Ex Strongest Swordsman Longs For Magic In Different World - Chapter 355 (Self Edited) – Malice that Lurks Beneath

Chapter 355 (Self Edited) – Malice that Lurks Beneath

Chapter 355 (Self Edited) Malice that Lurks Beneath

Isac Veritas.

He was Cecilias older brother by blood, but in truth, they had rarely spoken. It wasnt that Cecilia had been kept in the dark, but in truth, it was simply that there had been no contact.

But Cecilias brow furrowed, and not because she was being spoken to in a friendly manner. It was because he called her my sister.

When she was small, the illusion on her body was performed by her father, and when she grew older, she performed it by herself. The two brothers were no exception to the rule. The only people who knew that Cecilia was a woman were her parents, and the few people who were in charge of taking care of her, while her two older brothers should have been informed that she was a man.

And that illusion was still in effect today. From the surroundings, Cecilias appearance should look like a man Even if it was Isac saw through the illusion by some means, as Soma did, it was obvious that he didnt even show any signs of surprise that she was a woman.

To begin with, it was strange to be called in that way

It has been a while. (Isac)

Thats true. (Cecilia)

However, the reason why she didnt ask what was in her mind was because she didnt understand the current situation. She chose to extract as much information as she could by daring to get into the conversation.

Why is your expression so stiff? Are you nervous? No or is it just that you dont like me? (Isac)

If anything, its the former. We never really talked in the first place. (Cecilia)

Is that so? Well, if you say so, I guess its true. But then again, before was before, and now is now, right? Its a good thing were siblings, because were going to get along just fine. (Isac)

Isac smiled as he said this, and at first glance, it seemed as if he was speaking from the heart.

However, the scenes she had seen in the villages and towns she had pa.s.sed through on her way to the royal capital naturally crossed her mind. It was the scene of the corpse of her companions, who were slaughtered or starved to death.

Still, she suppressed the urge to overflow and clenched her fists tightly. She felt a slight pain in the palm, but the pain told her that this situation wasnt a dream, but a reality.

Then, she told herself to stay calm and opened her mouth.

Get along, is it? (Cecilia)

Yes. It seems that it wasnt possible before because of all that b.a.s.t.a.r.d Father was up to, but it doesnt matter now, does it? (Isac)

If thats the case, why did you start a civil war? There must have been someone you should have gotten along with before you did that. (Cecilia)

It hurts my ears. It was true, but you know what? You need strength to carry out your ideals. (Isac)

She was well aware of such things.

If Cecilia had the power, she could have protected herself and her companions. She was sure that she could have done a lot of things on the way to this place.

But in reality, she lost most of her companions, and it was thanks to Somas group that she was able to protect the ones who remained. The only thing Cecilia could do on the way was to guide them, but everything else was done by Somas group. She could only watch as it all came to an end.

She knew and had tasted enough to know that nothing could be done without power.

She clenched her fists tighter and tighter.

I was well aware of such things. (Cecilia)

Is that so? I see. Youre the same as me in a way. (Isac)

The same? (Isac)

Yes. I was only a subst.i.tute for Aniki. I was only a replacement for him. I was never given the right to choose anything. Isnt it the same with you? (Isac)

That may be true. (Cecilia)

Indeed, if she considered only at that point, she could say that they were the same. She didnt mean to be tied up just because of that, but that much was true.

However, I was able to get the power. Maybe it was just a coincidence, but this time, I was the one who was chosen. Then, that guy told me to live my life the way I want. Yes, thats why Ive decided to live my life the way I want to. (Isac)

There were many things about Isacs story that bothered her, but even so, he didnt seem to be lying at least. His face was clearly telling the truth.

However no, because of that, Cecilia had to ask one thing.

The way you want, is it and the result is that (Cecilia)

Im not sure what youre talking about if youre not being specific. However, if youre asking about the current situation in the royal capital, youre right. Ill do whatever I want. Then, there will be an inequality. Thats why I allow people to do what they want. So, hows the situation for those people? (Isac)

How? It seems they were having fun and looked happy, but (Cecilia)

Yes, of course. Well, theyre all out of touch with reality (Isac)

What? What do you mean by that? (Cecilia)

She simply couldnt understand what he was saying.

