Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology - Part 65

Part 65

Post-subterminal: following the s. t. line in Lepidoptera.

Post-sutural bristles: in Diptera, dorsal bristles behind transverse suture.

Post-terga: applied to the posterior scutes of the segments of Coleopterous larvae.

Post-triangular cells: = discoidal areolets; q.v.

Post-vertical cephalic bristles: in Diptera, are in the middle of upper part or Occiput.

Pouch: in Trichoptera, a depressed, usually longitudinal area in a wing.

Prae- or Pre-: anterior to; before.

Praebrachial: a longitudinal vein in middle of an Ephemerid wing; usually forked: no. 6 of some systems.

Praecostal spur: a false vein in costal angle at base of secondaries.

Prae-dorsum: = prophragma: q.v.

Prae-labrum: in Diptera = clypeus: q.v.

Praeocular: before the eyes.

Praeputium: the external membranous covering of p.e.n.i.s: specifically a spherical muscular ma.s.s at base of p.e.n.i.s in some Orthoptera.

Prae-scutellum: a sclerite, rarely present, between the meso-scutum and meso-scutellum.

Prae-scutum: the first of the four divisions of the notum of the thoracic rings.

Prae-subterminal: preceding the s.t. line in Lepidoptera.

Prae-terga: the anterior thoracic scutes in coleopterous larvae.

Prae-tornal: preceding the tornus (q.v.) in Lepidoptera.

Prasinus: gra.s.s-green [apple green].

Pratinicolous: frequenting or living in gra.s.sy meadows or bogs.

Pre-alar callus: a small swelling or projection before the root of wings, just back of outer ends of transverse suture, in Diptera.

Pre-a.n.a.l: above or before the a.n.a.l opening.

Pre-a.n.a.l plate or lamina: = supra-a.n.a.l plate; q.v.

Pre-antennal: anterior to or before the antenna.

Pre-apical: before the apex.

Pre-balancer: = pre-halter: q.v.

Pre-basilar: before the base.

Precocious stages: generally applied to all stages of development from the fertilized egg to the pupa.

Precurrent: continuous: entire: complete: said of a vein.

Predaceous: applied to insects that live by preying upon other organisms.

Predatory: = predaceous: q.v.

Pre-eruciform: before the caterpillar stage: specifically applied to the early larvae of some Proctytrypidae.

Preformation: the doctrine of growth or development from already existing rudiments; opposed to epigenesis: q.v.

Pre-furca: "the stem vein in front of a fork, that reaches back to where itself forks from another vein"; Diptera.

Pregenicular: in Orthoptera, that portion of femur proximad the knee.

Pregenicular annulus: a more or less conspicuous color ring on the caudal femora proximad the knee in Orthoptera.

Pre-halter: a membranous scale in front of the true haltere of a fly.

Prehension: structures fitted for grasping or holding.

Pre-mandibular: situated in front of the mandible: applied to a temporary segment of the embryo: = intercalary segment.

Pre-media: Ephemeridae; an apparently distinct vein between radius and media (Comst.).

Premorse: as if bitten off: with a blunt or jagged termination.

Prensor: the genital lateral clasping organ of male Lepidoptera: see clasper.

Pre-ocular: see prae-ocular.

Pre-oral: in front of the mouth: the embryonic head segments before those bearing the mouth parts.

Prepuce: =praeputium; q.v.

Pre-pupal: that stage in the larva just preceding the change to pupa.

Pre-scutellar bristles: in Diptera, are in a transverse row in front of the scutellum.

Pre-scutellar callus: = post-alar callus: q.v.

Pre-scutellar rows: in Diptera, short rows of small bristles in front of the scutellum.

Press: =filator; q.v.