FFF-Class Trashero - Chapter 340

Chapter 340

Chapter 340

[21st Round] 5th Curriculum v2.0

Lanuvel served as the heroes guide in Fantasy, but she deliberately lured them into traps.

I could work as much as needed on the 5th curriculums effectiveness before the inspection teams arrival, but this entire mechanism would fail if its first gear were defective.

Are you saying youre going to transfer Lanuvels role to Green Cake?


You want him to be a guide for those who want to kill his father?

That doesnt matter. Whats important is the result.

Isnt this a too cruel of a role for him, hubby?

Everything will be alright.

I had no intention of losing anyway.

Kids who spent just a few years on their adventure and on raising their levels couldnt defeat a Demon Lord with 200 years worth of experience. That was just common sense.

If I lost to such heroes, it would mean that I had become as careless and incompetent as my father-in-law.

If Green Cake properly cultivated them, it would be possible to increase their average statistical competence, which should positively affect the school as a whole.

Oh I didnt even think about that. Will there ever even be a student who would be able to beat you?

If a strong student emerges, itll be fun.

Breaking their spine, that was!

Having agreed on their deployment date, I bid the famous trio farewell and discussed the details with Ssosiel.

I hadnt prepared anything yet, after all.

At this rate, their adventure would lead to nowhere since nothing awaited them in the endless waters but a gigantic maelstrom.

What do you want to do, hubby?

Attach the system to Green Cake. Let him create islands one by one along his path. That way, hell undergo a lot of journeys and adventures.


I dont know what direction my son will take. Let the system track his path in real-time.

Thats genius.

Its nothing.

Confirmation: I understand what student Kang Han Soo wants. It will be done.

This ignorant system still called me a student.

Was that how she should address the directors husband?

Shes just stating factual information. This child is just following basic principles. Your wife has become Fantasys director, but that doesnt mean youre no longer a student.

Really? Then promote me to the vice-princ.i.p.al position.


Hehehe! The student role is perfect for you, Savage Hero. It would be better if you make me, the n.o.blest spirit to ever exist, your vice-princ.i.p.al, niece!


She also rejected the Addicted Spirit, who suddenly intervened.

Youre despicable, wife!

Youre despicable, my niece!

I cant do that! Neither of you has gone under proper education and training! Do you want the school to be closed for corruption? If you want to become the vice-princ.i.p.al, complete your tertiary education course first!

I remembered hearing this before from Trainee Teacher.

To become a teacher, one needed to complete the tertiary education course.

At the time, I thought it didnt really matter. Little did I know, it would hinder my success.

But that was okay.

My wife was the director of this school.

And I would be a gigolo.

Hey, handsome husband? How about thinking about a job that matches your talents?

Im going to become the owner of a coffee shop.

I would drink coffee without paying and give herniated discs to anyone whod dare stare at my wifes pelvis.

Is that something I should be happy about?

Of course.

The most handsome and outstanding man in the world of Fantasy was guarding her pelvis.

She should be delighted.

Fine, fine. Its really hard being your first wife. In terms of complexity, its comparable to mollanometric functions.

I looked at Green Cake to make sure he knew what to do, but he looked like a lost lamb.

Dont worry. You just need to sail through the endless waters for about three months and then return to Flying s.h.i.+p Orgata.

But thats your s.h.i.+p, father

Consider it your reward.

Ill work hard for it!

Now he seemed motivated.

Although he lacked social experience, he would be fine since he wasnt weak. He couldnt be easily defeated.

Good luck.

Thank you, father!

I couldnt wait to see Lanuvels reaction after being fired and having Green Cake take over her position.

She would no longer receive a prophecy that stated, Summon the Hero who will defeat the Demon Lord!

She will become an ordinary Lanuvel.

Anything else we need to do here, hubby?

Nothing special.

We visited the Dwarf Kingdom on Island E and conveyed a similar message.

When the heroes arrived, they were to be lent something of value.

We then headed to the Central Continent.


Three months had pa.s.sed since then.

Throughout that duration, I spent every day traveling the continents of Fantasy, looking for bugs and spreading the greatness of Master Mollan in areas where there were no flush toilets.

Lanuvel was still inactive.

Instead of summoning mercenaries from outer s.p.a.ce, she delved into the Tomb of Heroes.

This is weird.

The suspicious ent.i.ty called Fantasys Wrath also seemed to have remained dormant.

Even after catching the 10th bug, no more notable incidents happened.

As a result, I had little work to do, and the time I spent messaging with my mother increased significantly.

Me: Please move here. (15:04)

Mom: Didnt I tell you not to bring this up again, son? I like it here. I recently met an old tennis rival of mine. I cant leave now. It would be like I ran away. (15:05)

Me: Is tennis more important than your son? (15:06)

Mom: You really want me to make that comparison? (15:07)

Mom: Then tennis is 100 times more important than a son who hasnt shown himself before his parents in over 20 years. If not for tennis, I would have committed suicide from depression. (15:08)

Me: Sorry. Theres nothing I can say about that. (15:09)

My plan to relocate my parents to the Festival planet had failed.

I decided to try my luck with my father, but I was making slow progress since he wasnt a fan of instant messengers.