What did he mean by the people werent seeing reality

Whatever it is, it is what it is. These people are all in a dream of happiness, in an illusion. They dont actually see each other. They are just playing a game with their own convenient existence. Thats why if theyre not careful, they can end up having a mismatched conversation, but from the looks of it, you didnt feel any discomfort. Im glad to hear its going well. (Isac)

As soon as she understood what she meant, she felt a s.h.i.+ver run down her spine.

This man what is he!?

What did you do!? (Cecilia)

What did I do? I told you, I let them do whatever they want. What, you got a problem with that? Youre the one who said they look happy and joyful, remember? (Isac)

Th-that is true, but didnt you say it yourself? Its all an illusion! (Cecilia)

If theyre pretending, its not up to the outside world to tell them what to do. The people themselves dont realize that. Ooh have you seen whats happening in the villages and cities? (Isac)

! (Cecilia)

It was obvious that it was the work of this man. She glared while clenching her teeth, but Isac kept a cool face even when she looked at him like that.

Oi, oi, dont stare at me like that. It cant be helped, right? Im still getting used to this power. I thought everyone would be happy if I told them to do what they want, but well, it was a bit of a shortcut when I think about it. I knew better than anyone that you cant do what you want if you dont have the power. But thats why I changed my mind and made everyone happy, right? So, whats wrong with that? Im telling you, its impossible for everyone to be happy without it. (Isac)

Tha-that (Cecilia)

Isac was right about that. If everyone was allowed to do what they wanted, there would always be conflicts.

One of the results of trying to do so was the civil war in this country. She was sure that none of them wanted to fight. As a result of pursuing their own fortune, they had no choice but to fight each other.

They couldnt all be truly happy. It was indeed true.


That doesnt mean its acceptable! (Cecilia)

If she were told that she was selfish, it was probably true.

But something was different, she thought. She didnt know how to put it into words, but she thought that there was something wrong with it.

Oh my I really just want everyone to be able to do what they want. Oh, of course, that includes me, you know. And its true that I want my siblings to get along. In fact, I get along with Aniki. (Isac)

Get along, is it? (Cecilia)

The reason why she thought those words were strange was because the whereabouts of the first prince should have been unknown at present. If they were really getting along, there was no way he could have disappeared.

However, as if to say that it didnt matter that she was looking at Isac quizzically, he nodded and pointed to the area where Celia was standing.

Yes. Thats right I believe he is just around that corner? (Isac)

That corner? What are you talking about? (Cecilia)

No, I mean we were getting along well today but its bad to have excessive fun, right? I have to clean up afterwards. So, I put him right around your feet. (Isac)

!? (Cecilia)

The moment she realized what he meant, she jumped back from the spot.

It sounded like a bad joke, but Cecilia could tell that it was probably true. With a slight feeling of nausea, she finally realized why she couldnt accept this mans words.

Yes, Isacs words were indeed beautiful and sound right, but underneath of that, there was an indescribable malice.

Now Ive rambled long enough, but Ive invited you here. Its time to play with you. Its about time I had some fun with you too. It wont be fair to Aniki, right? (Isac)

Eh No, thank you! (Cecilia)

Even if you say that, my young sister is a companion too. Ive been thinking about various ways that you can enjoy it. Ive done a lot of experiments and he enjoyed it well. Im sure you will enjoy it too. (Isac)

She tried to run away as quickly as she could, but for some reason, her legs wouldnt move. She was pretty sure she could have moved right before that.

Yes, it would be trouble if you got away. Ive made a few adjustments. But you dont have to worry. What did I tell you? Yes, youll be having fun soon. Now, come with me (Isac)

I hate to say this, but if you want to have fun, you can do it alone. (S???)

It was at that moment that Isac was about to approach her. With such a voice, the ground between Isac and Cecilia was blown away with a roar.

Immediately after that, a shadow landed in front of Cecilia. It was a familiar face.

So-soma-dono!? (Cecilia)

A boy with black hair and black eyes was standing there, staring ahead of him.