Empire Of Souls - 114 Dragon King 6

114 Dragon King 6

"I can see you won't be convinced until I thrash you around a bit. You will bow before me, of that I am certain."

Aleks's mask glowed dimly as data flickered across its surface. Only his eyes, which peeked out from the eye sockets of the mask, attested to the fact that he was a living being of flesh and blood. If not for his eyes which were windows into his soul one might think he was a construct, unfeeling and cold. Only very few ever saw the emotion, the heart, and the humanity that was hidden deep within.

The Dragon King roared angrily, "You dare, Human!? I will tear the flesh from your bones and feed on your marrow! Your body is a precious treasure which will fuel my ascension!"

Opening his enormous maw, the Dragon King released a powerful blast of flames which was blocked by Aleks's 'Soul Tendrils'. These tendrils were even tougher than Adamantium and had greater magic resistance than even Mythril. They drew upon the power of the 'Soul Potential' within Aleks's very soul. 'Soul Potential' was the fuel which drove ascension, it was refined by one's soul into Divinity. This was the power of G.o.ds.

"How is this possible!?"

The Dragon King couldn't believe that his flames were being completely blocked by the grotesque tendrils. He continued his breath attack while also launching blades of wind, but no matter the attack, they were all blocked by the tendrils. The tendrils were like the strongest of bulwarks, they could not be destroyed no matter how many times the dragon bombarded them. He thought to attack them directly with his immense claws, but something about the tendrils caused him to be wary.

This defense that seemed to make Aleks invulnerable came with a great cost in 'SP' expenditure. If not for the constant stream of 'SP' that was being devoured from the nearby battlefield, he would not be able to maintain such a formidable defense for a long time. To Aleks this was not a waste, because this was an important moment where Aleks needed to not just defeat his opponent, but to cow him into submission. Only through a show of unparalleled strength could he alleviate future problems and ensure his dominion over the Steppes. This was an opportunity for Aleks to make himself known, but there were many wolves. These wolves would strike at the first sign of weakness.

Dozens of 'Soul Tendrils' rose, las.h.i.+ng at the Dragon King and striking him viciously across his body. The dragon's body was powerful, but with the ceaseless thras.h.i.+ng of Aleks's attack, he was soon pushed back. His body was riddled with wounds and blood was dripping from his body forming deep pools of blood. His body was enormous and the blood flowing through his veins was thick like a river. This blood was precious and a treasure in and of itself, used in crafting, magical enchantments and many other things.

Aleks clearly had the advantage against the Dragon King, but this was a battle between DemiG.o.ds and victory would not be possible in a short period of time. Nonetheless, the Dragon King was not someone who was willing to throw away his life for others. Seeing that the battle was not going as intended, the Dragon King erupted with great strength in order to flee from Aleks's attack. The Dragon King ripped apart several of the 'Soul Tendrils' while breathing flames down on Aleks. He made use of every attack at his disposal and was just barely able to disentangle himself from the tendrils.

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"Running? You certainly live up to your reputation dragon." Aleks taunted.

"Hmph, I am not a fool. I will not give up my life in this place, but I will also not make things easy for you!"

The dragon had backed away from the area and soared high up into the sky while bombarding Aleks below with flames. These flames couldn't even touch Aleks who was surrounded entirely by his tendrils. This was still a huge cost in 'SP' and Aleks didn't want to draw this battle out for much longer. Luckily, the dragon had also used up much of his VIT and after circling around Aleks for several attacks, the dragon finally fled.

"We shall settle this another time!"

Aleks watched as the dragon fled off into the distance. He could also make out a large army of Dragonmen that had been approaching from the direction the dragon fled. These were the reinforcements which were coming to aid the expeditionary force. Seeing their king flee from the battlefield, they were shaken. They had seen the devastation from afar caused by the incredible battle between the two DemiG.o.ds. The loss of their king was a huge blow to their morale.

The Dragon King roared as he pa.s.sed over their heads and the army quickly fled back from where they came. They had clearly given up helping the Humans and had also left the Dragonmen Chevalier to their fate. Against a DemiG.o.d of Aleks's strength, they would be mere cannon fodder. Although it was painful, it was wiser for them to sacrifice the Chevalier force than to sacrifice their entire army. There was also the oft chance that they would survive with the help of the Human army within the expeditionary settlement. Not many of them were too optimistic however. They could see very clearly in the distance, the giant ma.s.s of tentacles writhing and smas.h.i.+ng against the now barren and devastated earth.