Me: Father, please convince mother. I know I havent been the best son lately, but if you just move here, I guarantee you a comfortable, trouble-free retirement. (15:10)

Dad: Im going to work. (6:22)

Me: If you move here, you wont even have to go to work. (6:22)

Me: Please read and answer later when you have time. (6:24)

But he didnt answer.

Me: When youre done with your work, write to me. If you are uncomfortable writing text messages, just call. (20:43)

Dad: Overtime. (20:43)

Me: Got it, but please dont forget to write or call me after your works done. (20:43)

Me: Father, are you still at work? (23:01)

Dad: Im having supper. (23:58)

I was going crazy.

Me: I know its your day off today. Do you have time to talk to your son? (9:23)

Dad: Sleeping. (11:53)

Me: Sorry. Contact me when you wake up. Please dont forget about it this time! (11:53 am)

Me: Father, are you still sleeping? Are you sick? (15:43)

Dad: In training. (15:43)

Oh! I forgot.

My mother was the chairman of a local tennis club, and my father was her partner and deputy.

Apparently, after waking up, she dragged him to the club.

Then later

Dad: We discussed everything. (19:10)

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Dad: I totally agree with your mother. (19:13)

It took me ten minutes to recollect my bearing.

Me: May I know why? (19:23)

Dad: Forcing family members to move because of you alone isnt good. (19:57).

Dad: Be a good older brother to your younger brother and take into account his opinion. (20:01)

My mom said they didnt want to move because of her old rival in tennis, but it seemed to be that their second child had influenced them.

Now I understood.

He realized how grave the crime of stealing my parents love from me was, rendering him afraid of me.

Um, hubby?


Arent you exaggerating too much? Think about it. Maybe they just refuse to move because they dont want to part with their friends.

The benefits theyll gain outweigh that problem. Dont they want to live in wealth without worries?

Youre probably unaware, but thanks to your mothers second daughter-in-law, they are already enjoying a comfortable life.


Alexandra Victoria III, the uncrowned queen, is the owner of a conglomerate over which the sun never sets.

Alexandra Victoria? Thats the name of the Queen of England.

I had nothing to do with the royal family on the other side of the globe.

I think she realized that you love only your first wife, so she decided to target your little brother.

My little brother?

My intuition keeps telling me that.


That was of little interest to me.

The problem was that my plan to relocate my parents failed because of him.

Wed better think of another plan. By the way, Green Cake has returned safely from his journey.

And Lanuvel?

She roams the Holy Empire of the Central Continent like an ordinary traveler.

Did she notice Shadow A was watching her? Or was she still planning something?

It didnt matter.

Whether she liked it or not, from today on, it was the great explorer Green Cake who would become the heroes guide.

Pip Pip Pip.

Mollanphone 2S+ displayed Flying s.h.i.+p Orgats location using a Fantasy map app.

Three months later, Merchant King, Pirate Queen, and Bandit King, having become ardent adherents of the Mollan Teachings, landed on the Eastern Continent, and my son headed straight for us.

He arrived almost instantly, too.

He appeared over my head while I was talking to my wife.

Father! I have returned safely! We visited Chubby Babys Foot Island, Chubby Babys Calf Island, Chubby Babys Thigh Island, Chubby Babys Belly Island, Chubby Babys Chin Island, Chubby Babys Lip Island, etc. After that, we ended the adventure by defeating a guardian, who was terrified of the greatness of my fathers alter ego, Captain Fantasy, and retrieved the Flying s.h.i.+p Orgat.

Great work.

It was said that the islands were named after their outline, but it sounded too confusing.

Legendary Island A, Legendary Island B, Legendary Island C, Legendary Island D, Legendary Island E

These names were much better.

Only you, hubby, like names like that.

Thats prejudice. In any case

If I were to appoint Green Cake as a guide with his current stats, the heroes would look like dummies in his presence. Hence, I needed to hide his stats. It would be questioned why he didnt just slay the Demon Lord himself otherwise.

Hiding stats using the system violates school rules, hubby.

Who asked you to use the system? Green Cake.

He didnt have my blood flowing in him, but he was born outstanding already since he received many nutrients before hatching.

Gifted skill.

ZZZ: The ability to pretend to be ordinary.

After activating its ZZZ-rank effect, Green Cakes stats immediately became normal.

Even the heroes wouldnt notice it.

We were finally prepared to fire Lanuvel!


We headed to the Dumpling Kingdom of the Central Continent!

We needed to summon social outcasts before Lanuvel could do it herself.

However, at that very moment

Hubby! We have a problem!

Which? Did Lanouvel fall into a trap and die?

No. Lanuvel has summoned a hero without a catalyst! You were right! Shes guilty!

Lets go to her immediately!

Its already too late! You must return to the Demon Lords Tower and take the throne now! Ill deal with the rest somehow!


The Fantasy dimension collapsed and reorganized.

And all the students received this message:

Truth: Welcome, Hero! I know youre confused since youve been summoned here without warning, so let me brief you at least. Youre in Fantasy, a dimension different from where you were born. I know its difficult to grasp everything at once, but I will begin to explain everything gradually, step by step.

Get lost. n.o.body needs that.

The heroes had mollanphones.

Truth: The Demon Lord Parmamon has awakened! Find faithful companions and fight him back Um, Hero? Are you listening?

The Demon Lord had organized everything so perfectly that Lanuvel was now powerless.