Dominating Evolution Of The Cosmos - 129 Developing Every Ounce Of Potential

129 Developing Every Ounce Of Potential

Taking advantage of this opportunity, using the strength from his waist, he suddenly slammed Kungfu Judy from behind. As he did so, there was a flash of shock in her eyes.

She was just about to fall, when suddenly, Kungfu Judy turned around and grabbed Steve's clothes. Using them as leverage, Kungfu Judy was able to steady herself, then land on both feet.

Kungfu Judy then started her counterattack. She quickly grabbed Steve's foot and was about to pull him down, when suddenly, she hit Steve in the face with a punch instead!

"That's not right!" exclaimed Steve.

"There are no rules to this fight!" Kungfu Judy said coldly.

Steve suddenly grit his teeth and grabbed Kungfu Judy's fist with one hand. He then looked up and hit Kungfu Judy in the face.


As both of their heads b.u.mped together, Kungfu Judy felt a wave of dizziness, which caused her to quickly pull away from Steve.

"11%!" The main system outside Judy was pleasantly surprised.

Originally, Steve's strength had only grown by about 5%, but in the face of such a crisis, it had risen to 11%! In other words, if Steve's brain development were to reach 100%, his strength would be doubled! This would be even a tiny bit better than the mere pa.s.sing line!

"This fellow's potential apparently only increases during a critical moment!" Judy's eyes shone with interest.

In the battlefield, Kungfu Judy immediately changed her fighting style, most of which was mainly defensive. However, she continued to constantly test Steve's strength level. She then began to go on the offensive, putting Steve in danger instantly.

"You are so strong! Are our basic combat power values really the same?" Steve was shocked.

"Master, according to my a.n.a.lysis, she uses the same combat power as you do. But each time you fight, she'll be one percent stronger than you," the Heart of the Universe responded.

One percent seemed to be very little, but this one percent gap had been suppressing Steve, causing his counterattacks to be blocked. Plus, he also had to face the fierce attack from the other side!

As all of this was taking place, Steve's strength was increasing under Kungfu Judy's suppression.


Suddenly, Kung Fu Judy hit Steve in the abdomen with her foot. Steve doubled over and fell to the ground. He then raised his hand and said, "Stop... I have no strength left…Let's stop fighting!"

If it were not for Steve's fast recovery and unwavering persistence, he would've been exhausted after this recent three-hour battle. Only when Kungfu Judy saw Steve lying on the ground and gasping for air, completely spent, did she stop attacking him.

"A 19% increase in strength," Kungfu Judy said calmly. "Get up. Just a bit more and you can break through to 20%, so continue fighting!"

"I really have no strength left..." Steve was exhausted.

After all, he was human, not a spiritual body like Judy, who, as long as her spiritual power was not exhausted, would not even know what exhaustion was!

"Now, I'll allow you to attack me with original force. Without a breakthrough of 20%, you'll fail your a.s.sessment," Kungfu Judy said seriously.

In fact, Judy's minimum standard was a 10% brain development, which could increase strength by 10%. However, during the battle, Judy found that Steve would explode with unexpected power, but only if he was oppressed.

It was precisely because of this that Kungfu Judy constantly made it harder for him. She was forcing more potential from Steve.

"Even if I could use the original force, please let me have a rest first." Steve gasped.

"You've reached your limit. Now, you can only break through the bottleneck by breaking past that limit!" Kungfu Judy's expression was solemn.

She then suddenly condensed a long black whip, which whipped towards Steve, bending irregularly with amazing strength!