Descent of the Demon Master - Chapter 178. Working Part-Time (3)

Chapter 178. Working Part-Time (3)

Jun Yeong continued to lay out his plan of action. “Boss, that girl is an innocent little lamb. All I need to do is press the right buttons.”

Han Seon-Gu narrowed his eyes. “...Hey, you. Maybe you're wrong about Kang Se-Ah being an innocent little girl? I mean, isn't she famous for being abrasive and hot-headed?”

“Boss, haven't you seen that clip online? You know, the one with that crazy bastard interrupting the broadcast.”

“Mm? Are you talking about that incident of Kang Se-Ah's oppa dragging her away during the live broadcast?”

“Yeah, that one.” Jun Yeong nodded in affirmation.

Han Seon-Gu frowned deeply. “Man, it's great to be an agency with plenty of weight to throw around, isn't it? Even after causing such a massive scene, look how they aren't even barred from showing up on TV. If that was us, hell, we would've been barred from entering the TV station buildings!”

Jun Yeong tutted like an old man. “Boss, is that all you saw in that situation?”

“What? What else is there to see?”

“Seriously now, who would stop in the middle of their performance and come down the stage just because their older brother demands it?”

“Ah... Hey, you're right.” Han Seon-Gu nodded with a look of sudden realization on his face.

Jun Yeong chuckled in a 'see? I told you so' manner. “If she's as hot-headed as the rumors say, that girl wouldn't have obeyed her oppa like that. It's all just baseless rumor, boss.”

Unfortunately for these two men, they were falling deeper and deeper into a serious misunderstanding.

Han Seon-Gu also remembered something else just then. “Oh, right. Did you see her oppa's face? Man, that was shocking,...