Eldritch Files: Elemental Flame - Part 24

Part 24

Warlock - Often thought to be the term given to male witches. It's not. This is a state of banishment, when a Witch's connection to their magic is removed.


Cowens - Non Magical folk.

Dianic Witches - G.o.d Mother's children possessing only Dianic gifts, such as telekinesis and psychometry.

Hedge Witch - G.o.d Mother's children whose Gifts contain an inherent, working knowledge of all of the Gaia's plants. They possess a very latent touch of all the Elements but not enough to wield them. They generate their magic through these combinations of herbs.

Elemental Witches - G.o.d Mother's children who possess all five of the Elemental Gifts.

Elder Witch - G.o.d Mother's children who possess at least one Elemental Gift but have dedicated themselves to their craft and their follow Witches for the betterment of all of the G.o.d Mother's children.

High Witch - A position voted upon; a position of leaders.h.i.+p, and not one to take lightly. In order to be a high Witch, a G.o.d Mother's child must have at least two of the Elemental Gifts and one Dianic.

Cyber Witch - G.o.d Mother's children who exhibit the ability to join with and manipulate the World Wide Web, not excluding any and all peripherals connected to the web by either cable or wireless networks.

About the Author.

Phaedra Weldon is a writer and mother of one. Born in Florida, Phaedra was raised in the lush, green southern tropic of Georgia. She grew up on southern ghost stories told while eating marshmallows around campfires, or on the back of pick-up trucks in the middle of cornfields on chilly October nights. Phaedra currently lives in the South with her daughter.
