Deep Kiss Of Winter - Deep Kiss of Winter Part 44

Deep Kiss of Winter Part 44

He exited Aleaha's body, reforming into a solid mass, then carried her to the bed and gently splayed her over the mattress. The ends of her dark hair were wet, dripping. Moisture danced along every inch of her flushed skin, her nipples were still hard, and her limbs were boneless.

She was the most erotic sight he'd ever beheld.

Naked, he crawled in beside her and pulled her into his side. He'd come inside her. His spirit had somehow experienced absolute release while inhabiting her. He'd never heard of such a thing happening, much less being possible, but ithadhappened. They'd been fused, one being.

Several times, he'd felt her body try to change images. Felt the bones trying to lengthen or shorten, even felt the pigment in her skin trying to lighten or darken. But he'd maintained a firm grip on her, on Aleaha, and she'd remained the same, just as he'd promised her. Just as she'd hoped. Surely that was a sign they were meant to be together.

Together. Yes. He wasn't going to let her go, he decided. Not ever. She was his, from this moment on. She didn't have a man, and she desired him. She might still be fighting it, but she did desire him.

His next mission: making her admit it.


IN THE WEE HOURS OF THE MORNING, Breean left Aleaha in bed. With her cozied up to him, he'd been too keyed up and hadn't been able to sleep, and now he needed to meet with Talon. Though he desperately wanted to take her with him, she was still lost in slumber, at peace, and he was loath to wake her. He really had worn her out, he thought, grinning. He'd satisfied his woman into a stupor.

Even as grateful as she would surely be-in his dreams-he didn't trust her, and made sure to lock the door. And smart boy that he was, he'd nailed the window permanently shut before ever inviting her into his bedroom.

He nodded to the men striding through the halls, keeping guard. Nodded to those cleaning and sharpening their weapons, getting ready to stand watch. Seeing them work so diligently, a wave of guilt hit him. He'd have to take a shift soon. His army worked hard; the men deserved a break, and god knew he'd already had his. But damn if he was ready to leave Aleaha for an extended period, now that he had her where he wanted her.

Finally he reached his office, where Talon was waiting for him. As Breean claimed his chair at the desk, his friend, seated in front of him, glanced up from the book he'd been perusing.

"Who spirit-walked?" he asked, jumping right into business.

"I took the first shift," Talon said, "and Cain the second."

Breean studied the warrior. The tension that had shadowed his face for the past two years was gone. "After your shift, you found a woman, I take it."

Talon grinned slowly, revealing perfect white teeth. "Two, actually."

"And you kept your skin covered?"

"Completely. My scent drew them in, and after that I had only to unfasten my pants. They couldn't get to my cock fast enough. You know," Talon added thoughtfully, "I really like this planet. I'm glad we decided to stay."

If only Aleaha were as easy as Talon's females. Her resistance was her biggest flaw. Silly him for ever thinking the harder he had to work for a victory, the more he'd appreciate it. He would have given anything to have all of hernow. "Did either of you learn anything?"

"I admit my attention wasn't where it should have been, and I was easily distracted. But Cain, well, you know he is a force to be reckoned with, more determined than most. He found AIR headquarters."

"How?" In all their visits here, they'd failed to locate the building that housed AIR's elite. Apparently, they'd been overrun by reporters one night and had since moved their headquarters to somewhere secret.

"He watched as an otherworlder was arrested, then slid unnoticed into the car that drove the blindfolded creature in."

Of course. So simple, so easy. Breean leaned forward, eager. This was better than he had hoped. "What did he learn?"

"AIR is run by a woman named Mia Snow. Her man is an Arcadian, a king, and he can move as swiftly as we can. He was with her that night, the night we arrived. They were waiting a mile or so away, ready to swoop in if a second line of defense was needed. But we weren't the Schon, as they'd expected."

Aleaha had told him that. Which meant, Aleaha had told him the truth. Darling girl. He should reward her with another orgasm.

