Fenrir's Journey : I Shall Devour The Heavens! - 19 Hunt Begins

19 Hunt Begins

With no other leads, Fenrir decided that the best course of action was simply to hunt all the monsters she could. As long as she was eating, her body would never get tired and, even if she got injured, she would regenerate quickly as long as she had enough energy. Thus, Fenrir made it her goal to eliminate every 'dangerous' smell in the area and, if she couldn't think of what to do when everything was dead, Fenrir would move to another area and repeat the process anew. Eventually, Fenrir knew something would change and she would be able to make a decision about what to do when the time came.

After cleaning up the sc.r.a.ps, which amounted to nearly 22,000kg of meat, Fenrir set out to find her next meal. She wasn't particularly hungry but, in order to stave off the hunger that would inevitably creep up on her, Fenrir decided to be more proactive. Once she found a scent trail, Fenrir activated her [Huntress] ability and, like her Master always said when they played in the past, Fenrir repeated, "Let the hunt begin..." with an excited smile on her face.

It didn't take long for Fenrir to track down the monster that had left the markings on the edge of its territory. Even without using [Shundo], her running speed could easily reach upwards of 1,200km/h so she had pa.s.sed through the woods like a phantom before immediately jumping towards the giant bi-pedal lizard monster. Had she been more educated in such matters, Fenrir would have felt that this 8m tall lizard looked eerily similar to a Tyrannosaurus Rex. The only difference is that its body had dense scales with bristles running down the nape of its neck and onto its back.

Noticing something had intruded into its territory, the lizard monster moved to release a loud roar but, before it managed to make a sound, Fenrir threw a sphere of ice elemental energy straight into its mouth. In an instant, the monster's head was completely frozen with the remnant ice energy forming a pristine white flower-like explosion that seemed frozen in time. Then, covered in an icy blue aura that enhanced her physical parameters more than twenty times, Fenrir created long blades with her [Severing Claws] ability and cut straight through the lizard's body. It fell to the ground in five segmented chunks and, without any major flair, Fenrir began devouring her second meal. This time, there was only around 15,000kg, so Fenrir felt like she should have picked up an appetizer on the way...

(Fenrir's Commentary: 'It's nice not being able to get fat...!')