Descent of the God of Magic - Chapter 54

Chapter 54

Chapter 52, DGM-

The inkeeper, Matt, still remembered Al Wright. He had an even deeper impression of Link. He gestured behind his shoulder, “Room? He has no room. After you left, he has always stayed in the attic.”

What! Attic!?

Al Wright’s heart leapt. Struggling to maintain an expressionless face, he asked, “Why would he stay in the attic?”

“No money.” Matt said, with an expression of ‘what else?’ on his face. “Just a while ago, he was eating coa.r.s.e bread everyday. He’d eat two a day, one for lunch and one for dinner. Recently, it seemed like he’d earned some money, but it shouldn’t be much. He stays in the attic most of the time. If you want to find him, he’s upstairs.”

Hearing this, Al Wright’s heart leapt again in shock. He knew that Link would not have a lot of money remaining after giving him 1,300 gold coins, but he did not expect that Link would’ve been forced to such embarra.s.sing straits.

But why had he not mentioned it in his letter? He had spoken pleasantries about Gwinnett forest’s beautiful sceneries, and had asked so many questions about magic. But he had never uttered a single word about his circ.u.mstances.

Why had he done so? Witt felt an unknown feeling in his heart. Under the eyes of everyone in the dining hall, he said his thanks to Matt and ascended the stairs.

As he ascended the steps, he heard the conversations of the people in the hall.

“That’s a real magician, don’t tell me he came to find Link?”

“Wait, so Link’s a real magician?”

“No way, his clothes are shabby and cheap. Even I don’t know where he eats or stays! You’re saying that guy’s a magician?”

Their conversations had confirmed the boss’s words. The feeling grew stronger.1Luv <3[ ootnote]="" he="" felt="" like="" he="" had="" something="" in="" his="" eyes,="" and="" his="" vision="" was="" blurring.="" it="" was="" probably="" the="" dust="" in="" the="" inn.="" he="" followed="" the="" wooden="" staircase="" up="" to="" the="" third="" floor,="" turned="" a="" corner="" and="" found="" the="" inn’s="" attic.="" the="" lighting="" of="" the="" hallway="" to="" the="" attic’s="" door="" was="" dim="" and="" dusky.="" the="" hallway="" was="" also="" dusty.="" the="" door="" to="" the="" attic="" was="" low="" and="" narrow.="" as="" al="" wright="" stood="" in="" front="" of="" it,="" he="" felt="" the="" slight="" suffocation="" from="" how="" cramped="" it="" was.="" he="" had="" stayed="" in="" the="" s.p.a.cious="" magic="" tower="" for="" too="" long.="" when="" he="" returned="" to="" a="" normal="" room="" like="" that,="" it="" was="" slightly="" difficult="" to="" adapt.="" “du~du~du~”="" al="" wright="" rapped="" on="" the="" door="" lightly="" as="" he="" tried="" to="" calm="" his="" state="" of="" mind="" as="" much="" as="" possible.="" “come="" on="" in;="" the="" door’s="" unlocked.”="" a="" familiar="" voice="" sounded="" out="" from="" behind="" the="" door.="" it="" was="" the="" same="" mild="" and="" tranquil="" voice,="" like="" a="" small,="" still="" lake="" under="" the="" starlight.="" al="" wright="" pushed="" open="" the="" door="" and="" entered,="" spotting="" the="" back="" of="" a="" person="" bathed="" under="" the="" sunlight.="" the="" golden="" sunlight="" came="" through="" a="" small="" window="" in="" the="" attic,="" shooting="" a="" beam="" of="" golden="" light="" into="" the="" dusky="" room.="" the="" beam="" of="" light="" landed="" on="" the="" scrawny="" figure="" of="" the="" person="" in="" the="" room.="" the="" owner="" of="" the="" scrawny="" figure="" sat="" on="" a="" worn="" chair,="" grasping="" a="" quill="" pen="" in="" his="" hand.="" he="" was="" leaning="" over="" an="" old="" table="" with="" flaking="" paint,="" engrossedly="" writing="" something.="" at="" a="" corner="" of="" the="" table,="" had="" a="" stack="" of="" magic="" books="" and="" many="" sheets="" of="" parchments.="" when="" al="" wright="" turned="" his="" head="" to="" the="" right,="" he="" spotted="" a="" mattress="" on="" the="" ground.="" as="" his="" eyes="" fell="" onto="" a="" corner="" of="" the="" walls,="" he="" saw="" an="" enormous="" cobweb.="" in="" the="" middle="" of="" the="" cobweb="" was="" a="" fat="" spider="" leisurely="" hanging="" from="" it.="" it="" did="" not="" seem="" like="" it="" was="" worried="" that="" anybody="" would="" disturb="" it.="" he="" also="" discovered="" a="" crack="" at="" the="" corner.="" although="" a="" rag="" was="" placed="" above="" it,="" cold="" wind="" still="" managed="" to="" get="" through.="" crude="" and="" shabby,="" the="" conditions="" of="" it="" were="" comparable="" to="" slum="" houses.="" al="" wright="" was="" once="" a="" homeless="" orphan,="" and="" he="" had="" also="" experienced="" a="" life="" like="" that.="">