"Still, they were coming after us when another solar flare erupted around them, as if it had purposefully been directed at them, and they disappeared."

Breean had learned that every planet had a way of utilizing those solar flares. Some used stones as a guide-if they carried a stone from a certain planet, that was the planet the solar flare would take them to. Some, like him, used visualization. Breean had imagined a planet with a thriving metropolis, and this was one of the places he'd ended up. Some simply knew the celestial gate those flares opened and which doors to enter.

Could some actually control the flares?

"Have the agents returned? Where did they go?"

"They have returned, yes, so Cain said. Where they went ... I'm not sure this can be true. They claim to have traveled into the past. Into another plane or dimension, they weren't sure. A state called New Orleans, where females with pointed ears and unnatural strength reside alongside men who suck the blood from your body. The females called themselves the Nxies. Nxies house of pain. Nxies house of pleasure, Nxies house of crazy-something like that. Cain was confused, and could have gotten some of the details wrong."

How ... odd.

Talon continued, "They didn't stay long. Just long enough for us to have left the forest."

Again, had someone controlled the flare, keeping them away? If so, that being would have been aiding Breean. But who would want to aid him?

The Schon queen? Most likely. After all, a group of her men had been destroyed by AIR. Perhaps she had thought Breean would take care of the problem for her. How had she known Breean was coming here, though? Since leaving Raka, he'd had no contact with her.

"Anything else?" he asked on a sigh.

"Yes, but you will not like it." Shifting in his seat, Talon massaged the back of his neck. "One of the agents escaped during the move here. Syler chased him but lost him."

Breean's hands fisted. "Why did no one tell me?"

"Syler told no one."

First Marleon's betrayal, and now this. He was losing control of his army! "By keeping this a secret, he has placed us all in danger."


"I will not kill him for the offense, but he must be punished. Ten lashes should teach him to use his tongue when necessary."

Talon nodded. "Fortunately, the agent doesn't seem to know where we are now located."

One small favor, at least. "Was nothing learned about the Schon?"

"No. AIR still has no idea when the queen will arrive. The one Schon they have in lockup refuses to speak about her."

He straightened. "They have a Schon in lockup?"


A killing rage sprang to life inside of him. That bastard might very well be the one who had seduced his mother and sisters. And if not, that bastard still needed to die, for surely he had seduced someone else's mother and sisters.

"Cain did well," he said, forcing himself to calm. "Give him the day off and tell him to do as he pleases."

"He will be overjoyed."

"I will take his shift tonight, so he does not have to worry about that, either."

Talon's eyes widened, and there was a spark of delight. Breean knew the two men had spent time together throughout the years, even a few lonely nights. What they'd done, he didn't know but could guess. They might both crave females, as Talon had proven with his excess, but they must have enjoyed each other. Now that women were in plentiful supply, he'd expected their association to end. Looked like he'd been wrong.

He pushed to his feet. "As for now, I have something to attend to." Or rather, someone.

Aleaha came awake instantly,deeply asleep one moment, fully cognizant the next. Her entire body ached-and not in pleasure this time. Her blood was rushing too quickly, and there was too much of it, filling her veins at an unnatural rate.

She moaned, trying to fight the pain. Trying to stop the unfolding of events that always followed this sensation. Not now. Not after everything she'd just experienced with Breean.

Oh, God. Breean. Was he still here?Please let him be somewhere else.

She searched the bed with swollen eyes. She was splayed on the mattress, still naked and covered by soft white sheets. Breean was beside her-and he was awake, watching her every move. No. No! She'd fought so hard to keep this part of her life to herself. To be forced to reveal her secret now ...

More than anyone, she didn't wanthimto witness what she was about to do. What shehadto do. He'd no longer be caring or kind. He'd no longer seek pleasure from her.

She chewed on her bottom lip to cut off a groan. This shouldn't be happening, not for another few days.

"Are you hurt?" he asked, frowning. "Did I hurt you?"

