Extreme Martial Arts Modifier - Chapter 983

Chapter 983

The giant tortoise said to the flying beast, "Lin Yu has a new plan."

"What plan?" the flying behemoth asked.

The giant tortoise said: "You come down and attack the three enslaved giant beasts. If you are accidentally trapped by them, you should fight with the abyss overlord first and try to delay as long as possible."

"At that time, Lin Yu will take advantage of this time to absorb his heart energy to improve his strength. When his strength is successfully improved, he will come to you and kill the abyss overlord."

When the flying beast heard it, he immediately rejected: "No, the risk is too great, I can't accept it."

This is tantamount to letting it gamble with its own freedom.

If this bet is lost, it will be enslaved by the abyss overlord for a lifetime.

How can such a result be acceptable.

Mainly because the chances of success are simply too small.

How can the giant tortoise guarantee that Lin Yu will be able to improve his cultivation before the abyss overlord enslaves it?

Even if it can be improved, how can the giant tortoise ensure that Lin Yu, who has improved his cultivation, can defeat the abyss overlord?

The abyss overlord now has the strength of the fifth-order divine body, while Lin Yu has the strength of the fourth-order divine body.

In other words, even if Lin Yu succeeded in improving his cultivation, he would still be on a par with the abyss overlord.

With this level of strength, how dare you say to kill the abyss overlord?

It would be nice not to be counter-killed by the abyss overlord at that time.

You must know that the abyss overlord has already cultivated the fifth-order divine body, and his control over the fifth-order divine body must be far more profound than Lin Yu.

How could Lin Yu, who has just broken through, be his opponent.

Therefore, based on the above reasons, the flying behemoth would never agree to this request of the giant tortoise.

Such a gamble, it is no exaggeration to say that you will lose.

On the other hand, the giant tortoise saw that the flying giant beast refused, and hurriedly said: "You can completely trust Lin Yu on this point."

It had long expected that the flying behemoth would refuse, so it decided to clarify Lin Yu's strength.

Presumably the flying beast must not know Lin Yu's true strength and potential now.

Just make it clear and it should change its mind.

"Needless to say, I won't agree." The flying behemoth refused decisively.

"It's not too late to decide after you listen to me."

The giant tortoise comforted, and then talked about its understanding of Lin Yu.

For example, Lin Yu cultivated into the fourth-order divine body not long after he came to the abyss, and Lin Yu also had three first-order divine bodies in addition to the fourth-order divine body.

"Huh? He also has three first-order divine bodies?" the flying beast wondered.

The giant turtle replied: "Yes, it is precisely because of this that I dare to say that he can kill the abyss overlord after his cultivation is improved."

"These three first-order gods are the guarantee for him to defeat the abyss overlord."

Hearing this, the flying behemoth began to shake in his heart.

That's right, it can choose to ignore these things and just fly away.

But it knew in its heart that if these Fallen Gods were not killed, the abyss would never be peaceful.

The reason why it stopped on the abyss giant mountain after recovering its xin energy was because it was afraid that it would not be able to find its next foothold when its xin energy was exhausted.

In that case, he would have to risk falling into the thick fog of the abyss and face the threat from the Fallen God.

So, it is willing to accept some risks if the possibility of success is not small.

"Are you sure that Lin Yu can improve his cultivation before the abyss overlord defeats me?" the flying beast asked.

"Very sure." The giant turtle replied affirmatively: "As long as he can absorb the anima of up to two giant beasts, he can improve his cultivation by 100%."

"How on earth did he cultivate? How can he be so sure?"

The flying behemoth is amazing.

The meteor gods it has seen in this abyss are not one or two, and they know how the meteor gods cultivate.

Normally, the Meteor Gods' improvement in cultivation is similar to that of a big luck.

As a result, Lin Yu could give an accurate boost time.

Seeing that the flying behemoth was curious, the giant tortoise said, "I don't know how he improved, but I have seen him improve several times with my own eyes, so I believe this time will be no exception."

"Also, the reason why I am willing to sign a contract with him is because I know that he is very unusual."

"I believe that he will eventually be able to complete the things that he agreed with me."

"In this world, only he can do that."

After hearing the words of the giant tortoise, the flying giant beast fell into contemplation.

At this point it has been persuaded, but because the stakes are so high, it has yet to make a decision.

After all, once you lose the bet, you will be enslaved for countless years.

If you don't gamble, nothing will happen.

It is a flying behemoth. As long as it flutters its wings and flies high in the sky, few meteor gods can approach it.

Seeing that the flying behemoth was still hesitant, the giant tortoise said again: "Don't think about it so terrifyingly, as long as you are careful not to be trapped by the three behemoths, the abyss overlord will not be able to. approaching you."

"Also, as long as Lin Yu absorbs the anima of another giant beast, there will be one less giant beast attacking you, and your pressure will be reduced a lot."

The giant tortoise tried to persuade.

Hearing this, the flying behemoth pondered for a long time, and finally agreed: "Okay, I promise you, I will help you again."

"But this is the last time. If it doesn't work this time, then there's nothing I can do."

The giant tortoise agreed with the flying beast, UU read www. uukanshu.com immediately replied: "Well, the last time."

After finishing speaking, it hurriedly transmitted a voice to Lin Yu and said, "It agreed, but it said that if it doesn't work this time, there will be no next time."

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"Enough!" Lin Yu replied, "This time, we will definitely succeed."

After he finished speaking, he instructed: "Now let the flying behemoth come down and attack the three enslaved behemoths, and I will act according to the situation."

"Okay." The giant tortoise agreed immediately, turning to communicate with the flying beast.

Lin Yu waited patiently, waiting for the flying beast to fall from the sky to attack.

The abyss overlord on the side saw that Lin Yu had been sitting there motionless, and asked, "You just don't care about the loss of your heart?"

Lin Yu replied, "It's not that I don't want to worry about it, but I'm afraid that the flying beast will suddenly attack, which will make it too late for me to get back here."

"Humph." The abyss overlord snorted coldly: "I think that beast is afraid and dare not come down again."

At this time, he was eager to fly the giant beast and then come down to attack.

Because now all the Meteor Gods, including the abyss master, have mastered the attack rules of flying behemoths and know how to counterattack effectively.

So as long as the flying behemoth dares to come down again, there will definitely be no return.

"I think you'd better take advantage of this time to check why your heart can be lost, so that when there is a real battle, you can only stare here, and you can't help anything."

The abyss overlord said coldly.

However, as soon as he finished speaking, Lin Yu shouted: "Be careful, it's coming!" Click to download the APP of this site, massive novels, free to read!