r, he had never expected Link, a n.o.ble’s son to also have a day like that. Because Al Wright had experienced conditions like these before, he sympathised greatly with Link. Distress, shamefulness, appreciation, a myriad of feelings surged through Al Wright's heart. The feelings turned into tears seeping out of his eyes. The rims of his eyes turned red as hot tears began to gush down like an ocean rising above the levies. Al Wright immediately raised his head, not allowing the tears to flow out. When he was 8, he had been bullied by other children of the same age on the streets. At that time, he had bawled and cried his eyes out for help. However, he was an orphan, and n.o.body would appear to console him. His weeping had only attracted more ridicule and taunt. From that moment onwards, he had vowed never to cry.[footnote] ok this is cringy af.[/footnote] However, in this moment, he had broken his vow. Link was a n.o.ble. He initially had 1,300 gold coins on him, and he could've lived comfortably in river valley village. But he had chosen to together enough money for his studying fees, and had endured bitter days like these. How could he possibly not feel anything? What had made Al Wright even more ashamed was that Link had never spoken a word of this. While he was studying magic at the academy, Link had never mentioned even a tiny bit of his bitter life, and had consoled him and allowed him to diligently study magic. Link had even urged him not to be distracted from his studies. But Al Wright had never noticed this at all. "Link?" Al Wright tried his best to still his feelings and gently called out. The scrawny figure stiffened, and the goose-feather pen in his hand stopped. Then he turned, a look of 'oops' on his face as he watched Al Wright. "Al Wright, why did you come?" He had thinned. A month ago he had been fatter, with more meat. His eyes were still holeless dark pits with no spirit, and he wore a coa.r.s.e and thin flax gown on his body. Al Wright's heart ached. This time, the uncontrollable tears gushed out, "Why didn't you tell me?!" Looking at Al Wright's outburst, Link got a huge shock. Why would this half-elf be so emotional? He was a grown young man, how could he cry so easily? However, as he sifted through his memories of the previous world, he discovered that Al Wright had a very emotional nature. In the previous game world, Al Wright had cried 3 times before. The first was when his wife[footnote]or wife and chidlren[/footnote] was slain by a demon. The second was for his comrade-in-arms who had died in battle and the third was when he had seen the fleeing refugees from the north. So this rascal was actually very emotional. After thinking, Link finally understood why Al Wright was crying. Laughing, Link said, "Are you blaming me for not telling you about these simple matters?" Al Wright nodded his head. He had lived very well in the magic academy. If he had just tried a little harder, he could also earn some gold coins. Even if he hadn't spent much time writing magic scrolls, he had also earned 15 silver coins. For the other students, they could earn at least 50 gold coins in a month! As long as Link had spoken to him about this, he did not have to live in such harsh conditions. Link chuckled, shaking his head. "My friend, I'm actually doing not too badly. Look; past the window, I can see the beautiful Gwinnett Forest. Listen; you cannot hear anything within this room. Isn't it quiet? Think again, I have no money on me, I dress shabbily, and n.o.body bothers to notice me. This also means that n.o.body disturbs my magic studies as well as me writing my thesis. How bad can this be?" When he put it that way, Al Wright felt like there was some logic within his words, but he still felt like something was fishy. "But..." "No buts. You know, my dream has always been chasing magic. Other than that, I don't really care about