Essays on Modern Novelists - Part 14

Part 14

Aug. 22. The Rise of Silas Lapham. Boston, Ticknor. (_Century_, Nov., 1884-Aug., 1885.)

Nov. 7. Tuscan Cities. Boston, Ticknor, 1886 [1885]. (_Century Magazine_, Oct., 1885.)

1886, Jan. 2. The Garroters: Farce. N.Y., Harper. (_Harper's Magazine_, Dec., 1885.)

Feb. 27. Indian Summer. Boston, Ticknor. (_Harper's Magazine_, July, 1885-Feb., 1886.)

Dec. 18. The Minister's Charge; or, The Apprentice-ship of Lemuel Barker. Boston, Ticknor, 1887 [1886]. (_Century Magazine_, Feb.-Dec., 1886.)

1887, Oct. 8. Modern Italian Poets: Essays and Versions. N.Y., Harper.

Dec. 17. April Hopes. N.Y., Harper, 1888 [1887]. (_Harper's Magazine_, Feb.-Nov., 1887.)

1888, Aug. 11. A Sea-Change; or, Love's Stowaway: a lyricated Farce. Boston, Ticknor. (_Harper's Weekly_, July 14, 1888.)

Dec. 22. Annie Kilburn: a Novel. N.Y., Harper, 1889 [1888].

(_Harper's Magazine_, June-Nov., 1888.)

1889, Apr. 20. The Mouse-Trap, and other Farces. N.Y., Harper. (The Mouse-Trap, _Harper's Magazine_, Dec., 1886.)

Dec. 7. A Hazard of New Fortunes: a Novel. N.Y., Harper, 1890 [1889]. (_Harper's Weekly_, Mar. 23-Nov. 16, 1889.)

1890, June 7. The Shadow of a Dream: a Story. NY., Harper.

(_Harper's Magazine_, Mar.-May, 1890.)

Oct. 18. A Boy's Town, described for _Harper's Young People_. N.Y., Harper. (_Harper's Young People_, Apr. 8-Aug. 26, 1890.)

1891, May 16. Criticism and Fiction. N.Y., Harper. [Selections from the "Editor's Study" of _Harper's Magazine_.]

Oct. 17. The Albany Depot. N.Y., Harper, 1892 [1891]. (_Harper's Weekly_, Dec. 14, 1889.)

Dec. 5. An Imperative Duty: a Novel. N.Y., Harper, 1892 [1891].

(_Harper's Magazine_, July-Oct., 1891.)

1892, Apr. 9. The Quality of Mercy: a Novel. N.Y., Harper. (_New York_ (_Sunday_) _Sun._)

Aug. 6. A Letter of Introduction: Farce. N.Y., Harper. (_Harper's Magazine_, Jan., 1892.)

Oct. 8. A Little Swiss Sojourn. N.Y., Harper. (_Harper's Magazine_, Feb.-Mar., 1888.)

Dec. 17. Christmas Every Day, and other Stories told for Children.

N.Y., Harper, 1893 [1892].

1893, Apr. 1. The World of Chance: a Novel. N.Y., Harper.

(_Harper's Magazine_, Mar.-Nov., 1892.)

May 20. The Unexpected Guests: a Farce. N.Y., Harper. (_Harper's Magazine_, Jan., 1893.)

Oct. 14. My Year in a Log Cabin. N.Y., Harper. (_Youth's Companion_.)

Nov. 4. Evening Dress: Farce. N.Y., Harper. (_Cosmopolitan Magazine_, May, 1892.)

Nov. 11. The Coast of Bohemia: a Novel. N.Y., Harper. (_Ladies'

Home Journal_, Dec., 1892-Oct., 1893.)

1894, June 2. A Traveler from Altruria: Romance. N.Y., Harper.

(_Cosmopolitan_, Nov., 1892-Oct., 1893.)

1895, June 22. My Literary Pa.s.sions. N.Y., Harper. (_Ladies' Home Journal_, Dec., 1892-Oct., 1893.)

Nov. 2. Stops of Various Quills. N.Y., Harper. (Eleven of the poems appeared in _Harper's Magazine_, Dec., 1894.)

1896, Feb. 22. The Day of their Wedding: a Novel. N.Y., Harper.

(_Harper's Bazaar_, Oct. 5-Nov. 16, 1895.)

Apr. 11. A Parting and a Meeting: Story. N.Y., Harper.

(_Cosmopolitan Magazine_, Dec., 1894.)

Oct. 31. Impressions and Experiences. N.Y., Harper.

1897, Feb. 20. A Previous Engagement: Comedy. N.Y., Harper.

(_Harper's Magazine_, Dec., 1895.)

Apr. 17. The Landlord at Lion's Head: a Novel. N.Y., Harper.

(_Harper's Weekly_, July 4-Dec. 5, 1896.)

Sept. 11. An Open-Eyed Conspiracy: an Idyl of Saratoga. N.Y., Harper. (_Century Magazine_, July-Oct., 1896.)

Dec. 25. Stories of Ohio. N.Y., American Book Co.

1898, June 25. The Story of a Play: a Novel. N.Y., Harper.

(_Scribner's Magazine_, Mar.-July, 1897.)

1899, Feb. 25. Ragged Lady: a Novel. N.Y., Harper.

Dec. 16. Their Silver Wedding Journey. 2 vols. N.Y., Harper.

(_Harper's Magazine_, Jan.-Dec., 1899.)

1900, June 2. Bride Roses: a Scene. Boston, Houghton. June 2. Room Forty-five: a Farce. Boston, Houghton.

Oct. 6. The Smoking Car: a Farce. Boston, Houghton.

Oct. 6. An Indian Giver: a Comedy. Boston, Houghton. (_Harper's Magazine_, Jan., 1897.)

Dec. 1. Literary Friends and Acquaintance: a Personal Retrospect of American Authorship. N.Y., Harper.

1901, June 1. A Pair of Patient Lovers. N.Y., Harper. (_Harper's Magazine_, Nov., 1897.)

Nov. 2. Heroines of Fiction. 2 vols. N.Y., Harper. (_Harper's Bazaar_, May 5, 1900-Oct., 1901.)