddyn. Laughing. He was laughing. First he tried to rape her and now he was laughing. He had to be as crazy as Anderson.

A weapon. She had to find a weapon, fast. Her eyes locked on the fireplace. The poker. That would do.

She'd taken only two steps from the door when Bleddyn sat up. He'd managed to control his laughter, but he still had a stupid grin on his face.


She froze in midstep.

"I love you."

Chapter Fourteen.

Meredythe gaped, her thoughts roiling. Here she was, stark naked, trapped in a room with a-she swallowed-a werewolf that had just tried to rape her. She'd bitten him until she drew blood and was seriously considering braining him with a poker, and he said he loved her! If he wasn't crazy, she was.

Meredythe shuddered. No, not crazy-dreaming. She was dreaming. She'd crashed during that snowstorm when she was driving to Winterbourne. She'd been in an accident. Right now she was lying in some hospital bed in a coma, dreaming all this. That was it. She was in a coma.

Bleddyn's grin became a warm smile. "You're not in a coma and you aren't dreaming."

She glanced at the fireplace and back to Bleddyn.

Could she get to the poker before he did? "You can read minds too?"

He shook his head. "You were talking out loud."

She glanced back at the poker.

He followed her gaze. "I can get there faster than you."

Before she could blink, he was standing in front of the fireplace. "I won't hurt you, Meredythe." He held the poker out to her. "You can have this if it will make you feel safer."

"Toss it over here."

The poker clanged to the floor at her feet.

Slowly, her eyes never leaving his face, she stooped and picked it up. He didn't move. Gripping the poker with both hands, she rose and pointed it at Bleddyn. "Tell Keri to move away from the door."

Was that despair that briefly flashed across his face?

He shook his head. "She wouldn't listen to me."

The poker trembled as a lead weight settled in her stomach. She glanced around the room and then back past Bleddyn, scanning frantically for an escape route. He stood before the fireplace, arms folded across his chest, gloriously naked. Meredythe's breath caught in her throat.

d.a.m.n it, Meredythe! He just tried to rape you! her inner voice snapped. She shuddered at the memory.

"You really are a werewolf, aren't you?"


Her knees wobbled then unlocked and she was sitting on the floor. The poker gouged a dent in the hardwood floor. In the blink of an eye, Bleddyn was kneeling before her. She stabbed at him with the poker. "Get away from me."

He flinched when she poked his chest, but he didn't budge. "Please. I won't hurt you."

She jabbed the poker against his chest and braced it there. "Not hurt me! You just tried to rape me."

He wiped his face with his hand then finger combed his hair back off his forehead. "I-I wasn't myself."

"And just how am I supposed to tell the difference?"

After a deep sigh, he stared into her eyes. "While you've been here, have I ever hurt you? Did you ever think I wanted to hurt you? Did you ever fear for your safety?"

She licked her dry lips, wiping away the flecks of blood. Grimacing at the coppery taste, she dropped her gaze and shook her head. "No."

She kept the poker firm against his chest.

He leaned against its dull point. "Meredythe, please believe me. I could no sooner hurt you than I could hurt myself. I love you."

Her head snapped up. "Bulls.h.i.t. You didn't even know me a month ago."

He smiled. "I've known you for over a thousand years."

Again she shook her head. He was lying. "Either you're certifiably crazy or you're the lousiest poet on the face of the earth."

"No, I'm just a werewolf."

Blood rushed through her veins and she shivered. He would have to remind her.

He stared into her eyes. "Meredythe, I do love you. I would never hurt you. You're safe with me."

She shivered again then lowered the poker. Her arm was getting tired anyway. Chewing her bottom lip, she glared at Bleddyn. There he was, a self-confessed werewolf kneeling naked on the floor in front of her, arms at his sides. And he said that he loved her. How could he do this to her!

Her chin itched. She wiped it with the back of her hand and gazed at the dried blood. Bleddyn's blood. She had really bitten him. Blood still welled sluggishly from her teeth marks on his shoulder. Her gaze wandered from his shoulder to his chest, then down his body. His stiff c.o.c.k stood straight out. He wasn't circ.u.mcised. d.a.m.n, he was hot.

He was hot? Meredythe jerked her eyes back up to Bleddyn's face. His expression was amused.

"See anything you like?"

A full body flush warmed her. Anything she liked! He was a murderer, for G.o.d's sake. He killed people. How could she be attracted to him?

Her eyes widened at the thought. She did find him attractive. This morning she'd done her best to drag him into the nearest bed. She'd trusted him, believed everything he'd told her. And he'd lied to her.

"d.a.m.n you, Bleddyn Glyndwr!" She swung the poker. Eyes widening with shock, he recoiled slightly when she hit the fleshy part of his upper right arm, but he remained kneeling before her.

Shocked, Meredythe gaped at the poker in her hand then at Bleddyn. "How could you let me do that!"

He shrugged. "If that's what it takes for you to trust me, hit me again."

"Hit you again? Hit you again? What do you think I am?"