anything else." Link grinned. His grin was like the sun, and it broke down all of Al Wright's shame and haze in his heart. Since Link had put it this way, Al Wright began to feel slightly better. However, AL Wright would never forget the things that had happened today. He knew that in this world, it was only this person. It was only this person that would cast away his dignity, endure ridicule from others and choose the life of a beggar just for him to study magic. In his heart, this man was already his brother. If needed, he would sacrifice everything for him. "Do you have time now? Wanna go grab a drink or two downstairs?" Al Wright swiped at his eyes and sorted out his feelings. "Why not? Give me a second, I'll sort out everything first." Link smiled. After arranging his papers, the two of them wen to the dining hall. "Matt, I want the best dishes and the best wine." Al Wright yelled. "No problem." Matt beamed. The dishes and wine was soon served. The two of them began to talk and eat. Link talked a bit about his progress in his thesis, and they also discussed about questions on magic. Al Wright also let Link on about the hot gossip in the magic academy as well as some interesting news. The two of them talked very agreeably. After a dozen cups were emptied, the effects of the wine began to show themselves. Al Wright's tolerance for alcohol was clearly not high, and he had begun to sprout nonsense. Link's body had a pretty good tolerance, and Link still held his soberness. Intoxicated, Al Wright had very weird mannerisms. He would laugh and he would weep, and Link did not know whether to laugh or cry with him. Calling over the inn a.s.sistant, Link began to prepare a bed for AL Wright to rest in. "No, no need, go, I want to sleep in the attic!" Al Wright drawled. Helpless, Link could only comply with Al Wright's drunken wishes. He arranged a second mattress in the attic, and put Al Wright to be. As for him, after carrying Al Wright up so many flights of stairs, the adrenaline had chased away the last bit of tipsiness in his head. Link left the inn to speak with the coachman. The coachman a.s.sured him that Al Wright had already intended to drink and stay the night at the inn. They would return to the academy tomorrow. a.s.sured, Link returned to the attic. The attic had the scroll[footnote]of questions about magic that Link mailed along with Moira's answers[/footnote] and the magic book. After a quick glance, Link was enchanted by the magic book. This was a high level magic book, and had information he desperately needed![footnote]not literally enchanted for non-english speakers[/footnote] The book of magic was called 'the advancement of magic', and it introduced the level 1 magic spells' magic structures, and it also had a brief summary for those seeking to pursue higher levelled magic spells. Link flipped a few pages, and discovered that there was even a detailed ill.u.s.tration of the magic rune halo's magic structure! "What a good book!" Link was enchanted, and he forgot about the time. After an unknown period of time, a voice came from behind him, "What time is it?" Al Wright had awoken up. Link woke up with a start, and he glanced at his pocket watch. "A little more than 7 p.m.." Then he felt his stomach rumble. "I'll settle the food." Al Wright was also starving. He exited the attic. After five to six minutes, he returned with his arms full with a large plate of cheese. The two of them ate. While eating, Link read the magic book and carefully flipped through the pages. He made sure he did not allow any stains to get on it. Al Wright casually read Link's written thesis. After reading, Link continued reading the magic book. Al Wright's focus had already been totally absorbed by the thesis. He mumbled, "Too amazing! How is this possible? Wait, is this even derivation anymore?" He was thoroughly fascinated. -Chapter 52, end-