DxD System In DxD - Chapter 119

Chapter 119

Haoh : I see, then they also separate on Low - Mid - Peak category . . .

Haoh : So right now, i barely qualify to fight peak Common-Cla.s.s Devils close to 100 . 000 .

Haoh : Peak Fallen Angel - 0 Wings ranging close to 100 . 000 as well . . .

Haoh : While i can beat, Low - Mid Exorcists and Apprentice Mages Ranging 50 . 000-80 . 000 . . .

Haoh : As for Dragons . . . Nope . . . Keep running . . .

Haoh : Odin was right, my original value in magic was lower than humans before they started training for either becoming trainees or Apprentice Mages . . .

Haoh : What's up with the fallen angel 0 wings??

Haoh : Is it because they fell from grace, as trashes???

DxD : Correct . . .

Haoh : Oh . . . Those must be cannon fodder . . .

Haoh : Although this is something to go about, there are always people who use experiments or uses other means to elevate their magic and powers . . .

Haoh : No wonder i couldn't handle Freed, he was at a different league . . .

Akari : Freed was created from a tube with different kinds of liquids . . .

Akari : His magic had reached a value of 500 . 000 . . .

Haoh : Really?? He didn't seem that strong to me . . .

Akari : Raynare is a Low-Low Cla.s.s Fallen angel with her magic being at 110 . 000 . . .

Haoh : Wait then with her power reaching 1 . 760 . 000 why she still couldn't win??

DxD : Because Freed had the Excaliber fragments . . .

Akari : Those things carry Holy power which gives bonuses to the one who is wielding them . . .

Akari : I think each one boosted his magic by 30% making it reach 1 . 150 . 000 . . .

Akari : If he had used everything from the start both of you would have died . . .

Haoh : Then how the h.e.l.l did i killed him??

Both : HEADSHOT!!!

Haoh : -_-!!!

DxD : -_-!!!

Akari : -_-!!!

All Three : -_-!!!

Haoh : Oh!!!

Truth to be told none of those who were outside looked at the body of Freed otherwise they would have seen a hole running through from his forehead towards his back . . .

Talking for the rest of his time inside until the two hours pa.s.sed . . .

Haoh learned that the Maous have power close to five-ten million, while G.o.ds have above Ten . . .

He also concluded that Michael who had become the stand-in of the Bible G.o.d and under him the other 3 Great Seraphs, must have gained equal power to the 4 Maous . . .

At the same time, he didn't even dare to even think the power Ophis and Great Red possess in numerical value . . . However, his system did inform him about them as well

DxD : Maous - Range 5 . 000 . 000-10 . 000 . 000

Four Great Seraphs - Range 5 . 000 . 000-10 . 000 . 000

G.o.ds - Range 10 . 000 . 000+

Dragon G.o.ds - +++++

It was during this timeframe he realised Serafall is quite powerful in her own right, as she was holding her position like that . . .

And at the same time, cold sweat runs through his back as he had sucked her tongue . . .

As time pa.s.sed away, Haoh vanished from there as he opened his eyes on his bed while Raynare was on top of him sleeping . . .

G.o.d.a.m.n it she was so cute . . .

He started poking her cheeks with his fingers as she slept while hugging him . . .

He chuckled at her seeing her in this state . . .

Moments later Raynare got up with sleepy eyes as she rubbed them with her fingers . . .

Feeling that someone is poking her she turned to look and soon started fidgeting as she had fallen asleep with only her underwear on her . . .

Laughter could be heard from the room as Haoh was holding his belly with his hands . . .

However, it didn't last long as Raynare pinched his waist making him howl in pain . . .

Raynare : That will teach you . . .

Haoh : Come over here . . .

Haoh caught her hand and dragged her to his position before he planted his lips into hers making her shut up . . .

He soon made his hands travel on every inch of her bare skin as it sent her s.h.i.+vers making her moaning . . .

Then he steps up his kissing game and opened her mouth lightly as he pushed his tongue inside making it mix with her own while her mind went blank . . .

He lifts her up and brought her close to his thighs while caressing her a.s.s as they continued kissing . . .

Soon they breaked their kiss and saliva dripped from their mouths as they looked at each other . . .

Haoh : Then let's see how i will pamper my little girl for making her worry . . .

(A/N Lemon Scenes are coming . . . )