Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology - Part 6

Part 6

Antisquama: Diptera; the upper of the two which moves with the wings; = ant.i.tegula; see also squama.

Ant.i.tegula: see antisquama.

Antlia: the spiral tongue or haustellum of Lepidoptera.

Antliata: insects with a sucking mouth; originally applied to Lepidoptera and Diptera, later and more specifically to Diptera.

Antrorse -sum: directed toward the front.

a.n.u.s: the end of the digestive tract, through which the food remnants are pa.s.sed: the posterior part of the individual: specifically, in Coccidae, a more or less circular opening on the dorsal surface of the pygidium, varying in location as regards the circ.u.mgenital gland orifices: = a.n.a.l orifice.

Aorta: the anterior, narrow part of the heart, opening into the head.

Apex: that part of any joint or segment opposite the base by which it is attached; that point of a wing furthest removed from base or at the end of the costal area.

Aphaniptera: indistinctly winged; see Siphonaptera.

Aphideine: see aphidilutein.

Aphidilutein: a yellowish fluid found in plant lice, changed to a rich violet by alkaline reagents.

Apical: at, near or pertaining to the apex; usually of a wing.

Apical area: see petiolar area.

Apical areas: apical cells in some h.o.m.optera.

Apical cell: a cell near or at the apex of a wing; in Hymenoptera (Norton) = medial (Comst.); outer apical cell = 2d medial 2 (Comst.); inner apical cell = medial 3 (Comst.).

Apical cells or cellules: Trichoptera; the series of cells along the outer margin of wing from pterostigma to arculus.

Apically: toward or directed toward the apex.

Apical sector: one of the longitudinal veins in the apical part of wing of Neuroptera.

Apical transverse carina: Hymenoptera; crosses the metanotum behind middle and separates the median from the posterior cells or areas.

Apiculis: an erect, fleshy short point.

Apiculate: covered with fleshy, short points.

Apivorous: devouring bees.

Apneustic: without an open tracheal system; respiration is through the skin or through tracheal gills.

Apocrita: = petiolate, q.v.

Apodal: with single, simple tubercles instead of feet, in larvae; without feet = apodous.

Apode: one that has no feet.

Apodema: a conspicuous transverse band crossing the thorax in front of the scutellum in male Coccidae.

Apodeme: an inwardly directed process to which a muscle is attached.

Apodous: without feet; see apodal.

Apolar: without differentiated poles; without apparent radiating processes applied to cells.

Apophysis: the lower of the two joints of trochanter in ditrocha trochanterellus; the dorso-lateral metathoracic spines in Hymenoptera; also used as synonymous with ento-thorax.

Apophystegal plates: Orthoptera; flattened blade or plate-like sclerites covering the gonapophyses.

Apotypes: = hypotypes; q.v.

Appendage -es: any part, piece or organ attached by a joint to the body or to any other main structure.

Appendice -es: any attached body or small process; an appendix.

Appendicial: supplementary: relating to appendices.

Appendicle: a small appendix: in some bees, a small sclerite at tip of labrum.

Appendiculate: bearing appendages; said of antennae where the joints have articulated appendages; of tarsal claws that have membranous processes at base.

Appendiculate cell: Hymenoptera; is on costa just beyond 2d radius 1 and 2.

Appendigerous: bearing appendages.

Appendix: a supplementary or additional piece or part, added to or attached to another: in Heteroptera; = cuneus, q.v.

Appress -ed: to press against; closely applied to.

Approximate: near to; applies to antennae inserted close together.

Aptera: those that have no wings: an ordinal term formerly employed for fleas, lice and other wingless forms now distributed in other orders: later used for the simplest or lowest insects, including the Thysanura and Collembola.

Apterodicera: wingless, with two antennae.

Apterous: without wings.

Apterygogenea: those insects that are wingless in all stages and presumed to be descended from ancestors which never were winged: see pterygogenea.

Apterygota: = apterygogenea; see pterygote.

Aquamarine -us: sea green: pale green with predominant blue and a little gray [nile green].

Aquatic: living wholly in water.