Dragon-Blooded War God - Chapter 3734 Cub Awakening

Chapter 3734 Cub Awakening


Within the Divine Kingdom, the four ancestor martial artists also let out sighs of relief.

At this time, Long Chen was separated from them by a barrier.

Although it would be difficult for Long Chen to obtain Qi Yi's world origin energy now, at least for the time being, his life would no longer be in danger.

Honestly speaking, letting Long Chen enter this place was like getting their hands on meat and running away. The group of people could only watch and wait anxiously.

Long Chen laughed, and said: Then let's just wait, I also have a lot of time, but it seems that your ancestor's life, without the ancestor's heart, will be destroyed. I want to see, how long you all can last, or how long I can last, between you all, or if you guys want to compete for the ancestor's heart, I do not believe in that. Don't forget, I only have five Ancestral Sources, how can it be enough for you to split it? "

Long Chen saw blood and raised their two questions.

He did not have much time, he could stay in a stalemate with them here. He needed to obtain Qi Yi's World Source Spirit as soon as possible, and what he needed more was to find a way to leave the ancestral world. After all, he still needed Long Chen in the Ten Thousand Worlds. If the Divine Devil Giant Beast found out that Long Chen was no longer around, it would definitely cause a lot of trouble.

"Then let's just wait and see. Also, we have never seen 26 ancestors gathered together before. We don't believe that if we are all gathered together, it would be even worse than the barrier that Dragon One has set up. Dragon One has already left long ago, he can't last much longer!"

Suddenly, the rules that blotted out the sky and covered the earth struck the barrier, causing it to shake. Long Chen was actually worried that they would break his barrier, so they might have the ability to do so.

However, if one looked carefully, it seemed that this barrier was not a problem at all. No matter how hard they attacked, they would be unable to break through it. At the very least, they would be able to maintain stability for a short period of time.

"In this period of time, I have enough time to explore the lair left behind by the Ancestral Dragons."

Those nine caves were the most eye-catching!

"These nine caves should be the lair of the Nine-headed Ancestral Dragon. The other small caves should be empty. "

Therefore, Long Chen focused his attention on the nine gigantic caves, and the most central, largest cave among them attracted Long Chen's attention, he thought: "This should be the first ancestral dragon's nest!"

He instantly arrived at the top of the central cave.

Just as he was about to enter, his expression suddenly changed and he stopped in his tracks. This was because he discovered that there was a barrier at the entrance of the cave. Moreover, this barrier was thicker and calmer than the one outside. It seemed calm, but in reality, there were endless changes inside, endless storms!

This barrier was pitch-black, so it was very difficult for Long Chen to clearly see what was inside.

"I can't enter this place."

This was Long Chen's intuition, because he felt that the barrier was extremely hostile towards him. If he forced his way in, he would definitely receive a very strong attack, and it was very likely that his entire body would be destroyed. After all, it seemed that the first ancestral dragon valued this place especially, which was why they had set up such a terrifying barrier.

"How could this be!"

"This is troublesome!"

The nine most important caves were actually not accessible.

It was just that Long Chen was still hesitating on whether or not he should try to attack. At this time, he had a kind of resistance in his heart, warning him not to break the seal.

Everything he left behind would be shared with the life of these ancestors.

"What should I choose?"

If he did not destroy these barriers and entered deeper, he would most likely lose his life.

"Right, there are also these small caves!"

Long Chen had forgotten about these small ones. Although they were small, their diameters were still more than a few hundred meters and in this ancestral world, even the life form of the ancestor was only a few hundred meters big. The diameter of a few hundred meters could be considered to be quite large.

There were more than a thousand of these small caves.

Some were big and some were small. Some were big, some were small and some were big.

However, there was no way to compare them to the nine biggest ones. The biggest of the nine was at least ten thousand meters tall.

The largest cave in the center was over a hundred thousand meters in diameter.

Long Chen approached one of the caves that was around a thousand meters in diameter. He discovered that there was a barrier around the entrance of the cave, but the difference was that this barrier was the same as the barrier around Ancestral Dragon's base, they belonged to the same type. Since Long Chen could cross the barrier on the outside, of course he could go inside, but this place did not have any intentions of stopping him.

"In this way, they'll be able to destroy everything outside in time and I still have another barrier to protect myself. However, if I were to enter this place and break through two stages, it would be even more difficult for me to escape!"

After all, he was in a cave.

However, this was not easy either.

Without saying a word, Long Chen directly pa.s.sed through another layer of barrier, and entered the serene cave. The moment he entered, he felt a sense of extreme rejection!

He did not reject blood, but the smell of it was extremely unpleasant.


Long Chen went deeper into the cave, and in an instant, he had seen the eyes of millions of people opened at the same time! The series of tremors before his eyes had actually turned into a sea of scarlet!

Long Chen remembered a place.

There, there was once a creature with countless eyes. It was the Heaven Devouring Race, a Blood Prison Beast.