Deep Is The Night 03 - Haunted Souls - Deep Is The Night 03 - Haunted Souls Part 62

Deep Is The Night 03 - Haunted Souls Part 62

Sorley grinned and slapped the cop on the back. "Oh, we're quiteright , most of the time."

They started to leave again.

"Wait." Fortesque surveyed their cloaks. "Are you guys going to a Halloween party?"

"Of course," Sorley said. "Wouldn't miss it."

Fortesque's puzzled air made Ronan grin. Instead of going invisible and popping from the room, Ronan walked out. Sorley threw a comment back as he followed. "Have a good day."

Sorley smiled at Ronan as they walked along the street in the emerging morning light.



"That was fun."

Ronan chuckled. "Yeah."

They hadn't gone far before Ronan felt an odd, unusual foreboding. Deciding where to go next wouldn't be a problem. "There's significant tension on the south side of town."

As they continued their patrol, they headed into the more residential area in the south section beyond Main Street.

Do you think the cops have noticed somethin' wrong yet?Sorley asked.

If they haven't, they'd better do it soon. Not that it'll do them much good. They can't fight this.

Why are we trying to? We've failed twice already in the last month.

I can't believe you're asking me this.

Sorley subsided into quiet.

A block later Ronan saw a man being held at gunpoint at an ATM machine connected to a bank. "Let's move."

Remaining invisible, they descended on the mugger. Faster than the mugger could blink, Ronan plucked the gun from his hand and threw it against the wall. The weapon shattered into little pieces. He pulled the man into the alley. The young man who stood beside the ATM took off at a run.

Sorley lifted his fist and let out a yell. "Go ahead, run. Forget thankin' us for your stinkin' money and maybe your life."

Ronan knocked the man out and they left the alley without materializing. When the man woke up he would probably wonder if the whole thing had been a dream.

They hadn't gone far when they heard a loud explosion, this one coming from Main Street.

What was that?Sorley asked.Sounded like a bleedin' nuke went off.

Let's find out.

They materialized on Main Street. A small flower shop had burst into flames. People milled around the street, shouting, pointing and others running from the scene. A black sedan with dark windows roared away, almost knocking down a man rushing across the street. A cop car followed, sirens screaming.

Ronan gestured to the car. "Those bastards threw a Molotov cocktail."

Bloodlust turned Sorley's eyes carnelian red. "Let's get 'em!"

A flash of unease made Ronan grab his arm. "You see if there's anyone trapped in the building. I'll take care of the bastards who threw the cocktail."

Some of the red left Sorley's eyes and for a second he looked like he might argue.

Instead he nodded and dematerialized.

Ronan didn't know how many people rode in the black sedan, so he didn't try to teleport and materialize into the car. As he flew in the air alongside the car, he could see three burly men occupied it. This called for heavy-duty ordinance; he couldn't rely on the cops doing all the work. He didn't have time to place an object in front of them unless...

He appeared in the road in front of the onrushing car and planted his hands on his hips and his feet wide apart.

Ronan watched the driver's eyes widen in horror. Seconds later the screech of tires on pavement pierced the night. The driver swerved and veered off the road toward a copse of small pines. Ronan closed his eyes and concentrated on slowing the car's momentum to a more survivable speed. As the car rammed into the trees, it ran over the smaller ones.

With a crunch the right side of the front bumper hit a much larger tree. Steam poured from under the hood. Taking a quick look into the car, Ronan saw all three men sprawled in the car, unconscious.

Good. At least he wouldn't have to put them out for the authorities. He went invisible again. The police cruiser pulled up behind the car and out jumped three cops. He remained invisible and stuck around for a few minutes to make sure the police could handle the criminals.

A few moments later he headed east on Main Street, a strange new energy in his physical body and his soul. Sunlight crept toward the horizon, ready to bring on a new day. He almost felt as if he could fight the sun and its debilitating effect on him. Knowing the idea made no sense, he maintained his invisibility and flipped the cloak hood up to block intruding light. Again he popped onto Main Street closer to the fire. Firefighters worked the blaze.

Sorley, where are you?

Cold wind whooshed by him like a fast train.

Then he heard a deep chuckle he would know anywhere.Sorley isn't here, but I am.

Ronan stood on the sidewalk near a store and didn't move.Gloating over your handiwork, ancient one? You're causing this mayhem, aren't you?

I start nothing. Mortals have all the ability to create hate and crime and the iniquity of the ages.

You lie.

I speak the truth, but you choose not to listen. You would rather believe I am the root of all evil on this planet. That I do whatever I can to bring you personal pain. Have you ever thought you seek pain? That you want to punish yourself for Fenella's death?

Ronan couldn't stop the upwelling of hatred as it surged upwards in waves. Nothing irked him more, enraged him more, than people who couldn't take responsibility for their actions. This warmed-over shit pile hadn't taken accountability for anything in a thousand years.

You killed her, you asshole.

Her stupidity led her from home and into unguarded territory, just as it does any human who doesn't listen to the dark warnings in their heart. Humans deny that they must be on watch, and they don't understand that bad things lurk in the shadows and the light barely keeps it at bay. Their souls are haunted and yet they deny the dark side of their lives in favor of the light. When the dark comes, they do not ident ify it until it is too late and they're consumed. That's what killed your Fenella. There is something you didn't know about her.

Ronan's breathing came harder, his turmoil breaking loose.You're lying.

Just because I am the most powerful vampire on earth does not mean I lie full-time. You delude yourself as much or more than I would mislead you.

He couldn't trust what the ancient one said, but he could certainly probe the monster for answers.You're saying Fenella had a dark side?

She explored her dark side yet kept it hidden from everyone, including you.

No. He wouldn't believe it.

Believe it, Ronan Kieran. From the time she was young she played tricks on others and used her charm and wits to deceive. Just as all women do.

Ronan drew a deep breath. So that explained it. Respite eased his mind. The ancient one's taunts weren't really about Fenella, but about the old vampire's twisted categorizations and beliefs about females.