Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology - Part 68

Part 68

Pruinose: h.o.a.ry: as if covered with a fine frost or dust.

Pruinous -us: deep blue with a reddish tinge, like a plum [French blue + purple lake].

Psammophilous: living in sandy places.

Pselaphotheca: that part of the pupa which covers the palpi.

Pseudidolum: = nymph: q.v.

Pseudimago: = sub-imago; q.v.

Pseud- or Pseudo-: as a prefix means false, spurious, or merely resembling. Pseudo-cellula: = accessory cell: q.v.

Pseudo-chrysalis: the semi-pupa.

Pseudo-coel: a false hollow; a hollow which does not form a tube.

Pseudo-cone: a soft, gelatinous cone in the compound eye of some Insects, replacing the crystalline cone of others.

Pseudo-elytra: the aborted anterior wings of Strepsiptera.

Pseudogyna fundatrix: in Aphids, is the immediate issue of a fecundated egg: a stem-mother.

Pseudogyna gemmans: in Aphids. are wingless descendants of the stem-mother (fundatrix) or of the winged migrants (migrans) which reproduce as.e.xually through a number of generations.

Pseudogyna migrans: in Aphids, the winged descendants of the stem-mother (fundatrix) through which the species is spread.

Pseudogyna pupifera: in Aphids, the last generation of p. gemmans, which produces the true s.e.xes.

Pseudogyna: a female that reproduces without impregnation.

Pseudo-halteres: the rudimentary primaries of Stylops.

Pseudo-neurium: a false vein formed by a chitinous thickening of a wing fold.

Pseudo-neuroptera: those net-winged insects with incomplete metamorphosis: includes the present Ephemeroptera, Odonata, Plecoptera, Isoptera and Corrodentia: = Archiptera.

Pseudonychium -ia: = paronychia; q.v.

Pseudo-nymph: = semipupa; q.v.

Pseudopodia: = parapodia; q.v.

Pseudoptera: an ordinal name for the scale insects (Amyot 1847)

Pseudo-pupa: the inactive larval stage preceding the formation of the true pupa in some insccts; e.g. Meloidae: = semi-pupa; q.v.

Pseudo-pupillae: in Odonata, the black spots seen on the compound eyes of the living insects.

Pseudosessile: those petiolate Hymenoptera, in which the abdomen is so close to the thorax as to seem sessile.

Pseudo-trachea: the ringed and ridged grooves on the labella of Diptera, by means of which they sc.r.a.pe their food.

Pseudova: egg-like germ cells capable of development without fertilization e.g. in certain plant lice.

Pseudovary: the organ or ma.s.s of germ cells of an agamic insect.

Pseudo-vitellus: a cellular organ in Aphididae, supposed to replace the absent Malpighian tubules.

Psocoptera: = Corrodentia; q.v.

Psychogenesis: the origin and development of social and other instincts and habits.

Pterodicera: with wings and two antenna.

Pterogostia: the wing veins.

Pterogostia: referring to the wing structure.

Pteropega: wing sockets or cavities into which the wings are inserted.

Pteropleura: in Diptera, are situated below the base of the wings behind the meso-pleural suture: = the posterior lateral plate of mesothorax of Lowne; the episternum of meso-thorax of Hammond.

Pteropleural bristles: in Diptera, are inserted on the pteropleura.

Pterostigma: a thickened, opaque spot on the costal margin of a wing, near its middle or at end of the radius: = bathmis, and see stigma.

Pterotheca: that part of the pupa that covers the wings.

Pterothorax: the wing-hearing thoracic segments in Thysanoptera.

Pterygium: a lateral expansion of the snout of some Coleoptera.

PteryG.o.des: the patagia or tegtila: q.v.

Pterygogenea: insects that are winged in the adult stage or believed to be descended from winged ancestors: see apterogogenea.

Pterygostium: a wing vein.

Pterygote: wing bearing.

Ptilinum: in Diptera cyclorrhapha, an inflatable organ capable of being thrust out through a frontal suture just above the root of antenna.

Ptilota: winged insects.

p.u.b.es or p.u.b.escence: short, fine, soft, erect hair or down.

p.u.b.escent: downy: clothed with soft, short, fine, closely set hair.