Extreme Martial Arts Modifier - Chapter 481

Chapter 481

Wang Zijin glanced at the gestures made by Duan Kong, raised his foot and walked towards the inside of the City Lord's Mansion.

While walking, thinking about the purpose of this trip in my heart.

Although he successfully saw Duan Kong and confirmed the fact that Duan Kong could use the power of the world, he still didn't know what the purpose of this trip was.

In the incomplete memory left by that god, it was only faintly revealed that Duan Kong could help him a lot. There was no other information, and he could only guess by himself.

"It would be great if I could fill in the missing part in my memory..." Wang Zijin secretly said in his heart.

The three quickly came to the main hall of the City Lord's Mansion.

This is Duan Kong's usual practice place, and only a few people are qualified to come here.

Wang Zijin was able to enter the city lord's mansion for the first time, which shows that Duan Kong attaches great importance to him.

"Brother Wang, sit down!"

Duan Kong waved his hand, and a chair suddenly appeared behind Wang Zijin.

At the same time, a coffee table with tea bowls appeared next to the chair.

Wang Zijin turned around and took a look, then sat down peacefully.

Duan Kong also sat down, while Ji Wenbin stood behind him.

"Brother Wang, this is our best white spring tea, a specialty of Yunhaizhou. You can try it."


At this time, Wang Zijin was still wondering what the purpose of this trip was. Seeing Duan Kong invited him to drink tea, he picked up the tea bowl and prepared to delay time and think about it.

Of course, his somewhat absent-minded appearance was naturally seen by Duan Kong.

However, Duan Kong thought he was still experiencing the insights he had gained in that contest, so he didn't think much about it.

Wang Zijin was extremely slow to drink tea.

After Wang Zijin slowly put down his tea bowl, Duan Kong couldn't help but ask: "Brother Wang, I wonder why you came here on this special trip?"

Wang Zijin never said what he wanted, he had to take the initiative to ask questions, otherwise it would be nothing to just sit and do it.

However, after hearing this question, Wang Zijin did not rush to answer, but instead asked, "City Lord Duan, I don't know what your attitude towards gods is?"

He hadn't figured out what the **** he was coming here for, so he could only delay the time by dragging it around.

Presumably, as long as you talk a little longer, you will suddenly recall something like before.

But what he didn't know was that this casual question was asked on the key point.

"Brother Wang, say something arrogant enough, I think any **** is nothing more than this!"

Duan Kong said decisively.

He thought that Wang Zijin asked this question to test him, so he gave the answer that he felt was the most correct.

I believe that Wang Zijin, who has mastered the power of the world, will definitely agree with this view of him.

"Why does City Lord Duan think so?"

Wang Zijin asked casually.

Although he holds a similar view to Duan Kong, he is still busy searching for those incomplete memories at this time, and his mind is completely out of these.

Of course, he asked casually, but Duan Kong didn't think so.

Duan Kong thought Wang Zijin was serious and wanted to confirm the true attitude in his heart.

"Because as far as I know, the essence of the divine power possessed by God is exactly the same as the power of the world."

"And what is the power of the world? It is actually the original power that the world has at the beginning of its birth, but it stands to reason that this power will only exist in the core of the world. Perhaps it is because of God's present world that this power overflows from the core. , Scattered throughout the world."

"But this is not important. The important thing is that since we can grasp and use this power, it means that there is no essential difference between us and God."

Duan Kong quickly stated the conclusions he had obtained through years of research.

On the one hand, I want to explain why I don't take God seriously, on the other hand I want to show off my research results.


Wang Zijin's eyes lit up and exclaimed softly.

This was a pun, but Duan Kong couldn't hear it.

The reason why Wang Zijin exclaimed was that on the one hand, what Duan Kong said was all right, on the other hand, it was because Duan Kong's words made him stitch up a few fragments of incomplete memories.

So this sound is not only refers to Duan Kong's right, but also refers to his own thoughts just now.

The conversation with Duan Kong really reminded him of something.

At this time, Wang Zijin had fully understood what he was doing this time.

On the other side, Duan Kong saw that Wang Zijin's reaction to his words just now was so great, and he secretly said that Wang Zijin really was the same as him.

I couldn't help but become more eager.

"Brother Wang, these are just my superficial conclusions. In fact, I still have a lot of doubts and need Brother Wang's help."

The doubts Duan Kong mentioned have troubled him for many years.

It was precisely because these doubts were not answered that he was unable to go further.

So when he was figuring out that the senior man was far more accomplished in the power of the world than him, he wanted to see him on the spot and ask for some advice.

"City Lord Duan, please say, as long as I know, I will know everything is endless."

Wang Zijin couldn't wait to hear what doubts Duan Kong had in his heart.

He thought to himself that since the dialogue just now allows him to recall some things and connect the missing memories with each other, he believes that the next dialogue will definitely have the same effect.


Seeing that Wang Zijin's reaction was so enthusiastic in Duan Kong, the fire of enthusiasm in his heart was completely ignited.

"Brother Wang, let me first talk about the biggest problem that has bothered me for so many years."

Duan Kong quickly pondered his words, and then asked: "Brother Wang, God can't really descend into this world, is it because he is blocked by the power of this world?"

"Or in other words, does the power of the world appear to prevent God from directly interfering in this world?"

As soon as his words fell, Wang Zijin immediately looked at him with joy~www.mtlnovel.com~ because Duan Kong's words once again allowed him to grasp some key points and helped him to repair part of his missing memory.

"City Lord Duan is right, everything is exactly as you think." Wang Zijin nodded his head.

"Really?" Duan Kong muttered to himself: "Sure enough! In this way, everything makes sense!"

Afterwards, he hurriedly asked again: "Brother Wang, do you think the strength of the world is related to the size of the world?"

"Yeah!" Wang Zijin searched through those incomplete memories, nodded and said: "The larger the world, the stronger the corresponding world power."

"Or conversely, only if the power of the world is strong enough can a large-scale world be formed."

When Duan Kong heard this, he muttered to himself again: "Sure enough! It really is!"

Then he asked: "Brother Wang, since the divine power is essentially the same as the power of the world, does the origin of God have something to do with the power of the world? In other words, is the divine power actually some kind of special world power?"