ELECTUS - 28 Grand Masters Of Lava Controlling 2

28 Grand Masters Of Lava Controlling 2

Standing seven feet tall, she was just a bit taller than Commander Alia herself.

Her pitch dark hair was tied up into a bun and like Grand Master Altacin, she seemed just as youtheful. She seemed to be the youngest of the five amazing Grand Masters.

Commander Alia does a quick introduction for this Grand Master as well. Because clearly only she understands their thousands of years old language.

She says

"This is Laza. The youngest of the five and proudly one of our overachievers.

She is more commonly called

"Er  Atnopes" which translates to "The Beast".

As you already saw or will see, her arms are bigger even compared to the men Guards or  men Grand Masters. The only one able to break a large boulder in half with a single hit.

Unlike most of the Calidum Lutum who became masters at around their Nine Hundreds, she became one on her sweet four hundred and has held that t.i.tle for a hundred years."

The gang viewed in Amazement and of course a bit of fear. Especially Stefan, as the seven foot beast was standing quite close to him because the Grand Masters didn't seem to line up after the introduction.

The Fourth of the Grand Masters to enter the cave seemed to be yet another women.

Unlike Laza, this one seemed to struggle to crawl in. Not because of the size of her muscles but because of her length.

She seemed to be an astonis.h.i.+ng fifteen feet tall. That's almost triple the size of anyone in the gang(apart from Stefan of course.).

Her Gold like Hair reaching all the way down to the edge of her spine(which seemed around eight foot long), s.h.i.+ned as if a small amount of water was on her hair and s.h.i.+ned in the sun.

But yet again they were underground.

Like the other two females, she as well seemed quite youtheful.

As if the entire race of the Calidum Lutum was immune to the effects that age brings along.

Commander Alia introduces

"This is Pezik. Commonly known for her record breaking height. Her height of course equals to an abnormal body strength. She is not as strong as "The Beast" But of course she is close to her strength.

Pezik recently reached her Sweet eleven hundred.

Making her the second oldest Grand Master.

But do not be deceived. Age doesn't necessarily mean skill. Some of the Calidum Lutum met their end at the usual two thousand without becoming a Grand Master. Only the truly skilled hold the t.i.tle.

Pezik is half way to mastering Volcano Creation. A difficult skill to tackle."

After that introduction, the fifth Grand Master walked in. Standing ten feet tall, the sense of leaders.h.i.+p was instant as soon as he entered the cave. This one had short Blood red hair slicked back down to the bottom of his head.

Seemed rather unnatural for hair to look like that. But at a time where paint isn't even discovered, puting unnatural colors on one's head seemed most unlikely.

The size of his muscles didn't seem to be much different from an Average guard. But his strength was proven differently.

On his hands were two large swords. Each one starting off one foot wide and ending up two foot wide at the edge.

The two sword's length from bottom to top were five foot each. That's half of his body length. And he was carrying two of them.

It seemed rather unusual for a Grand Master of Lava Controlling to carry swords. As he is clearly powerful enough to provide lava for hundreds of Lava Controllers to handle. Why would he carry swords?

Commander Alia proceeds with a short introduction

"This my dear friends is the leader. Kazer.

See in our race, a leader is declared from the natural colour of one's hair. Blood red declares that he is one of a kind. Incomparably  intelligent from the rest of us. And although he came from a strong line of relatives who are still stuck on the Magician level(three). He proved himself more than worthy of his t.i.tle. The leader.

He is fairly young. Five hundred and ninety eight years old. But like Laza, he to is an overachiever.

Able to cause Volcanoes with his swords, it is the main reason he uses them."

As Commander Alia finished her sentence and proceeded to ask

"Does anyone have any questions?"

Everyone was at a lost for words. Both because they were amazed to witness the five Grand Masters and because the very leader didn't stand in silence but proceeded to walk towards Eric until he was a foot apart from him.

At everyone's surprise(including Commander Alia), he started speaking the very language that Eric and the Gang are speaking. Although he wasn't very good at it.

He said

"Welcome….Electus. You visit. Bless us all.

How we a.s.sist?"

Everyone proceeded to look at the leader in great shock including The Gang, Commander Alia and the rest of the Grand Masters.

Commander Alia saw that everyone was in  shock and decided to be the one to speak

"As i said. The Leaders are blessed with incomparable intelligence. You aren't the first to accidentally stumble upon this underground town.

As Kazer saw those "visitors" explain themselves, he picked up a few words of their language. At least i suppose it's that way."

Kazer says

"You... right."