Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology - Part 61

Part 61

Peritoneal: applied to the membrane surrounding the viscera, trachea, and other internal structures.

Peritracheal: surrounding the trachea.

Peritreme: the corneous selerite surrounding a spiracle.

Peritrophic membrane: a funnel-like extension of the fore-gut, extending back tube-like, through the chylific ventricle in some insects.

Perivisceral: the cavity containing the alimentary ca.n.a.l and its appendages.

Perlate: beaded: bearing relieved, rounded points in series.

Perpendicular: upright: at right angles to horizontal.

Persicinus: the red of peach blossoms.

Persistent: remaining constantly; always present.

Personate: gaping wide open; masked; disguised.

Pes, Pedes: a foot feet.

Petiolar area or Petiolarea: on the metanotum of some Hymenoptera, the apical or hindmost of the three median cells 3d median area; apical area.

Petiolate: that series of Hymenoptera in which there is a slender stalk between the thorax and abdomen: = apocrita.

Petiolate: supported or placed on a stem or stalk; usually applied in describing venation and the method of attachment of abdomen to thorax.

Petiole: a stem or stalk: specifically the slender segment between the thorax and abdomen in many Hymenoptera, and some Diptera.

Phaeism: applied to a duskiness of b.u.t.terflies occurring in a limited region.

Phagocyte: a corpuscle or cell that devours or absorbs noxious organisms and also absorbs the organs of the larval stage in the developments to the adult condition.

Phagocytosis: the destruction or devouring of bacteria or other microorganisms by phagocytes.

Phalaenae: a Linnean term embracing most of the heterocerous Lepidoptera: more specifically applied to the Geometridae.

Phalanx -ges: a joint or joints of the tarsus: a division of cla.s.sification of uncertain value: similar to tribe.

Phalerated: beaded.

Phallus: =p.e.n.i.s: q.v.

Pharyngeal pump: = sucking pump; q.v.

Pharynx: the back part of the mouth and upper part of the throat: a slight enlargement at the beginning of the oesophagus: in Diptera is sometimes restricted to the s.p.a.ce between the hypopharynx and sub-clypeal pump, and is then = sub-clypeal tube.

Phauloptera: an ordinal term for the scale insects (Laporte 1835).

Phleboptera: = Hymenoptera; q.v.

Phonetic: sound producing; applied to stridulating structures.

Phosph.o.r.escent: shining or glowing in the dark, like phosphorus.

Photogenic: a light producing structure; producing a Phosph.o.r.escent glow.

Phragma: a part.i.tion or dividing membrane: longitudinal, thin part.i.tions pa.s.sing down from the dorsum of meso- and meta-thorax: the part.i.tion formed by the inflexed hinder edge of prothorax.

Phragmocyttares: social wasps in which the combs of the nest are wholly or partly supported by the covering envelope: see stelocyttares: poecilocyttares.

Phthiriasis: a diseased condition of the skin caused by sucking lice.

Phyllophagous: feeding upon leaf tissue.

Phylogenetic: relating to tribal or stem development.

Phylogeny: the development of a genus, family, tribe or cla.s.s: see ontogeny.

Phyloptera: the super-ordinal term proposed to include all the net-veined orders, the Orthoptera and Dermatoptera.

Phylum: a stem or tribe: used in cla.s.sification to indicate a series of related organisms.

Physopoda: bladder-footed: = Thysanoptera; q.v.

Phytophaga: plant-eaters: beetles in which the 4th and 5th tarsal joints are anchylosed and the 3d is lobed.

Phytophagus: feeding upon plants.

Phytophilous: plant loving: species that live on plants.

Phytophthira: plant lice: some authors include also scale insects.

Phytoscopic: characters of light or conditions of illumination that affect colors of caterpillars. {Scanner's comment: This is a puzzling term. I suspect it is a misspelling of "Photoscopic"}

Piceous -eus: pitchy black.

Picine: black, with a bluish oily l.u.s.tre.

Pick: a chitinous maxillary structure in Psocidae.

Pieza: the combined biting and sucking mouth of the Hymenoptera.

Piezata: the Fabrician term for Hymenoptera.

Pigment: any coloring matter or material that gives a color appearance. {Scanner's comment: sic}

Pile: a hairy or fur-like covering: in Diptera, applied to thick, fine, short, erect hair, giving a surface appearance like velvet.