"I need some time alone, okay?" she told him, voice a ragged mix of faux light-heartedness, pain, and desperation.

"What's going on, Aleaha? You're swelling."

"Leave. Please." Only the desperation emerged this time.

"I'm not going anywhere."

She could see the determination in his golden eyes. "Please."

"No. You will tell me what's happening to you and I will help you. That's your only option."

Seeing no other choice, the agony intensifying, she said, "I-I need a knife."

He snorted, losing all hint of concern. "There are only two things I'll give you right now, and a knife isn't one of them."

"Please. A knife." Wildly she glanced around the chamber, looking for something, anything with a sharp tip. If she had to crawl to it, she would. Last night she'd used her nails, but that hadn't released enough blood. Obviously.

Her line of vision was shrinking, and she saw nothing she could use. No. Wait. In the corner by the door was a bowl filled with fruit. She could dump the food and break the bowl. Surely one of the pieces would be jagged enough to slice through skin and veins.

"I'm not letting you out of this bed," he told her, "so don't even think about getting up."

Ignoring him, she threw her leg over the side. The action nearly felled her. Sharp torment exploded through her every curve and hollow, and she whimpered.Don't cry. Don't you dare cry.

"Aleaha?" he said, concern returning. "Is this a game?"

"No game. Please. A knife."

"But why? Help me understand what's happening."

"I have to cut myself." Soon. Oh, God. Soon.

His eyes narrowed. "Bloodshed is forbidden, Aleaha. You know that. I will not let you spill mine."

"I don't want to spill yours," she admitted weakly. "I want to spillmine."

He blinked in surprise. "Again, why?"

"I just need a fucking knife! I won't use it on you, I swear." The last word left her mouth on a groan. She tried to sit up, to slap him, to force him to understand, but couldn't. Hurt. So badly. She'd waited too long.

"Aleaha?" His voice was devoid of emotion, his eyes flat.

"Breean.Please. I must."

"You're in pain, I can see that, but I can't aid you until you've told me what's wrong."

She wasn't given a chance to respond. He hissed in a breath and jerked away from her, as if he finally understood. "Are you sick? You told me you weren't infected. Did you lie? Did biting me-"

"No. Not sick. Breean, the knife." A tear slid down her cheek, followed quickly by another, until there was an unstoppable flood of them. With every second that passed, her pain and swelling increased.

"Tell me why you wish to do something so barbaric as cut yourself. Now!"

The words exploded from her on a desperate breath. If the truth was what he needed to propel him into aiding her, God help them both, she'd give him the truth. "I produce too much blood. I think it has something to do with the way I change forms. And I've changed a lot these past few days. Every week or so, I have to cut myself to drain the excess. I tried to drain some last night, but when we ... in the tub ..."

"You didn't change in the tub. I made sure of it."

"The pleasure, maybe ... I don't know. Help me. Please, just help me." She was babbling, but couldn't stop. She expected him to leap away from her with revulsion. He continued to stare down at her, something hard in his eyes.

"What happens if you fail to cut yourself?" he asked raggedly.

"I swell. My organs will burst. Knife," she cried, doubling over. She must have squeezed her eyes shut because the next thing she knew, Breean was hovering over her, teeth bared.

Finally, though, he held a knife, hilt out. "I am giving you this because I would rather deal with the possibility of contaminated blood than watch you suffer. If you are lying ..."

There would be hell to pay. "Not ... lying." She tried to reach out, but her elbow locked in place, too swollen to move. Even her fingers had become unbendable. No.No!"Can't move. You ... must do it."

His eyes widened, and there was the revulsion she'd expected.

That didn't stop her from continuing; it couldn't, not if she wanted to survive. "St-stab me. In the thigh. Biggest artery, will drain the most."

He shook his head violently. "Surely you are jesting. I have killed men for shedding blood, and you want me to stabyou?"

"If you don't, I'll die." The more the blood built up, the faster she would destruct. "Hurry. Cut and leave the knife inside. Otherwise, heal too quickly."