Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology - Part 29

Part 29

Exasperate -us: rough with irregular elevations.

Excalcarate: without spurs.

Excaudate: see ecaudate.

Excavate: with a depression that is not the segment of a circle.

Excentric: not in the centre; revolving or arranged about a point that is not central.

Excision: with a deep cut: a notch or other cut-out part.

Excrementaceous -t.i.tious: made up of or resembling excrement.

Excrescence: an outgrowth or elevation; usually abnormal.

Excretion: the act of getting rid of waste products: any material or substance produced by any secretory glands or structures and which is voided or otherwise sent out from them.

Excretory: those structures concerned in ridding the body of waste products.

Excurrent: attenuate, narrowly prolonged.

Excurved: curved outwards.

Ex larva: from or out of the larva: usually applied to specimens that have been bred from collected larvae.

Exochorion: that part of the chorion derived from the ectoderm: the outer layer of the chorion.

Exochorium: Heteroptera; a narrow marginal part of the hemelytra.

Exoderm: the outer skin or crust.

Exoloma: the apical margin of the wings.

Exophytic: relating to the outside of plant tissue.

Exoskeleton: the entire body wall, to the inner side of which muscles are attached.

Exotic: not a natives of the place where found: an introduced species: also any species occurring in any country outside of the limits of the country whose fauna is under consideration.

Exotoky: is applied to that form of reproduction where the eggs are developed outside of the body of the insect and without care by the mother see endotoky.

Ex ova: from or out of the egg: applied to specimens that have been bred from the egg stage.

Expanded: spread or flattened out: applied to Lepidoptera when set for the cabinet.

Expanse: the distance between the apices or other widest point of the wings when fully spread.

Expansio alarum: the wing stretch; see expanse.

Expiratory: relating to the act of expiration, when the abdomen is contracted and the air contained in the abdominal tracheae is presumably forced out of them.

Explanate: spread out and flattened; applied to a margin.

Explicate: unfolded; open; without folds or plica.

Exsculptate -tus: a surface with irregular, more or less longitudinal depressions, as if carved.

Exscutellate: having no scutel.

Exserted: protruded; projecting beyond the body or over a given point.

Exsertion: a protrusion: an extension of a line or other ornamentation beyond its ordinary course.

Extended: spread out: not lying one upon the other.

Extense: extended: expanded.

Extension plate: a structure at the base of the pulvillus whose function it is to extend it.

Extension sole: the pad-like pulvillus which may be extended by the extension plate through the pressure plate.

Extensor: that which extends or straightens out; applied to muscles.

Extenuate: to make or to become weak, thin or slender.

Exterior: the outside.

Exterior margin: the outer margin; sometimes used for costal margin.

External: belonging to or on the outside.

External area: Hymenoptera; the upper of the three cells or areas of the metanotum, between the median and lateral longitudinal carina, first lateral basal area.

External median area: Hymenoptera; the median of the three cells or areas between the median and lateral longitudinal carinae: = second lateral area.

Externomedial vein: in Hymenoptera (Norton) = radius (Comst.); in Orthoptera, = media (Comst.).

Externo-median nerve: the humeral and discoidal veins together.

Extra-ocular: remote from or beyond the eyes.

Extremity: the point most remote from base.

Extrorse -um: toward the outside.

Extrude: to turn or force out.

Exude: to ooze or flow slowly through minute openings.